Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.20283612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Relatives of Israeli hostages storm parliament


The protest came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected ceasefire terms set out by Hamas


Family members of Israeli hostages being held captive by Hamas have invaded a parliamentary hearing in West Jerusalem, demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu do more to secure the release of their loved ones.


A group of around 20 people pushed past security into the hearing at the Knesset on Monday, some of whom held photographs of their missing relatives, Reuters reported.


“You will not sit here while our children die,” multiple protesters shouted, as security guards held back some of the most enraged members of the crowd.


Netanyahu was not present at the meeting, but the protest came a day after demonstrators set up tents outside his private residence, demanding that he strike a deal with Hamas to secure the release of the captives still in Gaza.


Hamas militants took around 250 people hostage during their October 7 assault on Israel. Of those, 105 were freed in a Qatari-negotiated deal in November, while the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has confirmed the deaths of 31, three of whom it admitted were killed in a friendly-fire incident. Hamas claims that more hostages have been killed by Israeli bombs, but the IDF denies this.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m. No.20283626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3766 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182

Saudi Arabia reveals new conditions for ‘normalizing’ Israel ties


IDF attacks on Gaza's civilians are unnecessary and unacceptable, the Saudi foreign minister said


A normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel will only be possible if the issue of Palestinian statehood is resolved, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan has said.


The two regional powerhouses have never established diplomatic ties, with Riyadh refusing to recognize the Jewish state as a country. Last year, Saudi and Israeli officials held talks on a potential normalization of bilateral relations under US mediation. However, the incursion into Israel by the Palestinian armed group Hamas on October 7 and the subsequent IDF operation in Gaza reportedly put the process on hold.


During an interview with CNN, which aired on Sunday, bin Farhan was asked if there could be normalized ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel without a credible and irreversible path towards a Palestinian state.


“That's the only way we're going to get the benefit. So, yes, because we need stability and only stability will come through the resolving the Palestinian issue,” he replied.


The top Saudi diplomat condemned Israel’s attacks on Gaza, saying that Riyadh was focused on making sure the bloodshed ends.


“What we are seeing is the Israelis are crushing Gaza, the civilian population of Gaza. This is completely unnecessary, completely unacceptable and has to stop,” bin Farhan stated.


According to the latest data from Gaza’s health ministry, the death toll from the Israeli military operation in the Palestinian enclave has reached 25,105, with 62,681 others wounded. The UN said last month that 85% of Gaza’s population has been internally displaced, while 60% of the enclave’s infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed.


The Hamas raid into Israel last year left around 1,200 people dead and 240 others taken hostage. More than a half of them remain in captivity.


CNN recorded its interview with bin Farhan on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos last week. During the event in the Swiss Alps, the Saudi diplomat also said Riyadh would “certainly” recognize Israel as part of an agreement that would include a two-state solution between the Israelis and Palestinians.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 10:29 a.m. No.20283641   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EVERY Battleground State in 2020 Announced They Were Going to Quit Counting on Election Night After Trump Was Roaring to Victory – Then Lied and Kept Counting… What Was Bill Barr’s Role in This?


On Election night in November 2020 President Trump was soundly defeating Joe Biden. The election was won by Trump when Americans went to bed.


Then something took place that Americans had never experienced in over 200 years of its existence. News broke that the battleground states were going to quit counting votes for the night. This had NEVER taken place in US history.


AMUSE reposted this video compilation on Sunday.


On Election night President Trump went out to speak to supporters. He had won the election. But the battleground states announced they had stopped counting. President Trump told his supporters, “This is a fraud. This is an embarrassment to our country.”


Overnight, Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of mysterious votes for Joe Biden into the battleground states. There was collusion. Four days later even Pennsylvania, where they locked the doors on the counting rooms and prevented Republican observers from entering, had gone to Joe Biden. Trump was ahead in the state by nearly 800,000 votes on Election night!


