how will HAMAS disrupt DAVOS? any ideas or inside scoop?
clearly BLM and Washington decided that all Federal lands are for their exclusive use.
BLM: Bureau of Land Management
it's not a slide but your shame makes you say it is.
they are probably staying in free housing and doing gig jobs all over NYC for other spy agencies.
since mass elections are mostly fake now a lot of the 'elected' people are die-in-the wool marxists carpet-baggers from anywhere except Massachusetts: the governor, the senator.
others are long term marxists who were essentially appointed to their positions.
die in the wool
resistance is futile?
it was either this or a picture of someone expired dressed in wool clothes. I went for the less odious idea.
imagine that these are knitted from woolen yarn . . .
I guess it could be a tunnel diode . . .
you make up stuff
Saratoga, 1983
The Warlocks
test me
test me
test me
why don't you arest me
put me in the jail house
till the sun go down
sun go down
I had to move
really had to move over
that's why if you please
I'm on my bended knees
Bertha don't you come around here
I had to move
really had to move over
that's why if you please
I'm on my bended knees
Bertha don't you come around here
I had to move
really had to move over
that's why if you please
I'm on my bended knees
Bertha don't you come around here
you have no sense of history or
the importance of that band.
they are one of the reasons there was no World War in the 1980s
you have no idea
Ken Kesey was a righteous dude and so was John Perry Barlow!
so are you
hit a nerve did I?
if your a clown and he's a clown and your righteous (because you are, right?) then why couldn't he be too?
oh I hit a nerve.
sad clown is sadder now
it's not as easy as dismissing people like you do. Sometimes the real truth is hidden even to clowns like you.
The grateful dead had issues, but they had far fewer than a lot of other operations going on about the same time and the non-west coast fans redeemed them.
and you don't understand it.
that's fine. everyone gets what they get and they don't get what they don't get.
he twarted the marxists, anon.
is that what bothers you that he didn't let the svengali marxists in San Francisco subvert the young?
before the clown-town people were all marxists some of them weren't.
but you're a clown town marxist so anything American, like the Grateful Dead,you throw on the dust bin.
but they were already Dead so you can't kill them anymore than they already are.
if you only knew.
I believe in people, and in the redemption of sinners.
you believe in an 'us vs them' game that everyone loses.
maybe some day you'll understand why you sound like a juvenile.
oh well, if you can't love flawed people then you can't love anyone.
if you look for perfection in human beings you only have two to choose from.
and do you know their names?
I've always known that I'm not 'a god'.
and I asked you who is perfect and you ignored the question.
that shows me a lot about you.
good night person who has overreaching expectations and throws whole generations of souls onto the dung heap of history.
fortunately it's only in your mind that that happens.
good night.