Question: has this happened to anyone else?
Anon hasn't taken the jab, but lived with relative who did.
So, this might be evidence of the jab? Or, anon's just making connections where there aren't.
So here goes; it's weird, but then, aren't we all.
Anon picked nose earlier; the piece dislodged from the nasal wall, but was still attached. Used thumb and forefinger to grip it, and while pulling knew there'd be blood, as there had been previous times; and, when it came out, held it and stared at it and took some pictures, then bagged it. (And fixed the nosebleed.)
It has a tail. It's almost like it was rooted. Anon knows about the hydra and antennae so curious if this is "normal."
Anon has experienced this several times in the past as well, not sure how far back that "past" goes; at least a couple years.
Maybe longer; anon did have one flu shot back in the 90s…
Anyway, would love to know if anyone's had a similar experience. Anon knows of Morgellon's, maybe it's that? TYB!