Anonymous ID: 3615cf Jan. 22, 2024, 10:02 a.m. No.20283478   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3766 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182


The Feds Worked With Banks to Flag Purchases of Bibles, 'Extremist' Text


According to the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, which falls under the jurisdiction of the House Judiciary Committee, federal law enforcement agencies partnered with a number of financial institutions to flag transactions with the terms "MAGA," "Trump" and more. They also monitored transactions at stores like Cabela's and Bass Pro Shop. Other purchases linked to religious texts, like Christian bibles, were flagged under the guise of "preventing extremism."


"The Committee and Select Subcommittee have obtained documents indicating that following January 6, 2021, FinCEN distributed materials to financial institutions that, among other things, outline the 'typologies' of various persons of interest and provide financial institutions with suggested search terms and Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement," the Committee released Wednesday.


"These materials included a document recommending the use of generic terms like 'TRUMP' and 'MAGA' to 'search Zelle payment messages' as well as a 'prior FinCEN analysis' of 'Lone Actor/Homegrown Violent Extremism Indicators.' According to this analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of 'extremism' indicators that include 'transportation charges, such as bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets, for travel to areas with no apparent purpose,' or 'the purchase of books (including religious texts) and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views.' In other words, FinCEN urged large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression," the Committee found.


We now know the federal government flagged terms like “MAGA” and “TRUMP,” to financial institutions if Americans completed transactions using those terms.


What was also flagged? If you bought a religious text, like a BIBLE, or shopped at Bass Pro Shop.


— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) January 17, 2024

The transactions were flagged after January 6, 2021.


The alarming details have prompted House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan to demand transcribed interviews with FBI Director Christopher Wray and former Director of the Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement in the Strategic Operations Division of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Noah Bishoff.


In recent years the FBI has improperly conducted hundreds-of-thousands of searches and surveillance on American citizens without warrants.


Watch: “Breaking tonight: New allegations that the FBI overstepped its authority in conducting its investigations against American citizens. And not just a few times: we’re talking in the hundreds of thousands of times” — @BretBaier


— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) May 19, 2023

Anonymous ID: 3615cf Jan. 22, 2024, 10:42 a.m. No.20283710   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Are other anons noticing that the AI/'board' posts things seemingly unique to them and their interests, so as to give the impression that other 'anons' are VERY closely aligned to them in interest and taste? From images, to videos, to articles, etc? Been happening for YEARS for anon, most recently w/ a few vids of Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi, but early on w/ obscure music artists, 80's skate nostalgia, and other very specific things.


As if the board/AI is extracting historical device, browser, and long form pattern of life and internet footprint data, and posting to make you feel 'comfy' and amongst VERY similar anons…


Used to be put off by it, but not enough to have ever left… six years on.

Anonymous ID: 3615cf Jan. 22, 2024, 12:05 p.m. No.20284147   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4160 >>4182

Terror Alarm


🪦 RIP Houthis Jan 1992 - Feb 2024 🪦


27 EU Member States agree on Military action in the Red Sea.


European Union states have reached an agreement in principle to launch a military operation to secure merchant shipping in the Red Sea - EU top diplomat

12:09 PM · Jan 22, 2024


MORE - EU states agree on military action in the Red Sea.

11:45 AM · Jan 22, 2024


Insider Paper


BREAKING: European Union states have reached an agreement "in principle" to launch a military operation to secure merchant shipping in the Red Sea, the EU's top diplomat says - dpa

11:47 AM · Jan 22, 2024


Anonymous ID: 3615cf Jan. 22, 2024, 12:12 p.m. No.20284179   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Canadian Prepper

30 min



some comments:



1 day ago

I am a former Marine, and I can honestly tell you that when an Admiral says what this one is saying, then it's time to make sure we are all prepared for the worst case scenario. Wake up people, we have very little time left to prepare.



23 hours ago

I'm a war vet from another country.

This is what I get out of his speech.

He is downplaying the possibility of war to prevent a panic and telling you, you only need a flashlight and some water. A flashlight = the possibility of a no grid. He doesn't mention food, you all know what the cost of food is. They have plans for the next 20 years but you should only prep for 36 hours, no world war will only last for 36 hours.

NATO is about to make a bold move and they are not sure how Russia will react.

If you are in the US or Europe, take note and prep for 2 years.



1 day ago

Nate: I used to belong to our local emergency preparedness and disaster recovery. Where different agencies and non-profits joined church and local communities to prep and plan after a disaster.

36 hours is the window after an event to mobilize and assess. Those 36 are initial not a given. He is literally telling communities to prepare to mobilize.

In a nuclear event. 36 hours tells you to prioritize and assess, whom can be rescued and who cannot. Truth is, nothing moves for seven days. You hope some infrastructure is available for info and instruction. Within 36 hours you will know if you need to risk moving for the sake of saving those among you or shelter in place. Risks, dangers, weaknesses, threats, and rationing all are laser focused within 36 hours.

This is why I suggest having multiple location outside your area, just in case you need to mobilize. Because with disaster recovery- you are your own first responder. In a nuclear threat- all armed government will be occupied securing threats and not have personal to save lives.



1 day ago

He is Dutch and the highest ranking at NATO. Here in the Netherlands they are creating the awareness that something is just around the corner. It now begins to appear that the war doctrine has been set in motion. Not only by Bauer's words but also by ministers, etc. Emergency packages cannot be obtained, we have to wait for empty supermarkets.

