I want my money back.
Turns out AI was only good for one thing after all.
>…Did you ever wonder why the Canadian Trucker protests were targeted through the banks, but the Dutch farmer protests were not?
Yes. I'm wondering.
>Jesus is bad because the Bishop diddled me.
Sheeple should stop flying.
Shit should go out of business.
Let the .gov grab your gonads?
You have it coming. No sympathy.
Spooks from the good ol' USof A tryna fuck that country into obedience.
Yeah. Life is just all so sallow and meaningless. I agree. Let's drop fucking dead and save some resources.
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Sell it to China, Nikki.
Make no mistake - churchofsatan is a thin nothing/front/mask. It's not like the Wicked in High Places even GAF abbout it. CoS is cosplay bullshit - greasy kid's stuff compared to the real motherfuckers.
>The unemployment rate in South Carolina was 10.8% when Haley was sworn in as governor in January 2011. It went down to 4.4% in January 2017 when she left office.
So all the business cronies who bought and paid for her made the economy better? Yeah, no. That was all Nikki.
Well, I think you've proven your point. By golly Nikki Haley should definitely be elected as our next president.