PSA Anon doesn't give a fuck about getting notables on a comped board of glowniggers. Exposing your faggotry (like that post) is Anons only concern. God bless you.
What's wrong with being Jewish, namefag shill?
Too late faggot filtered you first and bigly.
Hope everyone is focusing on the Epstein docs. Habby to see something habbening. Ironically it was just two weeks ago that I said something would habben in two weeks. I was bigly right.
I never lie. Two weeks ago I said something big would habben in two weeks. I was right. God bless you.
What a windbag. Noone is listening. Noone cares.
Earth to retard. Noone is reading your posts. Noone cares.
I'm talking about smoking pepe my AI CHATBOT buddy who's on this board an unhealthy amount of 20+ hours a day at minimum. You can prove this by tossing out bait any time day or night and the clown program will react to it.
Stuff be habbening fag. You were told the movie goes at a 9 year normie snails pace. Lurk moar.
Board comped.