Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 11:30 a.m. No.20341715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2025 >>2178 >>2299

1 Feb, 2024 19:10

Zelensky’s generals refuse to accept firing top commander – Bild

Both potential replacements for Valery Zaluzhny have declined to take his place, the German paper has claimed


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has been unable to fire the nation’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, because both replacements under consideration refused the job, the tabloid Bild reported on Thursday.


A host of Western and Ukrainian media previously claimed, citing anonymous sources in Kiev, that Zelensky had sacked Zaluzhny, prompting the Ukrainian government to refute those rumors.


According to Bild, the president did attempt to fire the general on Monday and had to reverse his decision “within an hour” because he could not find a replacement for the nation’s top commander. The move drew strong opposition from the Ukrainian generals, the tabloid claimed.


Zelensky allegedly wanted to see Ground Forces Commander Aleksandr Syrsky in Zaluzhny’s place because “he is more loyal to the president,” Bild said, citing Gustav Gressel, a Ukraine expert with the Berlin-based European Council on Foreign Relations think tank. The generals disapproved of the choice because they see Zaluzhny as a “more humane” leader who is “closer to the troops,”the analyst explained.


Syrsky himself – alongside the Ukrainian military intelligence chief, Kirill Budanov – reportedly “politely declined” an offer to take up Zaluzhny’s position, the paper claimed. Yesterday, Britain’s The Times named Syrsky and Budanov as possible candidates to be Ukraine’s top general, also reporting that they had refused.


Despite Zaluzhny retaining his post, the conflict between him and Zelensky continues to “smolder,” Bild alleged. The relationship between the two men reportedly began to deteriorate when the general wrote an article for The Economist in November, describing the battlefield situation as a “stalemate”following Kiev’s failed counteroffensive. The president has vehemently rejected that assessment.


According to the German outlet, the president and his commander also clashed over strategy in the cities of Bakhmut and Avdeevka. In late spring 2023, when the Russian forces were pressing their advantage against the Ukrainians in Bakhmut, Zelensky insisted the city should be held to the last man, while Zaluzhny wanted to withdraw to preserve his forces, the paper said, adding that the situation was being repeated in Avdeevka.


On Wednesday, the New York Times reported that Zelensky had abandoned his plans to fire the top general after his plan was leaked to the media. CNN reported on Thursday, however, that the Ukrainian leader still wanted to go ahead with the decision and would fire Zaluzhny by the end of the week.


(The insane messianic media exposure craving little lunatic, will be gone soon. He’s gone well past his usefulness, he better leave Ukraine as fast as he can, because he will up at the Hague for massive war crimes, or more likely dead. The Admin doesn’t want the full details to come out about where all that laundered money went. His arrogance, pride and greed, is his downfall. The little guy should be afraid, but he’s so stupid he thinks he has trusted advisors. He never did.)

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 11:35 a.m. No.20341728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1743 >>2025 >>2178 >>2299


Harnwell: Zelensky undergoes Head Office visitation — the “Angel of Death” descends on Kiev




They say a criminal always returns to the scene of their crimes. And thus neocon warmonger Victoria “Angel of Death” Nuland is in Ukraine.

Everything about this indicates a visit urgently thrown together with minimal notice. I speculate its mission is two-fold:


  1. to read Zelensky the riot act over firing his commander-in-chief General Zaluzhny without consulting the US first


  1. to pacify the military so that it doesn’t launch a coup against the Zelensky regime — or at least, to not do so yet…


(She’s there to eliminate him quietly)

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.20341743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1795 >>2025 >>2178 >>2299


=Bannon has called it on Zelensky since the start, he keeps saying read about President Diem


Arrest and assassination of Ngô Đình Diệm


For broader coverage of this topic, see 1963 South Vietnamese coup.

On 2 November 1963, Ngô Đình Diệm, the president of South Vietnam,was arrested and assassinated in a successful CIA-backed coup d'état led by General Dương Văn Minh. The coup was the culmination of nine years of autocratic and nepotistic family rule in the country. Discontent with the Diệm regime had been simmering below the surface and culminated with mass Buddhist protests against longstanding religious discrimination after the government shooting of protesters who defied a ban on the flying of the Buddhist flag.


The Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) had launched a bloody overnight siege on Gia Long Palace in Saigon. When rebel forces entered the palace, Diệm and his adviser and younger brother Ngô Đình Nhu were not present, having escaped to a loyalist shelter in Cholon. The brothers had kept in communication with the rebels through a direct link from the shelter to the palace, and misled them into believing that they were still in the palace. The Ngô brothers soon agreed to surrender and were promised safe exile; after being arrested, they were instead executed in the back of an armoured personnel carrier by ARVN officers on the journey back to military headquarters near Tân Sơn Nhứt Air Base. While no formal inquiry was conducted, the responsibility for the deaths of the Ngô brothers is commonly placed on Minh's bodyguard, Captain Nguyễn Văn Nhung and on Major Dương Hiếu Nghĩa, both of whom guarded the brothers during the trip. Minh's army colleagues and US officials in Saigon agreed that Minh ordered the executions. They postulated various motives, including that the brothers had embarrassed Minh by fleeing the Gia Long Palace, and that the brothers were killed to prevent a later political comeback. The generals initially attempted to cover up the execution by suggesting that the brothers had committed suicide, but this was contradicted when photos of the Ngôs' corpses surfaced in the media…

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 11:56 a.m. No.20341795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1797 >>2025 >>2178 >>2299


This sounds exactly like the position Zelensky is in, and with the bonus of CIA running things


Diem Surrender and debate

See also: 1963 South Vietnamese coup

At 13:30 on 1 November, Generals Dương Văn Minh and Trần Văn Đôn, respectively the Presidential Military Adviser and Army Chief of Staff, led a coup against Diệm. The rebels had carefully devised plans to neutralise loyalist officers to prevent them from saving Diệm.Unknown to Diệm, General Đính, the supposed loyalist who commanded the ARVN III Corps that surrounded the Saigon area, had allied himself with the plotters of the coup.[10]The second of Diệm's most trusted loyalist generals was Huỳnh Văn Cao, who commanded the IV Corps in the Mekong Delta. Diệm and Nhu were aware of the coup plan, and Nhu responded by planning a counter-coup, which he called Operation Bravo. This plan involved Đính and Colonel Tung, the loyalist commander of the Special Forces, staging a phony rebellion before their forces crushed the "uprising" to reaffirm the power of the Ngô family. Unaware that Đính was plotting against him, Nhu allowed Đính to organise troops as he saw fit, and Đính transferred the command of the 7th Division based at Mỹ Tho from Cao's IV Corps to his own III Corps. This allowed Colonel Nguyễn Hữu Có, Đính's deputy, to take command of the 7th Division. The transfer allowed the rebels to completely encircle the capital and denied Cao the opportunity of storming Saigon and protecting Diệm, as he had done during the previous coup attempt in 1960. Minh and Đôn had invited senior Saigon based officers to a meeting at the headquarters of the Joint General Staff (JGS), on the pretext of routine business. Instead, they announced that a coup was underway, with only a few, including Tung, refusing to join. Tung was later forced at gunpoint to order his loyalist Special Forces to surrender. The coup went smoothly as the rebels quickly captured all key installations in Saigon and sealed incoming roads to prevent loyalist forces from entering. This left only the Presidential Guard to defend Gia Long Palace. The rebels attacked government and loyalist army buildings but delayed the attack on the palace, hoping that Diệm would resign and accept the offer of safe passage and exile. Diệm refused, vowing to reassert his control. After sunset, the 5th Division of Colonel Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, who later became the nation's president, led an assault on Gia Long Palace and it fell by daybreak.[11]


In the early morning of 2 November, Diệm agreed to surrender. The ARVN officers had intended to exile Diệm and Nhu, having promised the Ngô brothers safe passage out of the country. At 06:00, just before dawn, the officers held a meeting at JGS headquarters to discuss the fate of the Ngô brothers. According to Lucien Conein, the US Army and CIA officer who was the American liaison with the coup, most of the officers, including Minh, wanted Diệm to have an "honorable retirement" from office, followed by exile.[12] Not all of the senior officers attended the meeting, with some having already left to make arrangements for the arrival of Diệm and Nhu at JGS headquarters. General Lê, a former police chief under Diệm in the mid-1950s, strongly lobbied for Diệm's execution. There was no formal vote taken at the meeting, and Lê attracted only minority support.One general was reported to have said "To kill weeds, you must pull them up at the roots".[12] Conein reported that the generals had never indicated that assassination was in their minds, since an orderly transition of power was a high priority in achieving their ultimate aim of gaining international recognition.[13]

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.20341843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ronna McDaniel Closes The RNC To The Press, John Fredericks Explains. This is hysterical! Ronna is going down



Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 12:33 p.m. No.20341930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1937 >>1940


The real question is how do these people “NOT KNOW” who James O’Keefe is?Have they never seen any of his videos? You would imagine everyone on Bidan’s team and his cyber security guy would absolutely know who James is? They all hate him, how come they “supposedly” don’t know him.


