you've got my Bless B
This aught to be be good
Hey Alex
We're just here to find out the Truth
Just like you do
Don't Trust Anonymous Sources
You'd Think Alex would like what we do
We're not part of his Cult
But if He and Anons come to the same conclusions on things…
Isn't that a good thing?
Wonder where these Q people that alex is talking about Post?
Alex is One man, Anons are a Think Tank…
If Alex and Anons Come to the Same conculsions though different methods
How is that a Bad thing?
Alex says he's got 10m followers, That's a lot of Cash coming in
What if, just spit balling here, people are listening to anons instead of Alex and it's hitting him in the pocket book
If his Revenues are down, would that explain the hit piece?
Anyways, that's all I got to say about Jones
I'm guessing he's losing revenues
He doesn't even say where these Q people Post
How can anyone verify what he's say if he doesn't say where he's getting it from
"My opinion is more important than others so I Spam my Message to drown out other voices"
Is a Narcissistic Mindset
& when a Narcissist is confronted…
They typically Double down,
Followed by Gaslighting.
If we wern't a threat
Would they be expending ammo on us?
All for a LARP?