Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.20373230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

Border Battle: Cruz Calls for McConnell to Step Down, Trump Super PAC Releases New Ad

Lincoln Brown on Feb 06, 2024


Well, at least one civil war has sprung up over the border. And it isn't in Texas. With the non-secure border bill dead in the water, unrest has gripped the GOP side of the Senate. It got downright ugly on Monday. By all reports, hands were not thrown but a screaming match ensued last night behind closed doors. American Wire reports that Fox News Capitol Hill correspondent Aishah Hasni told Dana Perino:


Senate Republicans met last night in aclosed-door meeting which got so heated, Dana, at times that myself and other reporters could actually hear screamingcoming from inside the room. When leader Mitch McConnell emerged from the room,he told me that he had a great discussion and that the conference will keep on talking.


McConnell has yet to figure out that the days of "go along to get along" have faded into the sunset. The credits have rolled, and we even got to the part where the filmmakers mentioned the key grip and thanked the District of Columbia for its cooperation in making this farce.


In the wake of the latest drama, Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) are calling for McConnell to take his curtain call and take up mushroom hunting in Kentucky, or maybe he could call bingo numbers at The Villages.


"Sen. Cruz is not a fan." And that, ladies and gentlemen, seems to be the best McConnell can muster. You can see Fox's full video below:


I knew Lee during his campaign and early days in the Senate, and the man does his homework. He posted this on X on Monday to show just how awful this bill is:


Cruz, Lee, and every GOP Senate member who took McConnell to the figurative woodshed have a point.


Even a casual glance at Lee's post shows that this hands Biden and his cronies everything they want while allowing McConnell and whoever may be left in his camp to pretend that they struck some sort of deal for the nation and bipartisanship. Or something. It certainly isn't border security.


In addition to being a Christmas gift to Biden and the Democrats, this bill seems to have been designed to give Biden that "power" for which he had been yammering so he could do something about the border. According to Lee, among other things, the bill would codify catch and release, fund sanctuary cities, and help NGOs relocate illegals, not to mention the charming clause that would allow Biden to reopen the border anytime he feels it would serve the national interest and suspend border emergency authority for up to 45 days.


Then there is the codicil that would create a pathway to citizenship for approximately 60,000 Afghan citizens who have not been properly vetted and ended up in the country following Biden's horrific withdrawal from that country. And as the post says, that is just the tip of the iceberg.


Meanwhile, over at a Trump Super Pac:


Never-Trumpers can say what they will. The problem of illegal immigration has become an ugly reality for many Americans, and this ad speaks to it. Biden, Mayorkas, and the Democrats are working on Plan B as I write this. And McConnell is fiddling as Rome burns.

Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:55 a.m. No.20373247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3252 >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

What the Hell Is Going on in Maui After That Devastating Wildfire?

Stephen Green February 06, 2024

(Same thing as E. Palestine, OH)1/2


It was quite the photo-op last August for Presidentish Joe Biden when he got lei'd in Maui for all the cameras in the wake of one of America's deadliest wildfires. But six months later, Biden is accused of neglecting its victims, somebody seems to be slow-walking the recovery process, and conspiracy theories are everywhere.


The worst hit was the town of Lahaina, where more than 100 people were killed, around 70 others injured, three remain missing, and countless buildings and homes were destroyed — more than 2,000. The fires spread quickly due to high winds and — this is where things got weird — civil defense sirens were never activated, despite Hawaii having the world's largest integrated outdoor siren warning system. There are more than 80 such sirens on Maui alone.


Here we are, six months later, and the victims of the Lahaina fire have more questions than answers — and more resentment than government assistance.


Tuesday on TwitterX, Nick Sortor, a frequent government critic and sometimes Tucker Carlson guest, claimed that the Lahaina cleanup "literally just started roughly two weeks ago," and he wants to know why. He also posted:


There are at least 2100 properties charred from the fire


They’re only clearing an average of 2 lots per weekday so far


Only seven trucks are running cleanup


If so, that's a damning report on progress not made after six months. Perhaps even worse, Sortor claimed, "To top it off, even if your lot is cleared, you’re STILL not allowed to start rebuilding."


One factor in the delays might involve legal complications. The AP reported last year that without zoning changes, burned-out residents of Lahaina "might not be able to afford to live there after it is rebuilt."


“Market prices for this new housing are likely to far exceed the already high prices that existed in Lahaina before the fire. For renters, the old housing stock that was destroyed provided opportunities for reasonable rents,” the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization warned. The problem has become known as "disaster gentrification."