This was a reverse scheme on James, nothing else makes sense

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 12:39 p.m. No.20341952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2025 >>2178 >>2299

Sen. Tommy Tuberville: Republican Leadership Has Forced Ukraine Spending Onto Republican Voters


I really respect Senator Tuberville He says the truth about FBI lying all the time, he doesn’t believe this Chinese Hack on CI. He doesn’t believe their testimony at all. Senate are trying extortion on Americans for money for Ukraine! It’s a trick on this border bill to give money to Ukraine. He’s says its the Republican Senate leaders and McConnel pushing this



Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.20341980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1995

Bannon: "If You Don't Believe That Trump Won In 2020, You Shouldn't Be A Senior Member Of The RNC"




“There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks where everything happens”


These types of years is called “Hinges of History”

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 12:54 p.m. No.20342011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Inside Kevin McCarthy’s vengeance operation against the Republicans who fired him

Allies of the booted speaker have identified their three biggest targets: Reps. Nancy Mace, Bob Good and Eli Crane.



Walsh’s work sprang up after McCarthy’s sudden ouster. Donors, consultants and potential candidates began to get in touch withMcCarthy world about mounting primary bids against the eight Republicans, andWalsh volunteered to serve as a clearinghouse.


Further north in Virginia, McCarthy has also signaled interest in striking back against Good, the House Freedom Caucus chair who already has a primary opponent in state Sen. John McGuire. Even before McGuire officially declared, McCarthy was eyeing the race.


And Good tangled verbally with McCarthy on the House floor in November, after POLITICO reported McGuire’s plans for a primary campaign, according to a lawmaker who overheard the private exchange and was granted anonymity to discuss it. Good sarcastically urged McCarthy to campaign in his district, to which McCarthy replied that he helped get Good elected and would spend money again in his district, this time for his challenger, the lawmaker said.


An adviser to McGuire said that McCarthy and his allies were not involved in the decision to challenge Good. But the incumbent still plans to tie McGuire to the former speaker. (It’s a tricky charge, since Good himself accepted help from McCarthy and allied super PACs to win reelection; the Virginian says McCarthy never bought his support.)


“It would be great if my opponent brought Kevin McCarthy to the district to campaign for him. I would actually suggest that he do that,” Good said in an interview.


Outside of South Carolina and Virginia, recruitment has been slower — despite McCarthy’s packed coffers and access to crucial donors from his time in leadership.


Crane’s membership in the “Gaetz Eight” is particularly galling to McCarthy allies. Elected in 2022 with massive financial help from a McCarthy-backed PAC, he was the only first-term participant in the ouster push.


(This guy needs to be exposed for his corruption now. The Republicans need to fight back.)

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.20342038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2072 >>2178 >>2299

Trump leads Haley in South Carolina by 26 points, poll shows



Haley has committed to staying in the Republican presidential race through Super Tuesday but hasn’t made it clear whether she’d still be in the race by the time the party’s nominating convention rolls around in July.


Trump holds majority support among both men — 62 percent — and women — 54 percent — in South Carolina, the poll finds. Trump also has high levels of support among white evangelicals — 69 percent — and voters without a college degree — 68 percent.


Seven in 10 voters also believe Trump would definitely or probably beat President Joe Biden in November.


The poll also found that Trump’s legal problems are not much of a concern among South Carolina’s Republican primary voters. Sixty percent say the GOP should keep Trump on the ticket if he wins the nomination but is convicted of a crime related to the 2020 election.


The Post-Monmouth poll was conducted Jan. 26 to 30 among a random sample of 815 potential GOP primary voters in South Carolina. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3.9 percentage points among the full sample of potential Republican primary voters.


