nyanon ID: 585912 nyanon AMA Dec. 31, 2023, 5 p.m. No.20161255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1261 >>1264


Wasn't me.

I've never been to an awards show.

I don't understand the reference.



I can accept that this may be the wrong place. I don't use Reddit. But I will happily set up an account for this purpose. Which board would you suggest?



Lying. Pretty much any form of deception.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 5:09 p.m. No.20161319   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm not sure.

How much do you know?

It's mostly just deception. Lying to others. Lying to yourself.


In the modern world we are also very much tied to one another through financial investments. Through 401k or Superannuation many in Western countries profit from the misery of others and from environmental destruction. They invite many forms of influence into their life some are demonic some are not, some are good some are bad.


If you think about someone one of the 5eyes countries, if they have some money put away for retirement through discretionary investing or forced savings they probably profit from alcohol ,gambling, arms sales, harmful drugs, private prisons. If you profit from other's misery you invite misery yourself and it is very difficult to avoid in this world.


But lying is the worst one. Particularly for people who are professional liars or take pride or enjoyment in their lying.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 5:16 p.m. No.20161360   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm not sure.

How much do you know?

It's mostly just deception. Lying to others. Lying to yourself.

In the modern world we are also very much tied to one another through financial investments. Through 401k or Superannuation many in Western countries profit from the misery of others and from environmental destruction. They invite many forms of influence into their life some are demonic some are not, some are good some are bad.

If you think about someone one of the 5eyes countries, if they have some money put away for retirement through discretionary investing or forced savings they probably profit from alcohol ,gambling, arms sales, harmful drugs, private prisons. If you profit from other's misery you invite misery yourself and it is very difficult to avoid in this world.

But lying is the worst one. Particularly for people who are professional liars or take pride or enjoyment in their lying.



Interesting questions. Thank you.


My spiritual path is to follow God’s will. I am currently on that path.

I intend to spend eternity in the wheel of time.



I can accept that this may be the wrong place. I don't use Reddit. But I will happily set up an account for this purpose. Which board would you suggest?


And it does indeed move fast here. I'm having trouble keeping up.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 5:33 p.m. No.20161459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1469 >>1611 >>1820


Another form of consent which is very relevant to our time has to do with unnecessary medical procedures.

They sin against the flesh.

The one who is operated on has a connection back to the one who operated on them, or perhaps their handler.

The energy and emotion that the 'victim' feels when they feel their wounds flows to the one who marked them to use in their rituals.

It works very well because many of these victims are atheists, so they claim to exist in a world with no God. They unknowingly participate in rituals designed to mock God and they deny God so God cannot save them. They give consent for their pain to be used to give these people more power for their magic.


The anthropogenic climate change movement sins against Mother Nature. People around the world pay taxes for HAARP and cloud seeding. Then they die in floods and tornadoes. They are conenting to their own sacrifice by paying taxes to the people who develop the technology that kills them.


When we give up our gun rights we consent. It is well established that any government must be held in check by a well armed populace. Myths and legends handed down through generations warn people about being sacrificed and eaten by the ruling class. If you give up your means of defending yourself you basically consent to being eaten. And people do so gleefully! The rulers love how enthusiastic humans get about giving up their rights for the 'greater good.'



Wasn't me.

I've never been to an awards show.

I don't understand the reference.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 6:15 p.m. No.20161687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1727


Nice work staying intact! I admire your resolve.


The unnecessary surgery is particularly relevant today because of the whole trans thing. Throughout history becoming a eunuch inorder to serve a deity has been a great honour. Thousands around the world are being made into eunuchs today - some are even children who are so defiled by their own parents. Every one of these people is an unknowing acolyte for the death cult.


The practice of marking, mutilating and defiling flesh has existed for millenia. It was usually done as a punishment. More recently in jurisdictions with strong human rights the practise happens to people who are abducted, kept prisoner and taken apart piece by piece over years. Today we have a situation where people embrace their mutilation and enthusiastically share news of their liberation with anyone who will listen (pay attention).


Their attention and the attention of their loved ones is focussed up on the 'transformation.' For the victim, when you have a piece of your body removed or drastically altered it has a huge impact upon the CNS. All of the physical sensations and emotions are channelled back through the path of sustained attention to whichever priests or priestesses performed the mutilation. Imagine how many puppets a seasoned mutilator would hold sway over.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 6:36 p.m. No.20161775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1801


I don't know. I have been out of that world since I was 9 or 10. Everything I know comes from before that time. The main focus for my handlers was developing in me the skills and attributes I would need to carry out their bidding. It was their original intention that I should die at the age 7, but I survived the attempt.


I only had exposure to two other families so my knowledge of communication or trading between families is basically zero. I can only speak of the practices and history of my own family, and how they moulded my perception - particularly the way I viewed other people.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 6:40 p.m. No.20161792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1813


Not a tripod. A tripcode.

So you can verify my identity across the posts I make today and any future posts I make.

I expect my posts will attract the wrong sort of attention and that people are going to visit the board claiming to be me. I do not want that to happen. Hence my desire to establish a tripcode.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 6:46 p.m. No.20161831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1839


I was in a housefire.

I knew the house well and had been given a set of instructions which were to be activated by a keyphrase.

Once I heard the key phrase I went through the house room by room closing and looking the doors and windows as well as collecting the housekeys.

I threw the keys from the top of the building to a man waiting below. He lit the fire. I knew what he was going to do. I consented to it.

I also knew everyone else in the house was going to die. I did this deliberately with the intention of sacrificing these innocent people and myself to the dark lord.

A passerby rescued myself and two other children from the fire. Everyone else died.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 6:52 p.m. No.20161860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1876 >>1886 >>1895


Yes. I am.

I did not. I accused others of lighting the fire and they were wrongfully imprisoned -as juveniles.

I have since changed my statement but nothing happened. There was about 30 years between events, but still. I find the fact that nothing has changed absolutely terrifying.

I do have nightmares. Not as many as I used to. But I would wake from my sleep every night sweating, crying and trembling. THat is until I started smoking weed. Now I basically can't sleep without it. I am haunted by those deaths and I believe I will be forever and I think that's perfectly fair.

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 6:55 p.m. No.20161890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1904


Oh wow. No wonder it doesn't work.

Is there a way I can establish my identity across successive iterations?

I use a VPN and every time I turn it on and off I get a new ID.

Or is there somewhere else that would be more suitable?

nyanon ID: 585912 Dec. 31, 2023, 6:58 p.m. No.20161910   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree.

I went to the police. They claimed to have no record of the event.

I spoke to the people I accused and they claimed no knowledge too.

There is a coverup.