>There are still lots of states to go. She's not going anywhere.
Good, then I'll kek my ass off every time she gets her ass handed to her. I'm still kekking about the Nevada primary. That's some funny shit..
That bitch is too stupid to realize that it's over for her.
Was Ronna going to attempt to block Trump, and the white hats knew about it?
The Nikki shills keep saying that the RNC will just choose Nikki over Trump. Maybe Ronna was their insider.
Gee, what are they afraid of I wonder? Kek.
They're scared shitless of Putin's message getting out to the world. It just shows that they've got something to hide.
Bad Story as in all of the sex trafficked children at this event coming to light?
That looks kind of like a threat, and very sketchy.
>The bill seeks to limit most militia activity
What part ofshall not infringedo these faggots not understand?