Anonymous ID: 6e5a85 July 11, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.2118676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9907 >>9923 >>5877 >>6323


"Germany is a captive a Russia" – uh huh …

Got relatives in that country, and can tell ya (not you, but in general) that Germany for much too long has been a "captive" of the U.S. This is the reason why shit's so fucked up there, not "Muh Russia":

and this is just one of the last recent examples.


How about uniting with the strong players (Russia surely is one of them), and going after the bad guys together?

What'd be the alternative for Germany & most parts of Europe? Wasting precious resources importing LNG from the U.S., or – even worse – warfagging in the Middle East to be able to build new pipelines in order to take away russian shares in the European market? Sure enough, this is not why I am here! Not saying DJT is doing much warfagging in the ME currently, but those intended pipelines sure were one of the major reasons for going after Syria.

Western Europe (except comparably small resources in the North Sea) has no oil/gas, and this is the reason Russia plays the role as supplier that it has for the last decades. In perspective of the meeting to be held b/w Russia & US, I'm sure these comments today were very helpful </sarc>.





As for the Q Chapters and the theory how to interpret these: There's two of them ("[2] Q Chapters").

The stringer "/\ /* /*", if mirrored, and together with "FLASH_BREAK" says that each Chapter is preceded by a FLASH (the asterisk is the flash), and a break. Also, Chapter One is longer than Chapter Two, has two "/\", compared to Chapter Two. This is also indicated by a simple look on the calendar and comparing the timespan from 12/07 until the supposed end around November.

Could well be that currently we're in one 10 days of darkness phase – the BREAK preceding the new Chapter – and if true Q would re-appear after 07/14, as Chapter One ended 07/04. Attached table, identical to what's been posted in >>2102778 (1st pic), illustrates this.

Not sure yet, why we've got Q posts around 12/07 (1st FLASH_BREAK), but it might have sth to do with "Clock started - 10 days" and/or with the other two times we didn't get Q posts (12/26 – 01/03 & 05/23 – 06/02).


If there's some "word code" intended to be applied to the Q posts, then for Chapter Two we'd also need line numbers in the Q posts. It could be there's one way to extract only last words (as done above, depending on second markers), and another way to extract certain lines, depending on the minute markers of the post & the marker each calendar day has on the Q-Clock.