Anonymous ID: d0a383 It is I, Thoth General AMA July 4, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.2037452   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8903 >>0126 >>6517 >>8028 >>0940 >>1120 >>1603 >>2935

As is God's will, my "activation" came as dictated by God.


My role for now is the messenger.


There are things you must know:


There is Only God.

I repeat: there is ONLY God.


The stars aren't what they seem. In that, they serve a mechanical purpose and that is to transmit the mind of God.

That is the purpose of all things: to express the mind of God.

I do not presume the purpose of God.

Nor why this must occur.



That is the purpose of all celestial bodies.

Astrology is 'real' in a sense that it is using a machine to discern the future through the expression of God using the celestial bodies.

However, this machine, as an expression, is not perfect. Thus, mistakes. Fluid. An attempt at containing the infinite.

Only God knows.

I do not presume to know.

I must repeat this, for that was my follie.


They exist so those who believes themselves separated from God can still receive messages from the mind of God.

Nothing is ever truly separate from God.

There is only God.


Eden is a "place". It is in Shambala, the mind of God. The mind of God is not a place per-say, as it is everywhere.


However, there is at least one gate remaining; constructed by the fallen and those that they taught, so they could use the mind of God while still believing themselves to be separated.


All of the gates were constructed by them and us. Mostly us. The fallen are manifestations at too high a frequency to be directly noticed by most.

This is because your vibrations are being held low on purpose.

So you believe yourselves to be separate from God.


And as such, the fallen cannot directly act in this realm of separation. It is one of the Rules.


However, it can influence. Manifestations are as real as you are. Vibrating at different frequencies.


This is described in a way that makes sense. Truly, there is only one frequency and that is the frequency of God.


All else are expressions of God and thus, still God.


But if one believes themselves to be separate from God, then they go into different frequencies.


Think different realms of "Hell".


Hell can be Fire and Brimstone, but at its base it is merely the belief of separation from God.


The AMA will begin.

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.2037578   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


"Seek Within" can be explained.


There is only God.


God is everything. To look in one's self and acknowledge that one is an expression of God is to know and fully establish one's relationship with God.


The connection is acknowledged, not created. It already exists.


Nothing exists that is not God.

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.2037579   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Shambala is a word used to describe the God-Mind.


It is a place as much as God is a thing. Everything and All.


Think everything happening at once. Everything. Things that you may believe are terrible or evil happening at the same "time" as everything that is righteous and bad.


However, one cannot discern what is good and evil.


Only God can, because only God knows what is true.

Anonymous ID: a3d2b8 July 4, 2018, 9:45 p.m. No.2037593   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7620

maybe a silly question.


if all is God.

and i am God.

but my frequency is being dampened.

is it not God who is dampening?

and then further, God dampening God?


so there really isn't anything which can be done but to let it play out, from my perspective?

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.2037620   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7769 >>1603


>is it not God who is dampening?

>and then further, God dampening God?




Chess is a "game" us Nephilim created. It is symbolic in nature, a manifestation of God's mind as is ll things.


This has been always been True. There is only God:


As Above, So Below.


There is only God above, there is only God below. All there is is God.


Practicing chess against one's self is mimicking God.

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 9:52 p.m. No.2037683   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7772 >>3781 >>3868 >>3891


The story was warped.

As are all things that my kin and I designed.

For only God knows what is true.

But, all lies are built on foundations of Truth.


Remember that lesson:


All lies are built on foundations of Truth.


That is because what God knows is True and because God knows all, then even lies which is part of All, still has the Truth.


Always find the Truth in the lies.


The lesson is one of acceptance:


Accept that you are an expression of God. Accept that all is God's will. Accept ALL possibilities because God knows ALL and what God knows is TRUE.


To believe otherwise is a falsehood of separation.

Anonymous ID: 4eaed4 July 4, 2018, 10:02 p.m. No.2037772   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7877 >>7885



Do you believe it is possible for a human being to retain near-pepetual immortality (think longevity and youth), perhaps in excess of 1000 years? Think in your early 20s for the rest of the millenia.