Anonymous ID: 3615cf Jan. 22, 2024, 12:17 p.m. No.20284213   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4216


The Constitution in the 100-Mile Border Zone


The Problem


The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects Americans from random and arbitrary stops and searches.


According to the government, however, these basic constitutional principles do not apply fully at our borders. For example, at border crossings (also called “ports of entry”), federal authorities do not need a warrant or even suspicion of wrongdoing to justify conducting what courts have called a “routine search,” such as searching luggage or a vehicle.

Even in places far removed from the border, deep into the interior of the country, immigration officials enjoy broad—though not limitless—powers. Specifically, federal regulations give U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) authority to operate within 100 miles of any U.S. “external boundary.”

In this 100-mile zone, Border Patrol agents have certain additional authorities. For instance, Border Patrol can operate immigration checkpoints.

Border Patrol, nevertheless, cannot pull anyone over without “reasonable suspicion” of an immigration violation or crime (reasonable suspicion is more than just a “hunch”). Similarly, Border Patrol cannot search vehicles in the 100-mile zone without a warrant or “probable cause” (a reasonable belief, based on the circumstances, that an immigration violation or crime has likely occurred).

In practice, Border Patrol agents routinely ignore or misunderstand the limits of their legal authority in the course of individual stops, resulting in violations of the constitutional rights of innocent people. These problems are compounded by inadequate training for Border Patrol agents, a lack of oversight by CBP and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the consistent failure of CBP to hold agents accountable for abuse. No matter what CBP officers and Border Patrol agents think, our Constitution applies throughout the United States, including within this “100-mile border zone.”

Much of U.S. Population Affected


Many people think that border-related policies only impact people living in border towns like El Paso or San Diego. The reality is that Border Patrol’s interior enforcement operations encroach deep into and across the United States, affecting the majority of Americans.

Roughly two-thirds of the United States’ population lives within the 100-mile zone—that is, within 100 miles of a U.S. land or coastal border. That’s about 200 million people.

Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont lie entirely or almost entirely within this area.

Nine of the ten largest U.S. metropolitan areas, as determined by the 2010 Census, also fall within this zone: New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego and San Jose.

Outdated Legal Authority and Lack of Oversight


The regulations establishing the 100-mile border zone were adopted by the U.S. Department of Justice in 1953—without any public comments or debate. At the time, there were fewer than 1,100 Border Patrol agents nationwide; today, there are over 21,000.

The Border Patrol often ignores this regulation and, aside from limiting interior checkpoint locations to within the 100-mile zone, rejects any geographic limitation on agents’ authority. At least two federal circuit courts condone Border Patrol operations outside the 100-mile zone, federal regulations and Supreme Court precedent notwithstanding.

Federal border agents are stopping, interrogating, and searching Americans on an everyday basis with absolutely no suspicion of wrongdoing, and often in ways that our Constitution does not permit.



Anonymous ID: 3615cf Jan. 22, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.20284216   🗄️.is đź”—kun


For example, Border Patrol, according to news reports, operates approximately 170 interior checkpoints throughout the country (the actual number in operation at any given time is not publicly known). The ACLU believes that these checkpoints amount to dragnet, suspicionless stops that cannot be reconciled with Fourth Amendment protections. The Supreme Court has upheld the use of immigration checkpoints, but only insofar as the stops consist only of a brief and limited inquiry into residence status. Checkpoints cannot be primarily used for drug-search or general law enforcement efforts. In practice, however, Border Patrol agents often do not limit themselves to brief immigration inquiries and regularly conduct criminal investigations and illegal searches at checkpoints. The Border Patrol also frequently pulls over motorists in “roving patrol” stops, often without any suspicion that an immigration violation has occurred.

The ACLU has documented numerous cases of abuse by Border Patrol and filed lawsuits to obtain more information about the agency’s practices. Given Border Patrol’s lack of transparency, and in the absence of any meaningful oversight, there is still much that we don’t know about the full extent and impact of these interior “border enforcement” operations.

Part of a Broader Problem


The spread of border-related powers inland is inseparable from the broader expansion of government intrusion in the lives of ordinary Americans. For example, CBP claims the authority to conduct suspicionless searches of travelers’ electronic devices—such as laptops and cell phones—at ports of entry, including international arrivals at airports. These searches are particularly invasive as a result of the wealth of personal information stored on such devices. At least one circuit court has held that federal officers must have at least “reasonable suspicion” prior to conducting such searches and recent Supreme Court precedent seems to support that view.

These practices also coincide with the spread of numerous border technologies, including watch list and database systems (such as the Automated Targeting System traveler risk assessment program), advanced identification and tracking systems (including electronic passports), and intrusive technological schemes such as the “virtual border fence” and unmanned aerial vehicles (aka “drone aircraft”). With many of these technologies in the hands of private companies, there are powerful financial incentives for the continued “militarization” of the border zone.

The expansion of government power both at and near the border is part of a trend toward expanding police and national security powers without regard to the effect of such expansion on our most fundamental and treasured Constitutional rights. The federal government’s dragnet approach to law enforcement and national security is one that is increasingly turning us all into suspects. If Americans do not continue to challenge the expansion of federal power over the individual, we risk forfeiting the fundamental rights and freedoms that we inherited—including the right to simply go about our business free from government interference, harassment and abuse.


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