Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 4:58 a.m. No.20334654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4659 >>4675


James O'Keefe


People familiar with the story coming out tomorrow keep texting me, asking me about fear. I’ve taken the time to write a careful response.


At 39, I’ve lived a good life. Whether it’s complete or not is not up to me. What happens next, I don’t know. If there’s more to come here, so be it. I’ve learned the pursuit of truth requires extreme risk while operating without a safety net. I’ve experienced so much. I’ve lived ten lives compressed into a fraction of one.


That’s all that a man can hope for. Meteoric highs, extreme lows, and near-death experiences, Jail and jury trials, travels to every state dozens of times, adventures, travails, failures, betrayals, and loves lost and gained, repeated valleys, moving and climbing mountains, enduring multiple rebirths and renewals.


What I learned is written in three books, particularly American Muckraker, and filmed masterclasses, released and unreleased.


I’ve received love from a balanced family with honest parents and sincere grandparents who raised me to have a manically driven work ethic, all while believing in the best in people. From my vantage point, that last thing is on the verge of extinction unless things fundamentally change.


I built a good organization from nothing, which did good things. I’m taking lessons from the first company and building a better one from nothing, which I know will do more extraordinary things.


Challenging Leviathan itself is hard enough.


Leviathan doesn’t like being challenged. But as nearly impossible as that is, the enemy and its injustice is no longer what bothers me. An enemy can’t betray you. Only people you think are good can do that.


It has been an indescribable hell on earth for me to witness people go against everything they claim to believe in - everything good and right, in service to their love of money and power. I’ve witnessed envy destroy people whose hearts I thought I knew. I’ve seen an unhealthy obsession with comfort and safety from countless others. These weaknesses stand between us and what we’re “up against.”


Which leads me to the video I’m about to release.


I’m not suicidal, but I’m also not afraid to die.


Now, I’m indifferent to the outcome and frankly numb to the consequences of truth-telling. I’ve adapted to faith over fear.


The mission is to discover other people whose principles are not for sale — who will do the right thing rather than talk about doing the right thing. I’m tired of seeing 10s of thousands of people sliding into my DMs complaining to my team about how bad things are… and then they make excuses or do nothing.


I’m tired, Boss.


So here I stand; I can do no other. As has been said, “If they’re gonna kill me, they’re going to kill me.” Let’s do this. Let’s get 2024 started. Let’s inspire others to be brave. Let’s raise the stakes. Let’s expose them all!


In Truth,


8:15 PM · Jan 30, 2024

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:01 a.m. No.20334659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4670



O’Keefe Media Group


O'Keefe: "I'm not suicidal, but I'm not afraid to die."


Join us on spaces this Wednesday 4PM EST when we publish DC SWAMP EXPOSED PART 2

4:33 PM · Jan 29, 2024

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:03 a.m. No.20334662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4668 >>4674 >>4679


Ian Miles Cheong



BREAKING: US Navy veteran Michael Cassidy has been charged with a hate crime for beheading a statue of Satan at the Iowa Capitol.

Last edited

10:19 PM · Jan 30, 2024

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:06 a.m. No.20334665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4736


Chief Nerd


NEW - Pfizer Beats Earnings Estimates as COVID Constriction Continues, Eyes Big Oncology Push


"The stock continues to be under pressure on concerns that after COVID there is no new growth story. Now many do suspect that it will be cancer treatments after its huge acquisition of Seagen"

2:41 PM · Jan 30, 2024


Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:08 a.m. No.20334667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4707


Elon Musk



The United States is being overwhelmed






🚨WATCH: America's illegal immigration crisis is shattering century-old records with alarming numbers.


2023: 3,201,144

2022: 2,766,582

2021: 1,956,519

2020: 405,036

2019: 859,501

2018: 404,142

2017: 310,531

2016: 415,816

2015: 337,117

2014: 486,651

2013: 420,789

2012: 364,768…

Show more

7:10 PM · Jan 30, 2024

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:11 a.m. No.20334676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4690




3 aircraft of B52 strategic bombers have now landed at Ben Gurion Airport


This is how #America supports its ally #Israel..