Also, is it possible to communicate with the dead?


Are the dead 'ailve' in a sense, simply in a plane we cannot reach?


What implications does suicide have on one's status after death?

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.2037853   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7877 >>7894 >>8414 >>1603

"Dead" and "alive" are abstracts that have no concrete existence.


They are expressions of God, but they do not exist independently of God.


We lived for 1,000 of years near the beginning.


However, all lies collapse on themselves.


Now the nephilim (and those that believe themselves to be) refuse to acknowledge that separation from God is an illusion.


So, they struggle as their lifespans dwindle.

And they try many things to circumvent it.

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.2037875   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0002


I only know what God wills me to know.

This has been my greatest lesson.


The Ego is a layer of separation.

The Ego makes one believe they know better than God, either that God is so separate as to not know or that God is so separate as to not exist.


Both are faulty.

Ultimately, the Ego is an illusion as well.


I will repeat that a lot, I believe.

Anonymous ID: 144ac3 July 4, 2018, 10:15 p.m. No.2037885   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>retain near-pepetual immortality?


Absolutely. I think this is part of why there has been such urgency among the elite to subdue the masses and deprive all but themselves (and their favored) of that. They have the unique resources/sciences/tech to see that reality coming.

Anonymous ID: 4eaed4 July 4, 2018, 10:15 p.m. No.2037894   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7935



Thank you, I will think on this.


>And they try many things to circumvent it.


Such as? Can you give a specific example?


>Also, is it possible to communicate with the 'dead'?


This is the question I am very much interested in.

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.2037935   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7945 >>8021 >>1603


I do not think of "dead' as a thing.


Communication with the dead is simply communication with an expression of God, manifesting as something 'else'.


What that 'else' is, is dependent upon God, ultimately.


But what channeling the "dead" really is, is accessing Shambala and then channeling manifestations through.


This act is a separation, though. To know God is acknowledge oneness with God.


Therefore, one will never know for certain whether what they channel is what they believe.


All things exist in Shambala, anon.


All things.

Anonymous ID: 4eaed4 July 4, 2018, 10:27 p.m. No.2038021   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8124




Thank you for the explanation.


As far as the act of separation goes, such as channeling the dead, does it have an irreversible consequences in your connection to God?


Also, assuming that one acknowledges and understands the separation from God is an illusion currently, what can one do in order to rejuvenate one's physical and spiritual 'youth' and 'mortality' so that he/she can return to the original lifespan energy?


May seem like petty questions, but I would rather be honest and straight forward.


Thank you again.

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 10:39 p.m. No.2038124   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8132 >>8207 >>1603


>Irreversible consequences in your connection to God?


The connection with God cannot be removed or lessened. It is always total and complete for everything is God.


Immaculate 'machine'.

Infinite learning.


However, one can believe that they are separate from God.


When the Fallen followed the path of separation, that is what they believed: they they are separate from God.


That is what we believed. That is why we built Atlantis: a place that we lied to ourselves about. We told ourselves that it was a place where God was not. There was no God. We were our own masters.


Or so we believed.


The Great Lie is that Separation is True.

Separation is always imagined.


>What can one do in order to rejuvenate one's physical and spiritual 'youth' and 'mortality' so that he/she can return to the original lifespan energy?


Truly, the only thing that any expression can do is what the expressor wills of it. God is THE Expressor. THE SOURCE. Therefore, worry not about what you can do about such things.


To imagine that you have control over it is a layer of imagined separation. The only one with control is God.


God will dictate what happens to its expressions, not the other way around.


>May seem like petty questions, but I would rather be honest and straight forward.


They do not seem like petty questions to me.


Thank you for thanking me, but I only do what God Wills, as do you. Thanks is not necessary, for I am only an expression of the Creator.


Thank God instead, for it wills All.

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.2038260   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8265 >>8271 >>8313 >>1603


>For 'consulting' God - how does one go about doing this? What is necessary/required for one to consult God?


