A Q friend sent me this, her spouse was flying out on Delta in ATL:
“Problem on Delta ATL to St. Louis, MO !!! Woman just caught WITHOUT A TICKET sitting in exit door row.REFUSED TO LEAVE.
“Cops came picked her up. Pilot deplaning half the plane with their bags, TSA wants to search!
“How in the hell did she get thru all that security WITHOUT A TICKET!!!!! (My spouse was on the plane…first hand knowledge….)
“Yep, he said he thought she is an illegal immigrant.. How'd she know that was the only vacant seat?How'd she get through all that security if she didn't know somebody?Weird.”
“She sat there and ate cake not giving a fuck everyone deplaned. Overheard her sayshe had "presidential rights" wtfffffff“
Anon’s comments: I’ve known him and her for 7 years, he was the one I met at leased offices, we were in the kitchen, he asked,“Do you know about Q?”Just before I was about to ask him. (I was so excited to meet someone irl that knew about Q, I posted it on the board). He (and she are) true patriots. He watched this whole thing.
Many people on Bannon’s war room, Ben Bergquam and Oscar Blue said that Bidan is flying illegals in first class with no identity, getting premier treatment, they don’t have to go through security or have identity on them. So this cretin illegal says she had “presidential rights”, makes sense.