Tell me what 22 Arab countries and 50 Muslim countries offered to their oppressed brothers in #Gaza‼️‼️

5:05 AM · Jan 29, 2024






3 B52 "long-range strategic bomber" planes landed in Israel.

2:16 PM · Jan 28, 2024

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:14 a.m. No.20334680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4707


BRICS overtakes G7 in terms of share in global GDP in PPP terms


As new members join the economic bloc, it is expected to lead more than 40% of global crude oil production.


Delegates interact during the 2023 BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023(AP)

Delegates interact during the 2023 BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023 (AP)

The head of the Russian Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, stated in an interview for RIA Novosti yesterday that the BRICS states have overtaken the G7 in terms of share in global GDP in PPP terms.


As new members have joined, the group’s share in global output rose from 31% to 35% as of the end of 2023, he added. This is based on the GDP in terms of the PPP (purchasing power parity) metric. The latter compares economic productivity and standards of living between countries by checking the differences in the cost of goods and services.


Nabiullina stressed that BRICS's role now is very vital, stating, “BRICS economies are developing quite quickly."


Last year, the economic bloc accepted the joining of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates as new members. Its older members are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, noting that they encourage others to join the bloc.


Argentina officially accepted the invitation and was supposed to join on January 1 of this year, however, the country's new President Javier Milei reversed the decision heading toward the West instead.


BRICS is expected to lead more than 40% of global crude oil production, while its population will amount to nearly 3.6 billion – almost half of the world’s total due to the joining of its new members.


Many other states have shown interest in joining BRICS, while some have even already formally submitted applications. The latter includes Venezuela, Thailand, Senegal, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Bahrain, and Pakistan.


The IMF reported that the G7’s share in global GDP in terms of PPP has been on a steady decline over the past several years, dropping from 50.42% in 1982 to 30.39% in 2022. It expects the figure to drop lower to 29.44% this year.


Kremlin predicted this

According to Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, the BRICS expansion will strengthen the group, and the topic will be covered at the forthcoming summit in South Africa.


"We believe that in one form or another, the expansion of the BRICS will contribute to the further development and strengthening of this organization. The form, the extent [of the expansion] - this is exactly what we will discuss during the upcoming summit," Peskov told reporters on August 3, 2023.


"This is a matter [the enlargement of BRICS] of discussion, we do not think that we need to get ahead of ourselves and declare our position before a discussion between the BRICS member states. In any case, we are talking about countries with which we have quite constructive interaction in various fields," he said.


Although the introduction of a single BRICS currency is now unachievable, Peskov stated that does not imply the topic should not be addressed.


"It is hardly possible to implement, but this does not mean that it does not need to be discussed. Discussions on this matter, of course, will continue," he told reporters.

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:16 a.m. No.20334684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4706



In vindication of the oppressed Palestinian people and in support and solidarity with our brothers in the Gaza Strip, and as a response to the American-British aggression on our country.


The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces fired several suitable naval missiles at the American destroyer "USS Greeley" in the Red Sea.


The Yemeni Armed Forces confirm that all American and British warships in the Red and Arab Seas, that are participating in the aggression against our country are within the target bank of our forces and will be targeted according to the legitimate right to defend our country, our people, and our nation, and in confirmation of the continued Yemeni position in support of Palestine.


Yemeni Armed Forces persist with their military operations: enforcing a blockade on Israeli navigation in the Red and Arabian seas until a ceasefire is achieved in, and food and medicine are allowed in to the besieged Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

12:42 AM · Jan 31, 2024

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:17 a.m. No.20334688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4707

FBI director to warn Congress of dangers Chinese hackers pose to American infrastructure, innovation


Washington — Hackers backed by the Chinese government are targeting U.S. water treatment plants and electrical grids, strategically positioning themselves within critical infrastructure systems to "wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities," FBI Director Christopher Wray is expected to tell Congress Wednesday.


