Anonymous ID: f4643c Feb. 7, 2024, 1:42 p.m. No.20374299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4313 >>4345 >>4355 >>4375 >>4409 >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718


>>20373243 CISA claims it’s on a mission to tackle so-called “disinformation” leading up to the 2020 election.


Krebsnigger and CISA committed Treason. They were a primary component of the coup


Patrick Byrne



At this point,this means that CISA is in on it. Just the other day I was wondering if could I still give them the benefit of the doubt of simply being incompetent? After reading this letter, I know the answer is “no“.


CISA: it is not believable when you won’t debate.

Rasmussen Reports



Government directed destabilization of a national election is treason. And puts into question the legitimacy of the sitting president who apparently obtained his position via a government organized fraud.


New Impact study -…


Feb 7, 2024 · 3:21 AM UTC


Rasmussen Reports



And today gets bigger.New Freedom of Information releases obtained by @America1stLegal identify Federal agency CISA (“the most secure in American history.”) pushing mass mail voting it knew to be insecure & censoring critics. Huge.

Joe Hoft


Feb 6

BREAKING: Heartland Institute Releases Report – Based on Rasmussen Results – PRESIDENT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION…


Feb 6, 2024 · 9:54 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: f4643c Feb. 7, 2024, 1:50 p.m. No.20374345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4355 >>4375 >>4409 >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718





America First Legal


Jan 22

/1🚨LITIGATION BOMBSHELL — we sued the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the censorship arm of DHS.


Our lawsuit unearthed new docs showing that the deep state knew the risks of mass mail voting in 2020 but censored these criticisms as “disinformation.”




Jan 22, 2024 · 7:09 PM UTC

America First Legal


Jan 22

/2 By September 2020, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) was aware that the evidence established that in-person voting did not increase the spread of COVID-19.


CISA was also aware that mass “vote-by-mail” schemes posed “major challenges,” including “the process of mailing and returning ballots,” the “high numbers of improperly completed ballots (figures not yet released),” and “the shortage of personnel to process ballots in a prompt manner.”

America First Legal


Jan 22

/3 Despite its awareness of mail-in voting risks, absentee voting challenges, and the harmlessness of in-person voting, CISA continued supporting the unprecedented voting policy changes implemented across the states in 2020.

America First Legal


Jan 22

/4 By October 2020, CISA had created a chart specifying six significant fraud risks presented by mail-in voting:


  1. Implementation of mail-in voting infrastructure and processes within a compressed timeline may also introduce new risk.”

  2. “For mail-in voting, some of the risk under the control of election officials during in-person voting shifts to outside entities, such as ballot printers, mail processing facilities, and the United States Postal Service.”

3 “Integrity attacks on voter registration data and systems represent a comparatively higher risk in a mail-in voting environment when compared to an in-person voting environment.”

  1. “The outbound and inbound processing of mail-in ballots introduces additional infrastructure and technology, increasing potential scalability of cyber attacks.”

  2. “Inbound mail-in ballot processes and tabulation take longer than in-person processing, causing tabulation of results to occur more slowly and resulting in more ballots to tabulate following election night.”

  3. “Disinformation risk to mail-in voting infrastructure and processes is similar to that of in-person voting while utilizing different content. Threat actors may leverage limited understanding regarding mail-in voting processes to mislead and confuse the public.”



Anonymous ID: f4643c Feb. 7, 2024, 1:52 p.m. No.20374355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4375 >>4409 >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718




America First Legal


Jan 22

/5 While CISA saw the “Implementation of mail-in voting” in “a compressed timeline” as a top risk, it was also aware that last-minute “Mail-in Voting 2020 Policy Changes” were being implemented across the states.

America First Legal


Jan 22

/6 CISA shared these findings in an “unclassified media tour” on the Friday before Election Tuesday.

America First Legal


Jan 22

/7 Yet, The Washington Post and other similar outlets covered up the evidence and focused on CISA’s “independence from Trump” and CISA Director Chris Kreb’s “statements about the security of mail-in ballots” that “directly contradict” Trump.

America First Legal


Jan 22

/8 Of all the risks it identified, CISA appeared to focus by far the most on monitoring and censoring the mail-in voting risk “narrative.”


Keep reading…

America First Legal


Jan 22

/9 CISA apparently contracted Deloitte to report on “Daily Social Media Trends” relating to the U.S. Election — including narratives relating to “Vote-By-Mail” — and to flag specific social media posts for CISA’s awareness and attention

Anonymous ID: f4643c Feb. 7, 2024, 1:55 p.m. No.20374375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4387 >>4391 >>4409 >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718






America First Legal


Jan 22

/10 For example, Deloitte reported to CISA that:


1) Twitter flagged President Trump’s post that there are “big problems and discrepancies with Mail-in Ballots.”

America First Legal


Jan 22

/11 2) “A conservative online activist claimed that Twitter is censoring his tweets about voter fraud to help the Democratic presidential nominee.”

America First Legal


Jan 22

/12 3) President Trump “retweeted a political pundit who accused a Democratic Congressional candidate of ‘election fraud’ after thousands of ballots were mistakenly sent to his district.”

