Anonymous ID: b8d581 Jan. 26, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.20308299   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH: Israeli Media Admits Hamas Atrocity Propaganda Was Made Up to Drum Up Support for War


Israeli media outlet Channel 13 is now openly admitting that Israeli officials made up Hamas atrocity propaganda about babies on October 7 being killed en masse, baked in an oven and so on to drum up support for Israel's war in Gaza.


"Enough time has passed since October 7 for Israeli media to state what we've been saying for over three months, which is that Israel's military and political leadership fabricated many of the grisliest Hamas atrocities in order to generate support for the genocidal war it planned in Gaza," Max Blumenthal noted on X. "Here, a Channel 13 panel including Mickey Rosenthal, the longtime Israeli police spokesman who spread many such lies after October 7, acknowledges that lurid stories of babies hung on clotheslines, a fetus cut from a pregnant woman, a baby baked in an oven, and more were invented 'to increase the magnitude of hatred for Hamas.' As Rosenthal put it, 'The war is not only military, not only political, it's mainly media.' "


"Channel 13 manages to elicit a statement of contrition from the IDF spokesman, who apologizes for 'describ[ing] a reality that didn't happen.' Of course, confessions like these are easy when the damage has already been done."


Towards the end of the segment, they use these admissions to try and bolster their latest debunked lies about "Hamas mass rapes."


Their argument is essentially, "Yes we lied to you about everything that happened at the start of the war but these stories about mass rapes that we took two and a half months to come up with but have no evidence for are totally true. You can trust us because we admitted we lied about everything else."





Do you need more proof?

Anonymous ID: b8d581 Jan. 26, 2024, 2:06 p.m. No.20308359   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thant sucks.

Does Trump have that opetion on his liability Insurance plan. I don't. Stupid Judgement clause from crazy liberals and women.