(Even Politico admits Haley is a loser in SC)

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 1:09 p.m. No.20342073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2083 >>2097 >>2178 >>2299

1 Feb, 2024 20:18

Israel accepts ceasefire deal – Al Jazeera

Qatari negotiators are awaiting a final response from Hamas officials, who have seemingly welcomed the plan


Israel has agreed to a ceasefire proposal that would halt its war with Hamas, Al Jazeera reported on Thursday, citing the Qatari Foreign Ministry. Hamas has reportedly given the plan a “positive” response.


The ceasefire plan was hashed out in Paris over the weekend,with Qatari and Egyptian diplomats mediating between Israel and the Palestinian militant group. Delegations from West Jerusalem and Gaza left the French capital promising to study the proposal and negotiate further this week, and by Thursday evening, a deal was apparently within reach.


“Israel agreed to the ceasefire proposal and we have initial positive confirmation from Hamas,” a spokesman for the Qatari Foreign Ministry said on Thursday evening, according to Al Jazeera. “We are awaiting their response,” the spokesman added.


The proposed ceasefire will be implemented in three stages, according to a Hamas statement shared with Reuters earlier this week. The first phase would see fighting stop for 40 days asHamas hands over the female civilians, children, and elderly people it is still holding captive. During this time, large-scale deliveries of food and medicine into Gaza would resume.


The following stages would seeHamas turn over captive Israeli soldiers and the bodiesof Israeli troops, in exchange for further aid deliveries and the freeing of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.


“Military operations on both sides will stop during the three stages,” the militants said, adding that the number of Palestinian prisoners freed would be open to negotiation.


The proposalfalls short of the full Israeli withdrawal from Gazathat Hamas initially demanded. As a step toward ending the war, however, it also threatens Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to keep fighting until Israel achieves “total victory” over the militants, as he has promised on multiple occasions.


While hardliners within Netanyahu’s cabinet have pressed him to reject any deal they view as too lenient towards Hamas, Israel has faced international condemnation over its conduct in Gaza, and two of the Jewish state’s most stalwart backers – the US and UK – suggested this week that they could soon recognize an independent Palestinian state. Such an outcome would be a political disaster for Netanyahu, who angered Washington and London last month when he outright rejected a two-state solution to the decades-long conflict with the Palestinians.


Hamas fighters attacked Israel on October 7, killing around 1,200 people and taking roughly 240 as hostages. Israel responded by imposing a siege on Gaza and launching waves of airstrikes on the densely-populated enclave. A ground operation followed three weeks later, and after almost four months of fighting, more than 27,000 Palestinians have died, two thirds of them women and children, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Anonymous ID: 46212f Feb. 1, 2024, 1:45 p.m. No.20342220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2299

Oregon high court says 10 GOP state senators who staged long walkout can’t run for reelection

Last year’s boycott lasted six weeks — the longest in state history — and paralyzed the legislative session, stalling hundreds of bills.




Five lawmakers sued over the secretary of state’s decision — Sens. Tim Knopp, Daniel Bonham, Suzanne Weber, Dennis Linthicum and Lynn Findley.They were among the 10 GOP senators who racked up more than 10 absences.


The senators opposed the ruling in a statement.


“We obviously disagree with the Supreme Court’s ruling.But more importantly, we are deeply disturbed by the chilling impact this decision will have to crush dissent,” said Knopp, the chamber’s Republican minority leader.


During oral arguments before the Oregon Supreme Court in December, attorneys for the senators and the state wrestled over the grammar and syntax of the language that was added to the state constitution after Measure 113 was approved by voters.


The amendment says a lawmaker is not allowed to run “for the term following the election after the member’s current term is completed.” The senators claimed the amendment meant they could seek another term, since a senator’s term ends in January while elections are held the previous November. They argue the penalty doesn’t take effect immediately, but rather, after they’ve served another term.


The two sides also wrestled with the slight differences in wording that appeared on the actual ballot that voters filled out and the text of the measure as included in the voters’ pamphlet.


The ballot said the result of a vote in favor of the measure would disqualify legislators with 10 or more unexcused absences from holding office for the “term following current term of office.” It did not include the word “election,” as the text of the measure that appeared in the pamphlet did.What appeared in the pamphlet was ultimately added to the state constitution


(How can they do this, Democrats set Republicans up I bet. They probably counted every day, and didn’t count Democrats missing. They should do this to US Congress and Senate, they take a ton of vacation and are absent a lot. Many Senators say their barely work. According to the honest ones.)