Lots of talented people in the world.
But only some of them "make it"
And we know why.
Trump does everything for a reason.
He purposely says things that make the Left go crazy and criticize him. Streisand effect. Trump is a master at it.
He uses their own fists to punch them in the face.
Their TDS is their kryptonite.
Maybe JFK, Jr. is not alive because he changed his name. He no longer goes by JFK, Jr. When someone fakes their own death, they have to take on a new identity.
The C!A and the FBI do it all the time for witness protection. Shouldn't be too hard to do for someone like JFK, Jr.
A weaponized legal system is not a system of Justice, it is a system of Injustice.
So no six pointed stars or menorahs then.
If the Jews want to wipe out religion, they can start with their own.
No claims of Chosen People nonsense. No claims of property East of the Mediterranean that they claim was given to them by God.
No standing on the front steps of the White House for a pic of all of the Jews during a month that celebrates Jews. Jewish Heritage Month nonsense.
It's a religion, not a race.
It's a race, not a religion.
Wait it's both.
Muddy water tricks.
I would like to see an egg submitted with a pic of Jill dressed in her hooker outfit.
She would probably have been a good kindergarten teacher. Should be teaching kids how to sing itsy bitsy spider.
Michael Jackson's crime was that he called out the Jews.
You call out the Jew
They ruin you
How much were they paid to be there?
The Catholic Church was created by the Jews to try to control Christianity.
When that didn't work, and Christianity started to spread, the Jews created Islam to combat Christianity.
How's that working out for them?
God wins.
It must be very frustrating for the Jews in the Music Industry when they have invested money, time & energy into an artist, and that artist is making them billions of dollars, and then the artist criticizes them.
What to do, what to do. They don't want to kill the Golden Goose, but they have to maintain control somehow. But how?
He didn't make a mistake, he did it on purpose to draw attention to it.
MSM only posts stuff if it is antiTrump.