"There has been far too little public focus on the fact that PRC hackers are targeting our critical infrastructure," Wray will warn the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, according to excerpts of his remarks obtained by CBS News. "The risk that poses to every American requires our attention — now."


The head of the FBI and other national security officials — including Jen Easterly, who leads the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency — are scheduled to testify at a congressional hearing focused on the cybersecurity threat posed by China's government.


Wray is expected to tell Congress that much of the framework upon which Americans rely for daily tasks, like oil and natural gas pipelines and transportation systems, is vulnerable to a cyberattack supported by China's ruling party.


Last May, Microsoft security researchers unearthed a hacking operation, code-named "Volt Typhoon." Active since mid-2021, researchers determined it "could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region during future crises."


Cyber experts say Volt Typhoon utilizes botnets – networks of infected internet-connected devices that can be used to bring down sensitive targets. Typically, initial access is gained through unsecured routers or modems.


Activity by the China-based hacking group reportedly alarmed U.S. officials, given its proximity to Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. China has ramped up its military activities near the island in recent years in response to what Beijing claims is "collusion" between Taiwan and the U.S.


The naval port in Guam would play a critically important role in launching any U.S. military response in the event of a Taiwanese invasion. Microsoft noted at the time that Chinese intelligence and military hackers routinely prioritize espionage and the gathering of information.


On Tuesday, Reuters reported that the Justice Department and FBI targeted the hackers behind Volt Typhoon and received court authorization to remotely disable aspects of the hacking campaign. Remotely disabling hackers behind cyberattacks is a new weapon in the U.S. government's cyber defense arsenal.


Earlier this month, the FBI and CISA also pushed out a new alert, warning that Chinese-manufactured drones, or UAS, pose a "significant risk" to critical infrastructure and U.S. national security.


"The use of Chinese-manufactured UAS in critical infrastructure operations risks exposing sensitive information to PRC authorities, jeopardizing U.S. national security, economic security, and public health and safety," the bulletin read.


Other top public officials, like Attorney General Merrick Garland, have also warned of the threat China's government poses to Americans' well being, economic prosperity and innovation. In the last year, the Justice Department has announced novel cases calling out Chinese chemical companies for aiding the fentanyl epidemic and secret Chinese police stations working to quiet Chinese dissidents living in the U.S.


"Today, and literally every day, they're actively attacking our economic security, engaging in wholesale theft of our innovation, and our personal and corporate data," Wray is expected to tell Congress Wednesday. "They target our freedoms, reaching inside our borders, across America, to silence, coerce, and threaten our citizens and residents."


Last year, the Justice Department launched the Disruptive Technology Strike Force to target rival nations like China that seek to use American high-tech advances to undermine national security and upset the rule of law.


U.S. officials are paying more attention to how foreign adversaries try to use investments to gain access to American technology and data. In announcing the department's new initiative last February, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said the Biden administration is looking at options to enable federal regulators to monitor the flow of American money into foreign tech sectors, while making sure those funds do not advance the national security interests of other nations, including China.

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:19 a.m. No.20334695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chuck Callesto


LATE BREAKING:⚠️ Massive Gas pipeline EXPLOSION near Elmwood, Oklahoma.


Flames purportedly visible as far as 30 miles…



11:55 PM · Jan 30, 2024

Anonymous ID: b41974 Jan. 31, 2024, 5:30 a.m. No.20334721   🗄️.is 🔗kun




amen was the principal Egyptian state god in the New Kingdom, closely associated with Thebes at least as far back as the Middle Kingdom. He is known to have existed since at least the late Old Kingdom. Called "The Hidden One," he is associated variously with wind, water, and fertility, and was represented as a human, a goose, a ram, or a snake. He was often joined in the New Kingdom with the sun god ra as amen-ra. amen was a part of the Theban Triad which consisted of amen, his wife Mut and son Khonsu, and their principal temples lay at Karnak. In his form of amen-Kamutef, he was a member of the Hermopolitan Ogdoad.


This project is brought to you by the American Research Center in Egypt in partnership with the American University in Cairo Egyptology Department, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and The Getty Conservation Institute.