Those that mock others who are gang stalked are just people who either haven't put themselves out there to defend this country and are no real threat to the DS, so they have not experienced targeting, or are just plain and simply; the enemy covering for the saboteurs. When someone says Q Team, they are not asking for your input, no one is asking you to do anything, and no one needs to validate anything to you. You have no clue as to what transpires, the comms, nor the initiatives in such cases. I have asserted that chemical sabotages are the number one killer of mankind, and Covid was just another local attack, and no one has taken heed just like when I told you right after 911 that this was an attack on white people and why. It wasn't until everyone was kneeling to BLM, two decades later before they realized I was right. Because the DS is on the eve of it's destruction, they got too eager and sloppy in their hiring practices to their detriment.