We have troops about to go to war with the Houthis and it will most likely lead to Iran and maybe other countries when in fact we haven't even addressed a simple challenge much less get a definitive response and that is the following:
How is it that Israel can bomb and kill a handful of armed fighters crossing over into Syria from Iran on a consistent basis over a 5 year period; brag and publicize it every time; yet cannot see 1500 armed men flying less than 40 mph over their boarders with x-95 Israeli bullpop rifles in para-gliders with huge parachutes?
This was never answered and checked out for a false narrative before we deployed our troops.
The Houthis stated that they are attacking cargo ships of all countries that foster the Palestinian genocide and blockaids by giving those countries a taste of their own medicine of scarcity.
It would seem that the Houthis would have no argument if we assured humanitarian aid to the Palestinians as a sign of zero tolerance for genocide. And remember, the Israelis have openly stated this is their intention from the People, the IDF, and their fearless leader Netanyahu.