America First Legal


Jan 22

/13 4) “The Governor of Texas quoted an article from a local news outlet on the state’s recent history of voter fraud convictions and claimed that it reveals “Mail ballot vote fraud in Texas.”

America First Legal


Jan 22

/14 5) “A conservative pundit accused Twitter of ‘SUPPRESSING’ a story about the Democratic presidential nominee’s son to help the nominee win the election.”

America First Legal


Jan 22

/15 and 6) “A conservative online activist accused Twitter of censoring her posts about voter fraud she is ‘witnessing here in Nevada,’ and expressed her frustration with Twitter’s disclaimers stating that mail-in ballots are secure.”

America First Legal


Jan 22

/16 See Deloitte’s “Elections Daily Digest” from October 27, 2020, which include examples as listed above.

Anonymous ID: f4643c Feb. 7, 2024, 1:57 p.m. No.20374387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4391 >>4409 >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718



America First Legal


Jan 22

/17 Even more examples here from the day prior (October 26, 2020):

America First Legal


Jan 22

/18 Deloitte’s reports provided CISA with confirmation that its social media monitoring and censorship apparatus was working.


In Missouri v. Biden, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit found that “the platforms’ censorship decisions were made under policies that CISA has pressured them into adopting and based on CISA’s determination of the veracity of the flagged information.”

America First Legal


Jan 22

/19 CISA formed the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) to censor Americans’ speech, as @JudiciaryGOP and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government @Weaponization has found.


Director Krebs testified to Congress that “narratives are narratives,” so CISA didn’t differentiate between domestic and foreign activity on social media.

America First Legal


Jan 22

/20 According to congressional investigators, CISA targeted entire “narratives” for censorship.

Anonymous ID: f4643c Feb. 7, 2024, 1:58 p.m. No.20374391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4409 >>4412 >>4434 >>4517 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718




America First Legal


Jan 22

/21 In the EIP’s report touting the scope of its efforts, the EIP found that “[i]n the lead-up to the 2020 election, misinformation centered on mail-in voting.” Accordingly, EIP collaborators—including CISA—submitted “tickets” to flag social media posts relating to mail-in voting.


More on this “ticketing” process from @MikeBenzCyber below:

Mike Benz


6 Apr 2023

Replying to @MikeBenzCyber

Every little deceit is predicated on people not understanding their tricks.


EIP created tickets for every one of these narratives and lobbied to have each one throttled. Take a look at the tweet number and tell me with a straight face EIP only impacted 3,000 tweets:

America First Legal


Jan 22

/21 More critical explanation from @MikeBenzCyber on how these “tickets” were implemented:

Mike Benz


7 Apr 2023

No. EIP literally created a ticket for every single one of these election narratives, flagged each NARRATIVE to be mass banned by the tech platforms, and every major tech platform responded to EIP’s narrative-level censorship demands.


Those narratives total to 22 million tweets.

America First Legal


Jan 22

/22 The evidence is that:

🚨CISA knew that in-person voting did not increase the spread of COVID.

🚨CISA knew mail-in voting was less secure.

🚨CISA nevertheless supported policy changes to encourage unprecedented widespread mail-in voting.

🚨CISA formed the EIP to censor narratives relating to mail-in voting.

🚨CISA broadly monitored social media to detect unapproved “narratives” relating to mail-in voting and to confirm that platforms were adequately censoring them.

America First Legal


Jan 22

/23 CISA, and its media allies, interfered with and undermined the integrity of the 2020 Presidential election

Anonymous ID: f4643c Feb. 7, 2024, 2:02 p.m. No.20374409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718



America First Legal


Jan 22

/23 CISA, and its media allies, interfered with and undermined the integrity of the 2020 Presidential election.

America First Legal


Jan 22

/24 This evidence has been obtained through AFL’s ongoing lawsuit against CISA to expose the activities of CISA’s Mis-, Dis-, and Mal-information (MDM) team leading up to the 2020 election.…

AFL Sues Two Federal Agencies For Hiding Federal Collusion with Big Media and Big Tech to Censor…


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) filed two lawsuits against the Biden Administration, one against the U.S. Department of State (State) and the other against the Department of…

America First Legal


Jan 22

/25 AFL has previously exposed CISA’s partnerships with private sector tech companies to “pre-bunk,” “fact-check,” and remove speech and flag accounts, CISA’s use of the self-deleting messaging app “Signal” for “official” business, and CISA’s October 2020 false characterization of the Hunter Biden laptop story as a “QAnon Conspiracy Theory” linked to the 2016 “Pizzagate conspiracy.”…

America First Legal


Jan 22

/26 More on these findings below:

America First Legal


25 Oct 2023

/1🚨EXPLOSIVE DOCS — new docs obtained from our lawsuit against DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) indicate the federal gov’t immediately participated in an effort to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story the same day of the @nypost’s reporting:

America First Legal


Jan 22

/27 AFL will keep fighting to expose the truth about 2020 election interference by CISA and other Deep State actors to protect our citizens’ rights and fortify our election integrity.…




>Krebsnigger and CISA committed Treason. They were a primary component of the coup





