Anonymous ID: dcc0ca Jan. 9, 2024, 10:09 a.m. No.20213589   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You're the clown

incorrect. fuck ALL secret keepers, oath holders, intel orgs, and govts the world over, and their minions

> try and hide

how does one hide behind truth?

>You're a paid poster

by whom, in what form? never seen a check, deposit, or any sort of compensation yet

>Satanism that's infiltrated the church

all organizations of control are satanic, yes

>try convincing everyone to hate

incorrect. pointing out evidence of who is who is, and the nature of our condition has nothing

to do with hate or any emotion

>you're making a lot of noise

w/10 posts? several, notable, and only two on this subject. Noise to you perhaps, clear signal to most

Anonymous ID: dcc0ca Jan. 9, 2024, 10:17 a.m. No.20213626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu demands lie detector tests for cabinet ministers after leaks


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly demanded high ranking Israeli officials take lie detector tests, saying too many government deliberations are being leaked to the press.


“We have a plague of leaks and I am not willing to continue like this, which is why I directed the promotion of a law that everyone who sits in cabinets and security discussions, including the political and professional ranks – will undergo a polygraph,” Mr Netanyahu said during Sunday’s cabinet meeting, Channel 12 reported.


The prime minister’s comments come after widespread press coverage of how a meeting last Thursday, which was called to discuss postwar Gaza, ended in acrimony and recriminations.


Support for Mr Netanyahu has fallen sharply of late despite Israeli public opinion remaining firmly behind its military’s offensive in Gaza.


The prime minister has refused to take direct responsibility for the security failures that allowed Hamas to stage its October 7 massacre, but has vowed to press on with the retaliatory action.

Anonymous ID: dcc0ca Jan. 9, 2024, 10:19 a.m. No.20213636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3645 >>3896


Mexican president demands $20B, work permits for 10M Hispanics in exchange for immigration help


Mexican president demands $20B, work permits for 10M Hispanics in exchange for immigration help

Mexican President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador issued a lengthy series of demands detailing what the U.S. must offer in exchange for Mexico's help in stemming the flow of migrants to the U.S.-Mexico border.


Lopez Obrador's demands came during a Friday press conference, which came roughly a week after he met with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Mexico City in late December. The U.S. officials requested that Mexico boost its assistance in stopping illegal immigration.


Lopez Obrador responded by demanding the U.S. give $20 billion to Latin American and Caribbean countries, grant work visas to 10 million Hispanics who have worked in the U.S. for at least 10 years, end sanctions against Venezuela and halt the blockade of Cuba.


The negotiations come at a critical time for President Biden, whose polling numbers on illegal immigration have been low throughout his presidency. The U.S. also suffered a surge of migrants at the border this fall, with roughly 240,000 monthly migrant encounters at the border in late 2023.


Lopez Obrador

Mexican President Lopez Obrador issued a lengthy series of demands during a Friday press conference detailing what the U.S. must offer in exchange for Mexico's help in stemming the flow of migrants to the U.S.-Mexico border.

A senior Biden administration official responded to those demands in a statement to NBC News, saying Lopez Obrador "has a very ambitious agenda. For some of these things, we would need Congress to act. We share the vision that we need to lift up the region."


Lopez Obrador has proven more than willing to challenge U.S. politicians on immigration issues. He picked a fight with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott over one of that state's new immigration laws last month.


The new legislation allows law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants who would then face the choice to leave the U.S. or be prosecuted on misdemeanor charges for illegal entry. Migrants who do not comply could face arrest again and more serious felony charges. Abbott said the bill aims to stop a "tidal wave" of illegal immigration.


President Joe Biden

The negotiations come at a critical time for President Biden, whose polling numbers on illegal immigration have been low throughout his presidency.

"The Texas governor acts that way because he wants to be the Republican vice presidential candidate and wants to win popularity with these measures," Lopez Obrador said in late December. "He’s not going to win anything. On the contrary, he is going to lose support because there are a lot of Mexicans in Texas, a lot of migrants."