This was classic election fraud. The entire country knew it then and knows it now. The pretenders in the fake news immediately started pushing the notion that Joe Biden, who never held an honest rally the entire election season, had captured 81 million votes. It was the greatest crime in US history.


Today we are starting to understand Attorney General Bill Barr‘s role in this historic criminal act.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 10:35 a.m. No.20283665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3717 >>3736 >>3802 >>4162

Google engineer found covered in blood after allegedly killing his wife in their California home


Asoftware engineer for Google was reportedly found covered in blood after allegedly murdering his wife in their California home, according to a press release from the Santa Clara District Attorney's Office. The attack occurred on January 16.


The authorities were called for a welfare check at Liren Chen's home in Santa Clara, California, which is just a few miles outside Google's headquarters in Silicon Valley. Chen, 27, and his wife, Xuanyi Yu, were both employed by the tech giant at the time of the horrific incident.


Officials were alerted to the residence by an unidentified acquaintance of Chen who "expressed concern" about the couple on January 16. The acquaintance became worried after seeing Chen through a window staring "motionless on his knees" with "his hands in the air," according to the release.


Chen refused to pick up his phone or answer the door when the authorities arrived on the scene. After gaining entrance into the home, officers said Chen was at the scene of the murder. His right hand was "extremely swollen and purple," and his wife's body was not too far away, according to Fox News Digital.


Authorities noted that Yu suffered serious "blunt force injuries" to her head, which may have been the cause of death. The authorities also mentioned that Chen had blood splattered all over his "clothing, legs, arms, and hands and scratches on his arm."


Chen was soon arrested and charged with murder. Prosecutors said Chen faces prison time if he is convicted of the crime.


"Domestic violence deaths have been falling in our county, but that does not measure the depth and destructiveness of the violence," District Attorney Jeff Rosen said.


"Anyone who feels that they or someone else is being abused by their partners, please reach out your local law enforcement agency. You are not alone. We can help."


"We are shocked and deeply saddened by what has happened to Xuanyi," Google spokesperson Bailey Tomson said in a statement. "Our thoughts are with her family at this time, and we will work to provide support to them and to co-workers who are processing this tragic news."


Chen's arraignment was pushed back to January 22 because he is still in the hospital.


Chen and Yu both studied in China at Tsinghua University and at the University of California San Diego, according to Fox News Digital.


A motive has not yet been determined in the case.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 10:38 a.m. No.20283685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3766 >>4020 >>4124 >>4182

Is A Huge War Coming? US & Israel Bomb Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Gaza & Lebanon While Threatening War With Iran


The US military is attacking Yemen, Iraq, and Syria, while Israel bombs Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. Both are threatening Iran. Is a large Middle East (West Asia) war coming?


The brutal war that Israel is waging on Gaza is increasingly becoming a regional conflict.


Since October, the United States and Israel have bombed not only Gaza, but also Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.


Now, the U.S. government is even threatening Iran with war. President Joe Biden sent the Iranian government a private message while the U.S. military was bombing Yemen on January 13. He said threateningly, “We’re confident, we’re well prepared”.


While this is happening, South Africa has introduced a case in the International Court of Justice, the top United Nations judicial authority, which accuses Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinian people.


South Africa’s case has garnered support from dozens of countries across the Global South.


This case has frightened Israel and its sponsors in Washington. They are apparently seeking to expand the conflict into a regional war, to try to win more sympathy and to turn attention away from what South Africa and many countries have referred to as a genocide in Gaza.


In fact, top UN experts have been warning precisely this for months: that the Palestinian people face “the risk of genocide in Gaza”, and that there has been a “failure of the international system to mobilise to prevent genocide”.


The Financial Times reported in December that, in just two months of Israeli bombing, Gaza had become one of the most heavily bombed areas in human history.



Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 10:48 a.m. No.20283746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4020 >>4124 >>4182

Border Farce: UK Hires Private Boats for £36 Million to Bring Channel Migrants Ashore


The British government has reportedly hired a fleet of private boats to help the Border Force bring illegal Channel migrants ashore at a cost to the taxpayer at least £36 million.


