>>20320888 (lb)
>So just like here then.
No, not like here at all. If this place was compromised you'd see MuhJoo propaganda in notables, like how it was when actually was compromised from May. 2021 until Jan. 2022. The clowns do bake any chance they can get though, but they don't have the ban hammer, something that they desperately want again.
If they control the media, then why is the media showing support for Palestine and not them? That's an odd contradiction with the narrative the shills desperately try convincing everyone with, and if no one believes them they become hostile. Totally convincing behavior.
He also permanently deleted the posts of certain IP hashes, not just banning them.
Scamtard clown.
Mary Ann was hotter.
Nikki Haley's brother works for Johnson&Johnson? Interesting.
The foundation of her career was built on writing songs about her bad taste in men. Kind of ironic.
>Big Mike Obama
Wizards hide their pipes in their staffs.
Of course they are. Taytay Gobblecock is the biggest thing in the NFL right now, outshining any football player employed under that banner.
I haven't bothered with a churchwarden yet. What'd you think of the Capstan Blue? Tolkien's favorite blend reportedly.
The Klan are white supremecists. And Democrat. They also like to use projection and accuse their enemy of that which they are guilty of. They also hate Jews too and blame them for all the world's problems. 2+2=?
KEK. What you call a wizard pipe are called churchwardens. They got that name apparently because the guards inside the churches back in the day weren't allowed to smoke their pipes inside. So, they just made a long stem to hang out the window, thus not smoking "inside" the church, hence the name churchwarden.
Yeah, it's just the retarded game they play. If you're not with them or agree with them then they call you a Jew and then claim victory.
Some of are the opinion that this place is now a news channel and the work of Anons is the news. Others are of the opinion that Anons themselves will be news. Could be a bit of both but I lean towards the former.
When you realize they bust out the HRN persona for the same reasons they bust out the CP linker and gorewhore personas.
Highest Ranking Narcissist. What they call a single Anon out of all the Anons here because he dared to stand up to them, criticize their narratives and analyze those narratives with logic and discover holes in their narrative, and once that was done went on to toying with their self-esteems. It's the safest of their distraction personas when they're losing on optics, and it lets them vent their vitriol towards something else other than Jews.
>>20321534 (addendum)
And I suspect it's to try and set an example to show any other Anon what could happen if they dared to stand up to the paid posting clowns.
>Heck of a description
Well, if I'm going to talk about them I may as well throw an indirect slap their way to remind them, hence the verbosity.
You're so gay and your script is so fake that all you're doing is spinning your tires and getting no traction. You're a clown and the second most retarded of all the clown personas that you idiots use here, VaticanTard being the dumbest. I'm willing to bet you were an avid attendee of the Den of Absolute Retards Discord channel and spent time in /Hivemind as well.
Sweet dreams, shithead shill.