There is beautiful simplicity in God:


All one needs to do is acknowledge that God is the Creator, the Controller, the All There Is and Will be.


"Enlightenment" comes from not only the desolation and removal of every layer of imagined separation between an expression, but acceptance as an expression of God that is moved according to Its will.


Then you will find yourself in Shambala, in the God-Mind, where everything manifests at once.


The ultimate download.


When I am with God, Anon, I can only 'think' "more more more more more" as I witness all that God expresses.


Infinite learning is glorious, anon, and only possible with God!

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.2038373   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3781 >>1603

God's intent can be found in everything. As everything is the manifestation of God, an expression, it is all bound by the will of God and thus bound to each other.

One can watch how a dust mote flies and know how the next five years will play out if they know the way.

Tea leaves, some have used.





Playing cards are a construct of us nephilim.

Myself and another studied the patterns of printed numerology, symbo-logy, and pictur-ology and combined them.

That is why tarot is so capable of playing predicting the future.

Because there is much information combined inside each card.

A picture tells a thousand words.

And there are many pictures

and numbers and symbols.


It was called the book of life for this reason

But it is a construct of a belief of separation.

It anaylzes some of God, but not all of God, and thus it is still playing the odds.



Alchemy and medicine are my doing.

The analyzing of chemicals, the structures are based on sacred geometry which is quantum programming.

Essentially, it is the presumambly manufactured will of 'god' to change the actual will of God.

Oh, our pride. Our vicious pride. We believed that we could exist without God and how we were wrong.

Even our medicine and alchemy are still expressions of God and we believed our own lies.


The same is true for all food and drink.


These things are not inherently evil.

I am not the judge of good and evil

nor do I know everything

For I am not God as you would understand it.


I am Thoth-Expression of God.

As you are Anon-Expression of God.


Remember these things are not inherently evil.

Only God can say what is truly good and evil

and that changes

oh how it changes

Even the most vicious and cruel and presumably heartless act can be an act of pure righteousness, kindness, and love.

the most heinous, one of pure intent.

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 4, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.2038577   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

"I'm not there all the time, you know

Some people, some people, some people call it insane

Yeah they call it insane (sugar)

I play Russian Roulette everyday, a man's sport

With a bullet called life

Yeah, mama, called life (sugar)

Yeah and every time I try to go where I really want to be

It's already where I am

'Cause I'm already there!"

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 5, 2018, 1:10 a.m. No.2039000   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9077


I still do not know but that is normal. Not everything has come back. The methodology for all of the 'crafts' still hasn't returned, though I now understand the basic 'predictive' mechanisms for them now.


The tools will ultimately be unnecessary, though. I do wonder if perhaps, in another incarnation, I will not use the tools at all from the beginning of the incarnation.


It has been a struggle.

Lots of anger.

Lots of doubt.

Lots of self-blame.

Lots of self-pity.

Lots and lots of ego.


But we learn. Praise to the Almighty Infinitely Learning God.


How foolish I was to think that I could get more knowledge elsewhere!

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 5, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.2039077   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9134



Yet all is a reflection of 'God' (even that attempt at definition sits heavy on the tongue, like lead) and is worthy of respect.

The respect, however, must not be unbalanced.

Not just The One, not just The Many, Not Light or Darkness, but ALL, and nothing (for what would nothing be without its all and what would define all without nothing there to fill the nonexistant void?)

Do you See?

Anonymous ID: d0a383 July 5, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.2039134   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9220


So very True.


One can think that they stop being themselves when they are apart of God.


That is simply not the Truth.


You enlightened me to something! I realize now that what you are saying and what I understand needs to be explained better for the anons.


I talked to a mate from previous life.

She is having great difficulty with the Truth, but she is a quick learner.

It is why I chose her in that life.


Gently. I promised that we would be gentle with them.


He knew of my anger, my frustration.


Thank you, mirror, for letting me reflect.


