Anonymous ID: 5c22ee Feb. 5, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.20363298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3390 >>3410 >>3584 >>3708 >>3795 >>3810


>So the no callsign thing proves nothing as to whether or not Slo Joe is President.

Interestingly, it's not in a vacuum, we know it's Joe and AF1, it's just choosing specifically to not update its callsign, except for today when it specificallyswitched from No Callsign to Empty Callsignwhile we all watched.

The consensus so far as I can garner from my fellow 'anons' here in 'conspiracy' land is that Joe Biden is President so far as he needs to be as outlined in Presidential Emergency Action Documents that went into effect after Trump declared a national emergency for election interference. It's interesting to those of us who subscribe to Q being a military operation to save the world from deeply embedded domestic terrorists.

So far as it comes to civilian ATC communication it's very interesting because it has to call this plane something, I'm going to try and listen to Andrews at some point and grab an audio grab.

Again, not a vacuum we have to add this to the funeral salutes missing, 21-gun salutes missing among other pieces of evidence that show Joe Biden isn't Commander-in-Chief of the US military, no football, etc…