Anonymous ID: 3ce391 Jan. 3, 2024, 10:02 a.m. No.20176220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6388 >>6470 >>6850

Hispanic leaders warn Democrats: Voters are fed up with Biden


President Joe Biden is heading into 2024 with concerning numbers among Hispanic voters: A new USA Today/Suffolk survey shows him trailing Donald Trump by five percentage points, with many reluctant to back either candidate. While it’s an especially rough poll, others have also shown him struggling to match his 2020 numbers with a key swath of the Democratic base — and Hispanic leaders say they’re seeing the same problems on the ground.


“It’s a matador red flag flying out there — the Hispanic vote is totally up for grabs,” Domingo Garcia, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, told Semafor. “[Trump’s] cutting the margins. And in battleground states like Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, that can be a big difference.”


Conversations with leaders of Hispanic groups and political consultants in both parties underscored Biden’s difficult path forward. His challenges with Hispanic voters are not dissimilar to his problems with the broader electorate: Dissatisfaction over inflation, concerns about record-high border crossings, and lack of excitement over his policy accomplishments. And even as he works to shore up border security with a potential bipartisan deal in Congress, members of his own party warn he could also lose support in November if an agreement ends up being perceived as overly hostile to immigrant communities.


Garcia told Semafor that the “fear of a second Trump presidency” and the prospect of dramatically stepped-up deportations remains an asset for Biden, especially with women. But the president still hasn’t figured out how to package his presidency in an appealing way.


“They’re lacking a core message and right now Latino voters are really concerned about economics — inflation has eaten away at their paycheck, the cost of rent… trying to buy a house seems to be more elusive than ever,” he said.


Javier Palomarez, president and CEO of the United States Hispanic Business Council — a leading advocate for Hispanic-owned firms across the U.S. — criticized the administration’s triumphal “Bidenomics” push, arguing it’s not reflective of what people on the ground are actually experiencing.


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Anonymous ID: 3ce391 Jan. 3, 2024, 10:03 a.m. No.20176228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6238 >>6243 >>6388 >>6470 >>6850

Sen. Tom Cotton Endorses Donald Trump: ‘Everything Has Gone to Hell’ Under Biden


“When Donald Trump was president, America was safe, strong, and prosperous,” Cotton told Fox News Digital. “With Joe Biden as president, everything has gone to hell: families can’t afford groceries, our border is wide open to a full-blown invasion, and our enemies are starting wars everywhere.”


“I endorse President Trump and I look forward to working with him to win back the White House and the Senate so we can help hardworking Arkansans suffering from Joe Biden’s disastrous policies.”


He added, “It’s time to get our country back on track.”


Cotton, a national security and immigration hawk, flirted with a presidential run himself before deciding against it as it became clear Trump would run again. The Arkansan worked closely with the Trump White House on border security and immigration policies and likely would be a candidate for a role in a future Trump administration.


Earlier Wednesday, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) endorsed Trump, calling him “our party’s clear frontrunner.” With Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) endorsement the day before, the top five House Republicans have now endorsed the president.


Trump’s endorsement from members of the House number around a hundred.


Yet in the Senate, the story is different. Cotton joins around twenty Senate Republicans in endorsing Trump, although no senior members of Senate leadership have done so.