Keli’i Akina of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii advised back in October that "families and individuals who owned homes and businesses in Lahaina should not have their property rights arbitrarily stripped away from them to satisfy the grand plans of some bureaucracy." To that end, "the county should offer an expedited permitting process for businesses and homes damaged or destroyed by the fire," but my research today uncovered no local efforts to rezone or streamline processes in Lahaina to favor those who lost everything in the fires.


No wonder people are latching onto conspiracy theories.…

Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:56 a.m. No.20373252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944




One early theory holds that Hawaii may have purposely kept civil defense sirens silent — specifically to burn out longtime locals and replace them with new, wealthier residents.


Another theory claims that blue tarps saved the mansions of billionaires while everyone else's homes burned.


I'm not sure how blue tarps are supposed to have warded off fires so hot that they quickly melted Lahaina fire hydrants, but that's not the issue. The issue is how bad, incompetent, or foot-dragging government breeds contempt and, eventually, paranoia.


There are so many much easier ways to start fires than directed energy weapons.




But whether you buy into any of the conspiracy theories or not, there is zero doubt that Washington's priorities are completely out of whack:


Migrants Get More Money for Food Than New Yorkers Using SNAP Benefits — Newsweek, Feb. 5


Washington Dems diverted $460M to illegal immigrants into 2023 — KTTH, Feb. 4


Washington state diverted $340M in federal COVID funds to immigrants, including via $1,000 checks — Fox News, Feb. 3


Honestly, some days I'd rather believe that space lasers set Hawaii on fire than the things our government actually does.

Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 10:04 a.m. No.20373273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3282 >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

Charlie Kirk@charliekirk11


IMPORTANT UPDATE:Blake Moore from Utahis apparently in favor of impeaching Mayorkas, but switched his vote to NO in aparliamentary tactic to avoid a tie vote, giving the the House another opportunity to vote

Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 10:06 a.m. No.20373282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944




Charlie Kirk


IMPORTANT UPDATE:Blake Moore from Utahis apparently in favor of impeaching Mayorkas, but switched his vote to NO in a parliamentary tactic to avoid a tie vote giving the the House anotheropportunity to vote on impeachment once Steve Scalise is back.

Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 10:09 a.m. No.20373297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3328 >>3362 >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

Senator Vance: Democrats Plan To Jam Ukraine Package Deal Through Without Border Components, Vote No. Trying to jam it through today




Single most important thing to kill since I’ve been. They have fetish on Ukraine

Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 10:16 a.m. No.20373328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944


This is awful,no wonder there was yelling and screaming with McConnell meeting. It was never about the border it was always about Ukraine, posted this article on this bread. The senate are delusional “if they send more money to Ukraine they can win. Vance says a lot of senators think there is no corruption in Ukraine.This is highest law making body in our country. These people are stupid or intentionally ignorant



Well, at least one civil war has sprung up over the border. And it isn't in Texas. With the non-secure border bill dead in the water, unrest has gripped the GOP side of the Senate. It got downright ugly on Monday. By all reports, hands were not thrown but a screaming match ensued last night behind closed doors. American Wire reports that Fox News Capitol Hill correspondent Aishah Hasni told Dana Perino:


Senate Republicans met last night in aclosed-door meeting which got so heated, Dana, at times that myself and other reporters could actually hear screamingcoming from inside the room. When leader Mitch McConnell emerged from the room,he told me that he had a great discussion and that the conference will keep on talking.

Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 10:44 a.m. No.20373470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3475 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

“Your Last Easy Day Was Yesterday”: Steve Bannon To Mike Johnson. Morning Joe losing his mind again, does he ever not lose his mind. And of course Trump’s fault. These people are insaneI can’t believe people listen to this shit. The MSM are scared to death that didn’t program the US enough to sign off on our sovereignty.



Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 10:50 a.m. No.20373500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Matt Schlapp Previews CPAC | JD Vance, Vivek, And Trump. We need much better leadership in the Republican partySome world leaders coming to CPAC and remind us what makes America Great!



Anonymous ID: c5de30 Feb. 7, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.20373721   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"They're Out To Destroy YOU First": Steve Bannon On The American Globalists' Russian Serf End Goal

We are breaking the Ancient Regime of the Establishment of Republican Regime that has Controlled Capitol Hill. We are about to see the collapse of the Border Invasion Bill. Full stop!


They planned this on Jan 20, 2021, to take everything President Trump had done. On the very first day. They are seeing Black and Hispanics are seeing what Trump did. They understand you are about to come off the Reservation and Plantation.


They understand that, and thats why they want to lair you! That is what this is about.Just See What You see!


If you want more of it, vote for it.

They are out to destroy you first.

