Anonymous ID: 0b5ae6 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:56 a.m. No.20373249   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

RIP transparency in science - @NSF doesn't want you to read


Do you like to read? When some "expert" says something dumb, do you go back and check primary sources to see for yourself what's what?

Good news! The @NSF is funding AI systems to censor you.

No, you do not have permission to distrust The Science(tm) itself. Sheesh.


To justify its funding of a vast, automated censorship engine, the @NSF cited a study that characterized Americans who hold “the Bible or the Constitution” as “sacred” & “distrust[] journalists and academics" as being too interested in primary sources. IOW, they like reading.

Here's a link to the full House Judiciary report. You will be able to tell which religious rights organizations and civil liberties organizations are worth supporting by how they respond to this gross violation of the US 1st Amendment.


@jimmy_dore I'm afraid some pinhead academic has stolen your bit about how "reading a wide array of primary sources" is now a counter-cultural & subversive act. But unlike you, I think they think people "reading" is a bad thing.


Oh my goodness. Worried about outside exposure of their AI censorship program, the @NSF held a training session for their grantees. A draft of the advice they gave them told them to "subscribe to scrubbing services, such as DeleteMe."

RIP transparency in science.