Anonymous ID: 75f95b Jan. 2, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.20172153   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Lise (((Pearlman)))


for those who dont know which is probably most of you, Linbergh was a national hero until he challenged the jews and called the WW2 a jewish war, and then they ruined him for it.

everyone else hid under the table. That's why our country is the way it is today.

Anonymous ID: 75f95b Jan. 2, 2024, 3:40 p.m. No.20172243   🗄️.is 🔗kun

…(con't from screenshot)

For example, during the same time period that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was repeatedly advising parents to get their children vaccinated against COVID-19, Pfizer was secretly testing for markers of heart damage in vaccinated kids. They looked for Troponin I in minors. When heart damage occurs, troponin I, a protein, gets released into the bloodstream.


While the CDC was urging parents to vaccinate their kids, Pfizer was studying how badly its mRNA COVID vaccine damaged children’s hearts.


Pfizer ran a study called ‘Phase 2/3 Obtaining Serum Samples for Potential Troponin I Testing.’ The study, which started in September 2021, was “…carried out in 2 age groups in order to collect blood samples for potential troponin I testing. The younger age group (5 to <12 years of age) will be placebo-controlled meaning you will receive either active vaccine or placebo. The older age group (12 to <16 years of age) will be open-label meaning everyone will receive active vaccine.”


Shortly after the initial release of Pfizer documents, in April 2022 I wrote my first report, which presented compelling evidence that Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were both aware of the myocarditis-causing potential of the emergency use authorization (EUA) mRNA COVID vaccine. Subsequent research by the late German pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt [confirmed that myocarditis was caused by the mRNA injection?]: he revealed the presence of spike protein in the myocardium of autopsied patients who had ‘died suddenly,’ as well as revealing scarring as a result of autoimmune effects.



Who Knew What, and When?

It became clear by February 2021 that a myocarditis safety signal was in the data and in scientific research ‘in press’ – meaning, scientific research which had passed peer review and been accepted for publication but that was not in print. In fact, the Israeli Ministry of Health alerted the CDC to a myocarditis safety signal on February 28, 2021.


My previously mentioned ‘Report 11: Pfizer Vaccine – FDA Fails to Mention Risk of Heart Damage in Teens‘ clarified that the committees reviewing the vaccine rollout had received information from the Pfizer Post-Marketing Experience 5.3.6 document, released in full in Spring 2021, and from other publicly available information that showed 35 cases of myocarditis in children within one week after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.


In April 2021, Israel began examining an unexpected incidence of myocarditis primarily linked to the second dose of the mRNA COVID vaccine.[] This finding was contrary to prevailing message at that time that COVID infection caused myocarditis. In June 2021, Israel reported a link between a second shot of the Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccine and heart problems in males under the age of 30.


Emails between the CDC and the White House, obtained through FOIA by Ed Berkovich and reported by Amy Kelly, show that the White House and other top health agencies were aware of this information, and sought to cover it up.


These emails reveal the panic within the White House and public health agencies, that unfolded even as the agencies directed consistent media promotion that the vaccine was “safe and effective"..


long article

Anonymous ID: 75f95b Jan. 2, 2024, 3:44 p.m. No.20172263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2273 >>2277 >>2287

CIA Agent Admits Ukraine Is Going To Surrender in 2024

>A CIA agent has gone on the record to warn the public that Ukraine is on the verge of admitting defeat in its ongoing war with Russia.

January 2, 2024 Sean Adl-Tabatabai


Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the nation recently where he falsely claimed Ukraine was winning despite the relentless barrage of Russian bombs and drones.


Putin responded to the speech on Monday by warning that these aerial operations will “intensify”.


Zelensky vowed to see Ukraine transformed into an arms production powerhouse, declaring in the Sunday speech that “next year, the enemy will feel the wrath of domestic production.”


“Our weapons, our equipment, artillery, our shells, our drones, our naval ‘greetings’ to the enemy and at least a million Ukrainian FPV drones,” he said. “All of which we will generously use… On land, in the sky, and, of course, at sea.” reports: Speaking of the West-sponsored pilot training program, which is happening in northern Europe and in America, Zelensky claimed that Ukrainian trainees are “already mastering” F-16 jets and that they’ll “definitely” soon be seen in Ukraine’s skies to that “our enemies can certainly see what our real wrath is.”


Friday witnessed one of the largest missile and drone strikes carried out by Russian forces since the war began, but in the wake of this Zelensky said that no matter how many “the enemy” launches, Ukrainians “will still rise.”


But by 2024’s end, will there still be a unified Ukraine to speak of?


Interestingly, retired CIA intelligence analyst and former State Department official Larry Johnson has recently engaged in an interview with Redacted News wherein he painted a picture of desperation among Kiev officials, likening the country to a ship which is fast sinking, akin to the Titanic. Watch:


“The fact that the New York Times is now reporting this tells you how bad the situation is. They’ve realized that this party is over,” Johnson told Redacted host Clayton Morris in the weekend interview, referencing this NYT report.


“It goes to part of another story that came out last week about members of the Rada – the legislature. They’re trying to get out of Ukraine. So to get out of Ukraine at the border you’ve got to show a passport. So no passport, no leaving,” Johnson said.


“The fact that the Ukrainian legislators recognize that the end is near, which is why they’re trying to get out, it’s like that scene from the movie Titanic. The passengers are moving one direction, the rats are moving the opposite way. That’s what’s going on in Ukraine right now. The rats are heading for the lifeboats.”


Below is a key, damning section from the fresh NY Times reporting…

>Recruiters have confiscated passports, taken people from their jobs and, in at least one case, tried to send a mentally disabled person to military training, according to lawyers, activists and Ukrainian men who have been subject to coercive tactics. Videos of soldiers shoving people into cars and holding men against their will in recruiting centers are surfacing with increasing frequency on social media and in local news reports.


>The harsh tactics are being aimed not just at draft dodgers but at men who would ordinarily be exempt from service — a sign of the steep challenges Ukraine’s military faces maintaining troop levels in a war with high casualties, and against a much larger enemy.


>Lawyers and activists say the aggressive methods go well beyond the scope of recruiters’ authority and in some cases are illegal. They point out that recruiters, unlike law enforcement officers, are not empowered to detain civilians, let alone force them into conscription.