Anonymous ID: 3ff07f Dec. 31, 2023, 5:23 p.m. No.20161397   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1403


Any planefags around?


Tonight the General Aviation ramps will be deserted. Baddie gonna bug-out, time to get the charter jet.

Who would head for a "friend's" yacht to escape to International Waters? Who would try International Flight?

Perhaps their arrogance won't let them run. So much the better. Kek "Do you know who I am?" "Yes, it's you we are here to arrest"

Anonymous ID: 3ff07f Dec. 31, 2023, 5:52 p.m. No.20161551   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>The major issues of the day are causing them to turn on each other like the mindless, rabid dogs they are.

Indeed. Their own actions broadcast nationwide. Claims to moral highground falling apart. The vaunted "diversity and inclusion" exposed for being just a sham tactic.

NYC, on New Year's Eve. Imagine the NHK and DW audiences worldwide seeing it all live. I'll check the BBC headlines tomorrow to see what they say

Anonymous ID: 3ff07f Dec. 31, 2023, 6:35 p.m. No.20161770   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1830 >>1883

USS Ford Carrier Group Scheduled To Go Home

Bloomberg December 31, 2023


By Max Zimmerman (Bloomberg) The USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier strike group will leave the eastern Mediterranean Sea more than two months after being sent to the region following Hamas’ attack on Israel in October, ABC News reported.


The carrier and other surface ships that form the strike group will head back to their home port of Norfolk, Virginia, in the “coming days” as originally scheduled, a senior US official and a US official told the outlet. The carrier group is returning to the US to prepare for future deployments.


The US will still have military capability in the region and flexibility to deploy additional cruisers and destroyers in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, the senior US official told ABC.


A Defense Department spokesman told ABC that they had nothing to announce today.


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin directed the naval group to the region the day after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7. The carrier was sent to the region to bolster regional deterrence, Austin said at the time, in an effort to prevent the conflict from widening into a wider regional one.


USS Ford’s Record-Breaking Mideast Deployment Endangers Key Test


Ford advocates are certainly happy. The October 7 attack on Israel transformed the nature of USS Gerald R. Ford’s first “real” deployment, pushing the carrier into the limelight. Engaged in a relatively sedate, port-call-heavy passage into the Western Mediterranean, the carrier shifted into crisis mode, abruptly canceling two port calls in Southern France and roaring east, where it has been enhancing U.S. command-and-control and situational awareness ever since.


The platform has been valuable enough that the Pentagon extended the Ford’s deployment twice since the initial attacks. As the ship, in its longest uninterrupted stint at sea yet, still orbits on the fringe of open conflict, Pentagon leaders may try and squeeze a few extra months out of what the Ford-class carrier Program Manager, Captain Brian Metcalf, previously described as an “at least six-month deployment.”



