Anonymous ID: 4b52a7 Jan. 28, 2024, 11:18 p.m. No.20322406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20320467 >"fucker speaking in Alberta was the most violentest thing in the history of forever" -Canadian Liberals (PB)

Sewage such as this continues to be noted here, while everyone who listened to Hunter's Greatest Admirer's every word on fauxNonews knows President Donald J. Trump caused more violence than anyone in History, while "Great Guy" Hunter (April 8, 2021;FOXNEWSW_20210409_000000_Tucker_Carlson_Tonight/start/1680/end/1740 Transcript: ) and his "Warm & Affectionate" father (; ) could do no wrong.


June 25, 2020 when the Commies running the cities/states refused to request POTUS send in help for the Fentanyl Floyd riots (#InsurrectionAct LOCAL/STATE must request National Guard/Military), Hunter’s boyfriend says:

Americans Feel Undefended And Neglected, Expect A President To Respond To A Crisis

On Thursday's broadcast of his FOX News show, Carlson challenged viewers to name a single leader in world history that stayed in power after failing to "quell a rebellion. President Trump may lose this election. Unless fundamental facts change soon, it will be tough for him to be reelected…. At some point in the future, historians will marvel at the fact the president lost ground during a pandemic and then during mass riots. Both crises should have highlighted his strengths… yet when widespread disorder arrived, Trump did not act decisively. He said little. He did less. Voters felt undefended…RealClear Politics January 7, 2021 Tucker Carlson blasts Trump, says he 'recklessly encouraged' supporters before riot at Capitol "That is in fact what happened," Carlson said. "What happened yesterday, they're telling us, wasn't simply that a political protest got out of hand after the president recklessly encouraged it, that is in fact what happened," Carlson said, …”We've gone from being this big continental country with an enormous span of concerns and interests to a sweaty chat room of 300 million people, all of whom are focused on a single man, Donald Trump,”… "At some point you've got to wonder about where our country is putting all of its energy," Carlson continued.*Is any single president, anyone worth all of this time and attention?


*Well apparently a fucking Controlled Oppisition Mockingbird is just that - and then some.


Our President says "Election Interference" quite often. If ONLY people, especially here, were a fraction as defensive of HIM as a fucking fake Controlled Opposition entertainer.

Five DAYS before 2020 Rigged “ELECTION”: Tucker Carlson Suddenly Says It’s Time to Leave Hunter Biden Alone At some point, he lost control of those demons and the world knows that now. He's now humiliated and alone. Probably too strong to say we feel sorry for (him), but the point is pounding on a man, jumping on, and piling on when he's already down is something we don't want to be involved in.” -daily beast

Anonymous ID: 4b52a7 Jan. 29, 2024, 12:06 a.m. No.20322487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So yesterday, our President re-Truthed a levin clip (pic1) in which that damage-control fraud had the audacity to lump our President in with red Ronnie, titled: what the donald shares with the ronald


Hey Mawkie, you sack of sludge: The only thing our President will ever "share" with red is a NWO/Communist Mockingbird Machine suppressing TRUTHS regarding both. As with all the Ukraine Corruption you continue to suppress, you've been at it for many decades: Start with this (VID2 from October of 1947)12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. Compare the first two speakers' comments with REDs! (How many have NOT been accomplished???) AND–


The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, "Conspiracy of Silence" was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians. Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary. (It involved "REPUBLICANS") This was the biggest pedophile scandal in the history of the U.S.A. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.


April 27, 2016 Judge sentences 'serial child molester' Hastert to 15 months CHICAGO — Former House speaker Dennis Hastert, who less than a decade ago stood second in line to the presidency, was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison… Federal Judge Thomas Durkin called Hastert, 74, a "serial child molester" “I want to apologize to the boys I mistreated,” Hastert said. “They looked (up) at me and I took advantage of them.”

These young boys would run errands for Congressmen, and often sexual relationships would develop between the underage boys and members of Congress. Many suspected that the page program served as nothing more than a sex trafficking ring bringing pedophiles like Dennis Hastert naive young targets year after year.


Pedophilia enabling follows around GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate NE Aug 27, 2014 Omaha, of course, is infamous for the so-called "Franklin cover-up," the use of the Franklin Credit Union in the 1980s by a top GOP official… to launder money used for the trafficking of children, including orphans from Boy's Town, for purposes of sexual molestation. The scandal involved the Reagan and Bush White Houses and wasaggressively investigated in front-page stories by The Washington Times.


Levin circa 2006re:Foley/Congressional (young boys) Page scandal': TRANSCRIPT  |  TUE, OCT 3, 2006  |  BY HUGH HEWITT National Review contributor and fellow talk show host , Mark Levin on the ridiculous call for Dennis Hastert to step down. HH: …Mark, your friends over at the seem ready to throw Denny Hastert under the bus. ML:… I think this is really quite preposterous how so many conservatives, whether it is theWashington Timeseditorial page, or Richard Vigueri or others bite the liberal bait here….He had no reason to suspect anything more than what he was told. He’s the Speaker of the House, for God’s sakes…. ML: No, no. I haven’t, either, and this is whywhat the Washington Times, a paper that I enjoy and respect, was utterly irresponsible. They don’t have enough information… HH: It does. Now why theWashington Times? What…are they…is this just a false flag to pursue an agenda of a different sort? ML: I have no idea. You know, there’s a little problem in Washington, D.C., and that is that every now and then, ‘’’certain conservatives or conservative outlets want to appear to be acceptable to the big media’’’… HH: Well, Mark Levin, we’re on the same page. We’re both going to go off and do radio shows now,and defend the good, and Hastert. https://''