Anonymous ID: 13279d Jan. 2, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.20171832   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1838



>Maine Triad Weed Bust Dig



Center's new CBD store touts health without high


Bob Sprague By Bob Sprague


Business news


Bryan Mason at Your CBD Store 00 Stefanie Gable and Bryan Mason at Your CBD Store.


With a medical-marijuana outlet on Water Street, and two recreational-marijuana shops to open in Arlington sometime in 2020, a long-empty storefront in Arlington Center selling related but very different products has come to town.


Your CBD Store, at 460 Mass. Ave., offers what the name says – CBD, or cannabidiol. That is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis (marijuana). As the Harvard article notes, “While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the hemp plant ….[B]y itself it does not cause a “high.”


But let's have the franchise owner, Bryan Mason, explain what the storefront empty since 2013 what he sells.


“Our products are from a company known asSunMed, which is based out of Colorado. We are proud to say that this 'soil-to-oil' company owns their own hemp farms and oversees production from the seeds planted to the products on our shelves.”

Retains beneficial cannibinoids


The 39-year-old explained in an email why he supports SunMed products, noting they are made from the highest-quality industrial hemp and contain zero percent of the high-inducing THC compound. He said the company’s process for extraction results in a product that is rich in concentrated cannabinoids. Following the removal of THC, SunMed introduces a proprietary blend of plant-based terpenes known to increase the efficiency of the product.


“Our goal is to provide the community with a safe-quality and consistent products they can use daily to help with symptoms, ranging from arthritic pain to stress and insomnia.”


He said his shop is selling predominantly topical pain-relief creams as well as tinctures and water-soluble drops.


“CBD products work with your bodies preexisting endocannibinoid system to decrease inflammation, increase serotonin levels (the calming hormone) and boost our immune system.


“Our top seller is the 500mg Topical Relief Cream voted number one in the US CBD Expo this year. It has a wonderful, soothing scent, nongreasy texture and can provide point-specific pain relief within minutes.


“Our other top seller is the 500mg sublingual tinctures (slower onset but longer acting relief) and 300mg water-soluble drops (fast-acting relief). We offer a range of additional products like face serums, body lotions, bath bombs and more. Costumers can come in and speak to staff about what may work best for them as each individuals needs will determine their best options.”

Owner's background


Asked about his background, Mason wrote that he has been employed for more than 10 years with a large telecommunication company, “but always felt a calling to help others and pursue entrepreneurial interests.”


Over the years while working full time, he has worked as an EMT, massage therapist, volunteered as firefighter, volunteered for a pediatric oncology organization, sold real estate on the side and is enrolled at UMass./Lowell pursuing degree in psychology.

Anonymous ID: 13279d Jan. 2, 2024, 2:18 p.m. No.20171838   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2076


>Owner's background


>Asked about his background, Mason wrote that he has been employed for more than 10 years with a large telecommunication company, “but always felt a calling to help others and pursue entrepreneurial interests.”


Recently, because of his own back pain and his girlfriend's shoulder injuries, he wrote that CBD was used regularly at home and he felt this was his way to combine his desire to help others while becoming a business owner.


He searched for the perfect shop location for months, he wrote, “because I had this mental list the location needed to fulfill and something was always lacking. As soon as I drove through Arlington, each item on that list was checked off, and I found the store front, and it all clicked.


“As a history enthusiast, I love that Arlington Center offers the latest trends, a diverse demographic, while peppering in the amazing historical sites and the Minuteman Bikeway right through it all.”


He was was raised in Wilmington and lives in Reading.

Many misconceptions


He make clear that the community “certainly is curious about CBD, with many misconceptions, but the shop has already had dozens of visitors just looking to expand their understanding of the product.


“As always, there is going to be skepticism, but we encourage those people to come in and ask questions and allow use to explain the science behind our products and goals show them we aren't a bogus store selling 'snake oil'."


His team looks forward helping the public. Besides Mason, they are his girlfriend, Stefanie Gable, full-time BSN-RN, handling marketing and customer service part time; and his mother,Donna Mason, finance and customer service.


The shop opened Sept. 1, and plans for a grand opening – with give-aways, raffles, Q&A and photo-ops – is set for Sunday, Oct. 13.


The460 Mass. Ave. location,next to Tango, was formerly United Shoe Repair.


Contact Your CBD Store at 781-400-8888.