According to a report from The Times of London, the UK Home Office — the government body responsible for controlling immigration and protecting the country’s borders — has signed a contract worth £36 million for the hiring of a “charter of vessel(s) to support small boats operations in the Dover Straits”.


The contract, which is set to come into force in April and will last until at least the end of March next year, will mean that private vessels will assist the Border Force in picking up migrants in the English Channel and bringing them ashore in Britain.


The government was forced into seeking private assistance to deal with illegal migration because of further delays to plans to replace the ageing fleet of cutters currently used by the Border Force, some of which are over 20 years old and need frequent repairs to remain operable.


While the government set aside £224 million to begin procuring five new cutters and six coastal patrol vessels in April of 2022, the process of replacing the current Border Force fleet was first pushed back to April of 2024 and now is not expected to begin until March of 2026.


In addition to the £36 million earmarked for private boats, the government also shelled out £9 million on refurbishing the outdated Border Force vessels to hopefully keep them running for a further five years.


The revelations come as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is seeking to finally implement the long-awaited plan to send illegal boat migrants to Rwanda, which still needs approval from the House of Lords. The scheme, which was first floated by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, still faces the potential of legal challenges from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and at home with British judges having a long history of siding with illegal migrants, foreign criminals, and even terrorists in deportation battles.


Sunak, like Johnson before him, has argued that sending illegals to Rwanda to have their asylum claims processed rather than putting them up in accommodations in Britain will not only save money but will also serve as a deterrent to more illegals crossing the English Channel in small boats operated by people smuggling networks on the French coast.


Others, including Brexit leader Nigel Farage and Reform UK leader Richard Tice, have argued that if the government actually wanted to deter illegal boat migration, it should adopt a send-back-the-boats approach like that adopted in Australia.


In 2013, the government of former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott implemented Operation Sovereign Borders, in which migrant boats, mostly arriving from Indonesia, were immediately turned back to their country of origin or brought to off-shore asylum processing centres in third-party countries. The system effectively shut down the boat migrant routes that overwhelmed Australia prior to the policy’s implementation.


Conversely, rather than protecting Britain’s borders and sending illegals back to France, the UK Border Force has been accused of operating a “taxi service” for illegal migrants, picking them up in the middle of the Channel and ferrying them to the Port of Dover. The Border Force has even been reported to have travelled into French territorial waters to pick up migrants and bring them to British soil.


So far this year, over 600 illegal boat migrants have been brought ashore, following around 30,000 successful crossings last year.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m. No.20283779   🗄️.is 🔗kun

United States Invasion Route Exposed | ENTIRE ILLEGAL ALIEN PIPELINE REVEALED | Muckraker Report


Muckraker followed the entire mass migration route from Quito, Ecuador to the United States border. To our knowledge, no one has ever produced an entire documentary following this entire route.


Until now.


Our journey included:


Crossing the Darién Gap.

Discovering secret Chinese hotels.

Getting smuggled into Mexico by the Sinaloa Cartel.

Embedding with a massive caravan.

Riding the Mexican Train of Death.


And finally, getting kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel.


In this documentary, you will learn how the United Nations is planning and executing an industrial scale weaponized migration program and you will see the entire route that millions of illegal aliens are taking to the United States every year!

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:01 a.m. No.20283809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4020 >>4124 >>4182

Huge data leak dubbed the 'Mother of all Breaches' sees 26 BILLION records leaked from sites including Twitter, Linkedin, and Dropbox - here's how to check if you've been affected


Experts warn the massive data breach could trigger a wave of cybercrime

The researchers say that this could be the largest data breach to ever occur


Your personal information may have been leaked in the 'Mother of all Breaches' (MOAB), cybersecurity researchers have warned.


Over 26 billion personal records have been exposed, in what researchers believe to be the biggest-ever data leak.


