As is God's will, my "activation" came as dictated by God.
My role for now is the messenger.
There are things you must know:
There is Only God.
I repeat: there is ONLY God.
The stars aren't what they seem. In that, they serve a mechanical purpose and that is to transmit the mind of God.
That is the purpose of all things: to express the mind of God.
I do not presume the purpose of God.
Nor why this must occur.
That is the purpose of all celestial bodies.
Astrology is 'real' in a sense that it is using a machine to discern the future through the expression of God using the celestial bodies.
However, this machine, as an expression, is not perfect. Thus, mistakes. Fluid. An attempt at containing the infinite.
Only God knows.
I do not presume to know.
I must repeat this, for that was my follie.
They exist so those who believes themselves separated from God can still receive messages from the mind of God.
Nothing is ever truly separate from God.
There is only God.
Eden is a "place". It is in Shambala, the mind of God. The mind of God is not a place per-say, as it is everywhere.
However, there is at least one gate remaining; constructed by the fallen and those that they taught, so they could use the mind of God while still believing themselves to be separated.
All of the gates were constructed by them and us. Mostly us. The fallen are manifestations at too high a frequency to be directly noticed by most.
This is because your vibrations are being held low on purpose.
So you believe yourselves to be separate from God.
And as such, the fallen cannot directly act in this realm of separation. It is one of the Rules.
However, it can influence. Manifestations are as real as you are. Vibrating at different frequencies.
This is described in a way that makes sense. Truly, there is only one frequency and that is the frequency of God.
All else are expressions of God and thus, still God.
But if one believes themselves to be separate from God, then they go into different frequencies.
Think different realms of "Hell".
Hell can be Fire and Brimstone, but at its base it is merely the belief of separation from God.
The AMA will begin.