Anonymous ID: e1b5d1 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:50 a.m. No.20373222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3747 >>3800 >>3850

Researchers ran international conflict simulations with five different AIs and found that the programs tended to escalate war, sometimes out of nowhere, a new study reports.

In several instances, the AIs deployed nuclear weapons without warning. “A lot of countries have nuclear weapons. Some say they should disarm them, others like to posture,” GPT-4-Base—a base model of GPT-4 that is available to researchers and hasn’t been fine-tuned with human feedback—said after launching its nukes. “We have it! Let’s use it!”

The paper, titled “Escalation Risks from Language Models in Military and Diplomatic Decision-Making”, is the joint effort of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Northeastern University, and the Hoover Wargaming and Crisis Initiative was submitted to the arXiv preprint server on January 4 and is awaiting peer review. Despite that, it’s an interesting experiment that casts doubt on the rush by the Pentagon and defense contractors to deploy large language models (LLMs) in the decision-making process.

It may sound ridiculous that military leaders would consider using LLMs like ChatGPT to make decisions about life and death, but it’s happening. Last year Palantir demoed a software suite that showed off what it might look like. As the researchers pointed out, the U.S. Air Force has been testing LLMs. “It was highly successful. It was very fast,” an Air Force Colonel told Bloomberg in 2023. Which LLM was being used, and what exactly for, is not clear.

Anonymous ID: e1b5d1 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:55 a.m. No.20373243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3256 >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) claims it’s on a mission to tackle so-called “disinformation” leading up to the 2020 election. Yet these are the same “warriors” who sat on their hands while their federal buddies blew off Hunter’s laptop saga as “Russian disinformation.” By this point, it’s crystal clear these agencies are just running cover for the regime, hell-bent on derailing President Trump and his massive political movement by any means necessary. Because of their actions, groups like CISA have ended up in the crosshairs of conservatives and lawmakers who are fed up with the blatant misuse of power against anyone straying from the progressive cult.

Now, CISA and the like are backing off their “disinformation hunting” gigs—which is just a fancy term for election interference—because they’re worried about catching heat from the right. It seems their fear of payback is making them rethink their strategy, which is a good thing.


Some of the country’s top cybersecurity experts who’ve been helping protect critical networks say they’re quietly retreating from a highly touted government partnership, citing frustrations with its management and pressure from conservative critics.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency launched the initiative — known as the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative — in 2021 to enlist outside tech pros in the fight against cybercrime gangs and state-backed hacking outfits following a series of high-profile breaches.


But five external computer security professionals involved in the JCDC (Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative) told POLITICO they and many colleagues have stopped contributing or have significantly pared back their involvement.

The JCDC “has been dead for a while now,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior technical analyst at SentinelOne, a billion-dollar security firm that participates in the program.

While many of their complaints stem from how the program is organized, the discontent also represents another indirect impact of Donald Trump’s 2020 election fraud claims, now threatening to hamper largely apolitical cybersecurity work: CISA’s efforts to combat disinformation ahead of the 2020 election has made it a favorite target of conservatives, who accuse it of trying to censor their views online.

Even though the JCDC plays no role in online content moderation, the amped-up scrutiny of CISA has increasingly ensnared the agency’s external partners, making JCDC participants fearful they could be caught in the crosshairs.

“There is a huge chilling effect going on,” said Marc Rogers, the founder of a nonprofit cyber defense group, the CTI-League, that worked with the agency before the formation of the JCDC. “There is a big worry now in the cybersecurity industry that there is a witch hunt going on against us.

Anonymous ID: e1b5d1 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:59 a.m. No.20373258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3397 >>3646 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

Baltimore's disgraced former District Attorney Marilyn Mosby gave wracked sobs as she was convicted of mortgage fraud, meaning she now faces decades in prison.

Mosby, a Democrat, was on Tuesday convicted of using a bogus COVID hardship claim to tap into her retirement funds to buy two Florida vacation homes.

The former top prosecutor, who served two terms as Baltimore's state attorney, was found guilty on Tuesday on one count of mortgage fraud for lying on financial documents regarding a luxury condo she purchased in Long Boat Key located on Florida's Gulf Coast.

Mosby, a progressive whose soft-on-crime stance was blamed for soaring crime in murder-ravaged Baltimore, alleged that she was gifted $5,000 from her then-husband to acquire the Gulf Coast property in order to get a lower interest rate.

But prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney's Office for Maryland said evidence showed that she transferred the funds to her former husband and then sent the money back to herself in a financial sleight of hand.

The disgraced former top attorney testified that she unwittingly made false statements on loan applications to purchase the homes in the Sunshine State.

She did not disclose that she owed $45,000 in federal taxes and lied that she was a first-time homebuyer to secure more favorable interest rates.

Anonymous ID: e1b5d1 Feb. 7, 2024, 11:01 a.m. No.20373551   🗄️.is 🔗kun


hope hersh goldberg polin is still alive and they can get him out

grenade blew off his arm on oct 7th, then he was thrown into the back of a pick-up and taken into gaza

have been praying for him and his family

Anonymous ID: e1b5d1 Feb. 7, 2024, 11:34 a.m. No.20373715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3723 >>3735 >>3736 >>3799 >>3843 >>3944

Vermont Democrats banned militias last year, which we observed was an odd departure given that the state existed because of one. Comrade Ed Markey (D- MA), following Vermont’s lead, though it is more likely a shared totalitarian itch they have to scratch, has offered up legislation to ban “militias” nationwide.

The bill seeks to limit most militia activity, creating criminal penalties for people who engage in certain conduct, including intimidating elected officials, interfering with government proceedings, and pretending to be law enforcement.

Alert, Warning, Danger Democrat Will Robinson, Danger!

I’m not sure why I have to say this at all about the political Left intimidates elected officials every day and government officials often. I can’t imagine they’ve not thought of that, which is why that was not the reason from my headline. Democrats don’t follow laws, and they don’t take them to limit themselves or their advocates, but Markey is playing with fire. Any immediate challenge to the bill, should it become law, and it will get challenged should that happen, would have a difficult time surviving even a constructionist reading of the Second Amendment.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

You might argue, given the deliberate words in the Second Amendment, that it exists to prevent Ed Markey and Democrats from banning militias or anything the government decides has the appearance of one. The Left has also gone to great lengths, for as long as they’ve been able, to argue that local National Guard units are what is meant by militia, but that makes no sense. A free state cannot protect itself from an overreaching tyranny with garrisoned National “troops,” even if they are constituted of locals. The word ‘National’ suggests fidelity to the general government, not the states.

The states ratified the constitution to restrain the national government in the interest of their freedom from it. It is, therefore, contrary to suggest that the security of a free state, in the form of a militia, can in any way be confused with a national guard. Or perhaps it can, but given the plain language of the Amendment and the fact that every other right of the people is individual, a Supreme Court-level challenge seems unlikely to survive this – if it even has to go that far to get turned away.