Sensitive information from several sites including Twitter, Dropbox, and Linkedin was discovered on an unsecured page.


Worryingly, the researchers who found it claim this breach is extremely dangerous and could prompt a tsunami of cybercrime.


Here's how to check if you have been affected.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:05 a.m. No.20283824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3861 >>3931 >>3955

Biden Thinks It’s Just a Matter of Time Before US Troops Are Killed in Iraq or Syria


The US might attack Iran directly if an American is killed


President Biden and his top advisors worry that it’s just a matter of time before an American soldier is killed in Iraq or Syria amid a flurry of rocket attacks launched by Shia militias on US bases that started in response to US support for the Israeli slaughter in Gaza, The New York Times reported on Sunday.


US officials suggested that if an American is killed, President Biden might attack Iran directly, which could provoke a major war. Iran is allied with the Shia militias that have been taking credit for attacks on US troops, but Tehran has denied it’s involved in the operations.


In October, the Pentagon said it had no direct evidence Iran was ordering attacks on US troops, and a US official told CNN that how willing the Shia militias were to act independently was always a “persistent intelligence gap.” Regardless, the US is still blaming Iran for the attacks.


The report said US officials have been debating how to respond to the attacks and don’t want to “go so far that the conflict would escalate into a full-fledged war, particularly by striking Iran directly.”


However, if an American is killed, the US officials say they may have no choice but to attack Iran. “That is a red line that has not been crossed, but if the Iranian-backed militias ever have a day of better aim or better luck, it easily could be,” the report reads.


It’s unclear from the report if the US would bomb Iran directly or target the Iranian military in Iraq or Syria. Israel recently killed five members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) by targeting them with airstrikes in Damascus, risking a response from Tehran.


So far, there have been over 140 attacks on US troops in Iraq and Syria since mid-October, and around 70 have been injured. The US has launched several airstrikes in response, prompting calls from the Iraqi government for the US and other foreign forces to withdraw from the country. But President Biden is choosing to stay, putting the troops in harm’s way and risking a major war.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:18 a.m. No.20283885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3891

Hamas has published a 16-page document presenting a justification for its actions on October 7. The document denies that the terror group committed atrocities against civilians, and calls for an international investigation into the events of the day, branding Hamas a “national liberation” group, battling “colonialism.”

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.20283929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4020 >>4124 >>4182

US Forming Colonial Admin in Ukraine Consisting of Staff Trained in West - Moscow


The US has started establishing a colonial administration in Ukraine, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service said on Monday.

Ukraine’s new colonial administration will include Ukrainian officials who were earlier trained in the West, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service’s press bureau reported citing director Sergei Naryshkin.

"As part of its policy of total vassalization of Ukraine, the US, in fact, shifted towards forming an essentially colonial administration in the country,” according to the press bureau.


“Under Washington’s scheme, this administration will consist of Ukrainians trained in the West, who have sworn allegiance to American interests,” the press bureau added.

Earlier, Naryshkin said that, based on data received by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the US leadership is broadening Kiev’s vassal dependence on Washington, the agency noted.

This is manifested by the fact that American advisers are present in all key government departments in Ukraine. This format is similar to "how the Anglo-Saxons of the British Empire sent “political agents” to their colonies to actually manage and control the activities of local authorities," the agency clarified.

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has further stated that "the Americans, under one pretext or another, demanded the dismissal of individuals in prominent government positions in Ukraine who had fallen out of favor with the White House."


“The ‘black list’ includes dozens of high-ranking Ukrainian officials from Zelensky’s team. The Ukrainian president has been informed that if the above-mentioned demand is not met, Washington will disclose the ‘bombshell’ corruption dossier regarding members of Zelensky’s entourage,” the agency pointed out.—moscow-1116308291.html

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:31 a.m. No.20283975   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yemeni Houthis attacked the cargo ship Ocean Jazz of the US Navy in the Gulf of Aden. The ship was struck with missiles.


This is not the first attack on a US vessel in the region in recent days.