The Mexican Foreign Ministry also previously filed a complaint against Texas over the construction of buoys set up by the state in the Rio Grande. It had also sought to link the deaths of two migrants in the river to the buoys.


Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

The Mexican Foreign Ministry also filed a complaint against Texas this year over the construction of buoys set up by the state in the Rio Grande. It had also sought to link the deaths of two migrants in the river to the buoys.

In July, Lopez Obrador urged Hispanics not to vote for Abbott in response to the buoys.


"We don't have to do much, just tell our compatriots not to vote for the governor of Texas or for lawmakers of the Republican Party who support these measures," he said at the time.


Fox News' Adam Shaw contributed to this report

Anonymous ID: dcc0ca Jan. 9, 2024, 10:21 a.m. No.20213640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3896


Russia announces 30 new member countries for BRICS


The geopolitical landscape is witnessing a seismic shift as Russia declares that 30 additional countries are poised to join the BRICS alliance, potentially expanding its membership to a formidable 40 nations. This move, championed by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, marks a pivotal moment in the global balance of power, challenging the longstanding economic dominion of the West.


The BRICS, initially a quintet of emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – has evolved into a significant economic bloc. The recent addition of five new members in January 2024 – Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia – marked its first major expansion. Argentina, despite an invitation, stood as the lone refusenik. This development set the stage for the forthcoming 16th BRICS summit in Russia’s Kazan region, where the potential induction of 30 new countries will be a critical agenda item.


The BRICS Expansion: A New Global Order?

This unprecedented expansion of BRICS could recalibrate global financial dynamics. A 40-member BRICS, surpassing its current economic heft, could pose a substantial challenge to the dominance of the US dollar and the financial leverage of Western countries. The implications of such a shift are profound, not just economically but also geopolitically. The expanded BRICS could offer an alternative axis of power, providing a counterbalance to Western influence and rewriting the rules of global economic engagement.


It’s not just about adding numbers; this expansion signifies a diversification of geopolitical interests and economic priorities. The new members bring unique perspectives, resources, and challenges to the table, promising to enrich the BRICS consortium with a wider range of viewpoints and strategies. However, this expansion is not without its complexities. The integration of such a diverse array of economies, each with its distinct political and economic landscapes, will be a monumental task.

Beyond Economics: The Political Chessboard

Politically, this move can be seen as a strategic play by Russia to consolidate its influence on the global stage. The expansion of BRICS under Russia’s leadership may be interpreted as an attempt to forge new alliances and strengthen existing ones in the face of Western sanctions and diplomatic pressures. This is particularly poignant given the ongoing geopolitical tensions and the West’s increasing economic sanctions following Russia’s actions in Ukraine.


Moreover, the expansion of BRICS comes at a time when global economic institutions and alliances are undergoing significant transformations. The G20’s initiative to accelerate international payments, aiming for more efficiency by 2027, casts a spotlight on the evolving nature of global financial systems. However, this push for speed in transactions has raised concerns about the potential for increased financial crimes and the challenges in enforcing sanctions, especially against nations like Russia.


The integration of these new BRICS members will necessitate a delicate balance between fostering economic growth and maintaining financial security. The task ahead is not just about economic integration, but also about creating a cohesive political stance that respects the individuality of each member while advancing the collective interests of the bloc.


The potential expansion of BRICS to include 30 new countries represents a bold stride towards reshaping global economic and political landscapes. It underscores a growing shift in global power dynamics, with emerging economies gaining increased prominence and influence.


As the world watches, the upcoming BRICS summit in October 2024 could mark the beginning of a new chapter in global affairs, one where traditional power structures are challenged, and a more multipolar world order emerges. Whether this expansion will lead to a more balanced global framework or exacerbate existing tensions remains to be seen. One thing is certain: the world is on the cusp of a significant transformation, and the BRICS expansion is a clear indication of the shifting tides.