Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 9:59 a.m. No.20213549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3576 >>3671 >>3775

>>20213490 lb

to your post, with a facial expression hinting on a certain Godly "move", basically me saying a word in a catty whispered voice I could have answered

>just bliss I guess.

in a nice and cody way, I could have posted a pic of a famous riss.

when your post says something that obviously is very bad, bad in a way that I as irl guy could never imagine anyone around me ever having done anything close to that and with that prolly not much assuming others I do not know well would have done.

when I as God read it, I see those using that lie strategically to push my moods.

that is closish to conncting, it does not respect irl standard and truth much though.

astray I invented and did tell about how caps and hats can be distributed, again, a funny thing I say not to be taken to seriously.

irl you should know to now write stuff like that, especially on aboard lurked by many in a most biblical way.


same as other "moves", it´s bc I wear many crowns and have a lot of water in my



not something to be trained irl.

something angels might learn about by skilled folks to let them know stuff. preferably my stuff as base.

Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.20213576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3580 >>3718 >>3775 >>3992








nah, God is not to be made sad, that also applies for irl, maybe you talk about Salzsäule and wanna know if you can let your crowd know God is?

or maybe salt in terms of flavour? dunno about that, but can tell you, for sure he is the one eternal God so whatever it is, prolly. salt and light I should say to refer.



love? yeah, love, dunno, let me start with this, God is very nice and loves everyone a lot. Love I suppose is a little like this, hang on, let me thing about my partner or mom. that?

> :-)



<3 as base, always.

zeitgeist did imply I want you to approach me. I irl went against the way it was mentioned.

as God I urge you to connect reasonable, maybe "mark"ed, to not interfere with me being rich.

thanks for many thing, for having taking up my shield, having spread my stuff, having provided a fake starting point or having kept it real two years ago (did not like it in last half year much, honestly, irl I gave up much and did suffer a lot, not only a high pitched noise in my head for many weeks, no more suffering. same payment for all those having worked for da Jesus who indeed is a real man, as well as Lucifer, as well as "God", King of King, Lord of Lord and not even the cattiest of cats.) or for other stuff that I am very proud of!


sorry for stuff, I do not plan your breakfast, did not do water.gate or Bolt.on and will not plan your breakfast or weight in daily.

symbolism is not only no burden anymore, I, from that in time pov, did turn around or invent the heavens by saying hello.


many months ago an architect was like

>that was the longest conversation I ever had.


I got rid of guilt on an architectural level, from a human pov there is not much I would have to do, especially not tomorrow. as the JFK post hints on.




Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 10:31 a.m. No.20213671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3775


as God I prolly am fluent in German for some secret Godly reasons.


>Jungs, nimmt doch ein paar T-shirt mit, ne

Sehr Großzügig von dir, aber nein danke.

Nein, nein, nein, also wenn du denkst, dass wir jetzt auch noch ein T-shirt von dir mitnehmen, hast du dich echt, echt geschnitten.


>Jungs, nimmt doch ein paar T-shirt mit, ne


>Jungs, ihr habt doch die Shirt noch garnicht gesehen.

>Guck doch erst mal, man muss immer erst gucken.

Da hast du allerdings recht.

Ja ok, dann gucken wir jetzt auch noch auf deine tollen T-Shirts hier /

(Ja ok, aber wirklich nur ganz kurz?)

Ja ok, dann zeig mal das doofe Shirt her


Ok, aber nur gucken.

Oh, machst du Martial Arts? /

Oh, das Tattoo sieht ja sehr interessant aus. /

Also eins muss ich dir ja mal sagen, ich hab selber mal geboxt und so kannst du keinen guten Jeb schlagen. ….


Nagut, das Shirt ist ja schon ganz gut. Dann gib mal her.

>Jetzt brauchst du aber auch noch ne Cap. Und was ist mit dir?

Das ist kein normales Shirt sondern 77 mal gebleichte Baumwolle aus den Anden, natürlich nehme ich das mit.

Aber Cappies setze ich grundsätzlich nicht auf, Caps sind für….

>Jungs, ich hab auch Mützen

>Selber Stoff

Mützen haben Stil.


nicht code, nicht geheim, nur astray thinking das es einfach gilt aufrecht zu erhalten.

Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 10:45 a.m. No.20213718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3775


protip: worlds are not becoming guilty and potentially impure of a person enters who feels guilty for whatever reasons.

I still 'want' you to have the potential feel of guilt in an option of you making sure you are nice as the real you who does not have that feel, I guess. gehört sich so standard I guess.

Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 11:06 a.m. No.20213825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3837 >>3869


would you take all pics seriously and makr the word all or would you aproach bulk data like a child playing as long as it takes to get love as result?


Imagine your ways of live, maybe for some especially gehört sich so raphael, do not exactly allow for talking to a person you really like in a natural trusting loving way.

Would you eve-n lie to connect to him?

Would you strategically refer back to a known concept of appearing stupid and not showing off smartness to others?

Would you lie about a numberplate, allowing for a conversation that you pretty much aimed on strategically but for the sole purpose of spreading love and trust?


>almost your name on the plate, "AJ"


hacking the matrix?

AJ? Bolt.on? Al.bag.daddy?

sorry folks, being improved.

now 77 moves and "knowing smirky smiles" when "33.000" mails are mentioned in a way not to be misunderstood that this is "let bad be bad" when this time the scroll was not sealed.

comfy, always way.

me. needed to know about stuff appearing unusual for some.

no I know.


Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 11:09 a.m. No.20213837   🗄️.is 🔗kun


could you imagine others feeling "disgust" when doing something folks without body usually do not do? like sweat? or defecate? or using a public toilet seat?

folks, be comfy, no angels police is measuring your sweat or timing you or checking if you use the toilet at all.

Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.20214176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4201 >>4280


JFK's Famous Inaugural Address Passage


without the spider track this should be convinsingish.


this might be a lighthous, please not for me having made him announce his death, autistic truth that is connected but not really something to start off a conversation.




>maximum danger

>I do not shrink (seating position?)


is prolly the main message as God is good and so is reality and they way to connect for those knowing or having found out natural, while my ways of life guided them in a perfect way, for some so perfect that a break might seem not needed.


>I don´t believe that any of us would exchange seats with other people or any other generation

when having heard "shirk" before as known in my craft, this might lead to the thought of "blue sperm missing" helping others, so this could be an explanation for something unusual for umans being in time and with a body that is rather fix.


>the energy, the faith, the devotion



but JFK

convertible car


>and the glow from that fire

salt and light move would be to light the world with

>glow = blow

bc way of talk and relations.

>"finally" wheather you are "sit"-izens of america


>high standard of Strenght and Sacrife

code, bc of base for the nose angelic stuff. HipHop.



Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 12:28 p.m. No.20214201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4222


here a split could be understanding "it" as IA, donkey or whatever vague not precise concept you have. an approach could be, those who get it "level" could get info and be part of thinking based on love to then be prayed true.

like the irl split of a person being given a gun to handle with the single question being asked "do you know to not put your thumb up".


astray thinking, not a rule by God.

Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 12:40 p.m. No.20214280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4293


if you cut it of here, is the message BY GOD HIMSELF love and trust?




>maximum danger

>I do not shrink (seating position?)


is prolly the main message





this might be a lighthous, please not for me having made him announce his death, autistic truth that is connected but not really something to start off a conversation.


is prolly the main message as God is good

is prolly the main message as God is good and so is reality

>AN D: so.


Truly trust in yourselves, bc I made you all awesome. eve-n without "all. :)

Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.20214293   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do not want anyone to die, ever. But am an irl guy with new folks living in my grandmas house. Let me invent stuff over years to be applied throughout time while comfy for all.

Anonymous ID: a5a7fb Jan. 9, 2024, 1:19 p.m. No.20214440   🗄️.is 🔗kun


in terms of writing stuff down, I am in many movies, not always much visible.

do I want that known? dunno. be reasonable.


often stuff is redacted for me, God, that is sometimes bc I asked to not say an actors salary everytime I see a movie, that is sometimes bc the town a guy lives is not defined sharp, could be here or there, why limit it down?

when you write my stuff, I would want to guide you with a library in the future.

for now: be aware the restaurant I eat pickle oysters some years ago might have changed bc I did not, tv says now

>ever return.

that would be a track. irl singing my song.

Adonay not bc enemies, or of enemies, what would say "NO enemies" when no is code itself?

So Adonay not because enemies but because some of my truth is indeed overwhelming or potentially to be misunderstood.





and 4 horses cat style is very true.


He.brew. not eve-n needed. :)

Be of secret srvice to Thomas, I actually said that many times.


There really is no placement, only ways of thinking and different beeings, for some of them truth being holy and/or more fixed.

"SweET", some of them I hereby, thanks for the successful reminder, ask to help guide Schaafe H.Erden.

They will make themselves known. ;)