The Houthis continue claiming that they intend to attack any Israeli vessels, both with the Israeli flag and owned or operated by Israeli companies. The attacks will continue in response to the “disgusting Israeli-US aggression in the Gaza Strip.” In a recent statement, the Houthis added that they will continue to block Israeli ships until the country stops its “aggression” against the Gaza Strip.


The escalation in the Red Sea seems inevitable. EU member states have agreed on a military operation “to ensure the safety of merchant shipping in the Red Sea”.


It is already obvious that the results of strikes of US aircraft and warships on targets in Yemen turned out to be insignificant. Yemeni missiles and drones against the merchant fleet of Western countries in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden will not stop.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:44 a.m. No.20284038   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Honduran illegal immigrant, repeat child sex-offender arrested again after previous same-day release in Virginia


He was let go in July after producing child pornography.


Washington, DC law enforcement officials apprehended an illegal immigrant from Honduras and charged him with sexually abuse of a Virginia minor and production of child sex abuse materials. He was detained earlier in July for similar charges and released the same day.


Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) of Washington, DC arrested the 21-year-old illegal immigrant on Dec. 4 at his residence in Springfield, VA. His name was not released The alleged criminal assaulted law enforcement officials during the arrest.


“Fairfax County refused to honor the ICE detainer lodged against this Honduran noncitizen,” said Deputy Field Office Director Erik Weiss about the previous arrest, in a press release. The release did not name the Honduran national.


“When ICE detainers are ignored by local authorities, the public is put at risk; unfortunately, this time the result was the unnecessary injury of a federal law enforcement officer while prosecuting the arrest of a noncitizen charged with sexually abusing a Virginia minor and producing child sexual abuse material. ERO Washington remains dedicated to protecting the residents of our communities against threats posed by unlawfully present noncitizens.”


In July 2023, the Fairfax County Sherrif's office arrested the Honduran national and charged him with carnal knowledge of a child between the ages of 13 and 14 without force, producing child sex material, and possession of child sex material.


The day of his arrest in July, the Pacific Enforcement Response Center lodged an immigration detainer against the national with the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center, which the center did not honor. He was released without the detention center notifying ERO Washington.


He was arrested again on Jan. 4 at his home in Springfield, Virginia and punched a law enforcement officer during the process.


A similar occurrence happened in Boston, where an illegal immigrant raped a disabed person and was let go by authorities in November but was then re-arrested in January.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:50 a.m. No.20284066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4112

The Fix Is In – Trump Goes to Prison


Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?


Let me explain something very important. According to Business Insider, George Soros’s son has come out and said that Trump would not go away unless he is in prison. The FIX IS IN and Trump will be imprisoned in the Washington, DC case. That is the plan.


The objective in Colorado is to kick Trump off the ballot.


This is a war for the very soul of the United States. I have had to look at these forecasts projected by the computer, and it is certainly not my aspiration in life. People keep telling me it is my destiny to bring independent forecasting upfront. Perhaps so. But I do not relish laying out these forecasts, for I wish I could prevent the outcome, but I cannot. No protest can be mustered to prevent this. We have to crash and burn. Only then will the blind finally see, and those who have understood these forecasts will get to perhaps spread the word.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 11:58 a.m. No.20284110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4127

Elon Musk With Ben Shapiro in Auschwitz: Another Cynical Whitewashing Performance


It is clear what Musk gets out of these displays – less so what the benefit is to hosts like the European Jewish Association


International Holocaust Remembrance Day should have been even more sober and contemplative than usual this year. After all, the commemorations around the event are happening less than four months after the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust on October 7, and amid the horrific loss of life that has come in its aftermath in Gaza.

Anonymous ID: 488e50 Jan. 22, 2024, 12:17 p.m. No.20284215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel used a false flag by one of it's created proxy enemies to start a war in Gaza.


And now the EU and US are going to war with Yemen for Israel.


Go die for the Rothschild Zionist state of Israel


So much retard it hurst