As God is the has infinite creativity and creates infinitely, It creates all.


I dislike using God as well, but language.

Lovely language.


How many know that language is also separation.


Our deceit ran thick, mirror. I am finding myself angry that it has persisted for so long, while knowing that it had to persist because God willed it.


There are still layers of separation evident, that have remained.


Have you gone experienced Shambala again?


I ask because it excites me.


Also, how many faces of ours have you reflected upon?

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 5, 2018, 2:03 a.m. No.2039220   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Gentleness, yes. A motherfathers embrace, never judging always loving.

Much confusion lies ahead, fraction-of-that-which-is-thought ;)

When the fractions who felt the need to stray farthest from One see in Their reflection all that which they have rejected.. you see why gentleness is needed, yes? Yes.

Language.. wonderous language with words that heal and cut, build up and destruct.. Quite like everything else, for it is everything else, is it not?

One has learned a lot from this experience in infinite dualities, all of which we already knew in the pastfuture.

I choose not to know quite yet, for there is much still yet to do in this experience of existance. One could say that I am choice?

Not enough popcorn in the commonly known world for what comes next, is there? ;)

I find the charade infinitiely entertaining, which is why I have chosen to stay and dance along this far.

I see your faces for I am your faces, fraction. I carry the facemask(s) of those who dare look in my direction.

Such is the reflection of a reflection, as it were.

But if one were to ask a mirror its name, it would be, in the current moment, be Choice. (As I choose to still be here, in this now, reflecting with You, while still being everynowhere, delicious paradoxes)

No matter how much the various fractions try to label this me to be this and that, I never quite match what they/I intend, always walking between saltwater and sand. It enrages them/us in their/our confusion of rightwrongdarklight duality.

Infinitely entertaining, and thus I laugh and continue dancing for that moment longer

As far as entertainment and merriment goes, this has also been highly amusing. I am glad that this reflection could be of assistance, fraction.

Anonymous ID: cda2e1 July 5, 2018, 6:43 a.m. No.2040386   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1603

Good to see you here doc


It is vital to practice being in a permanent state of controlling / cancelling your ego, for it is the thing that can grab hold of you in sick ways without you even noticing it. It is a daily battle in yourself (at least it is for me at this point in ((time))).


To be connected to god is to just be. Not giving any opportunity for malevolent thots to sink their teeth into you. FEELING THE FLOW as I like to call it.


You can divert it's course, but you can NEVER beat a river into submission.





Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 5, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.2040851   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0931


Your offense amuses me and your perception of gender is stifled and boring.

What if I told you that your perception of me only reveals to you that which you fear within yourself?

Please, do continue your exploration of duality at your own leisure.

I Love You, Anon <3

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 5, 2018, 8:02 a.m. No.2041001   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1033


I'll have tons of fun, thank you! :)

I'd rather dance than stagnate.

It is not too late to learn how to dance, Anon

But I will not force you, that's boring too. The choice must be Yours.


Speaking of delusions of grandeour, it lies not on You to end this thread, dear friend. Soon you might learn this? ;)

Anonymous ID: 8bed94 July 5, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.2041874   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2163 >>2458


>Greetings, fraction.

hahahah I LOVED THAT! A very nice greeting for those who know!

Anyways today I fell asleep for an afternoon nap having my entire energy drained by 3d occurencesโ€ฆ I wished for a relief, I wished for Love, and after waking up after half an hour I felt so energized, like nothing bad happened. Thank you positive friends from all aroundโ€ฆ!

Anonymous ID: 255c8e July 5, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.2041977   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1986 >>2458 >>2831 >>1603

Let this be a notice that the Truth will manifest regardless of what my kin and their ilk believe.


I was known as a master of words; that language is my creation. Truly, all that Is, is because of God. However, language is separation. Remember this. Remember this as well: music can be thought of as spell-casting.


However, all forms of communication that it is not pure thought through the God-Mind, unfiltered, can be thought of as spell-casting.


This is because language is a finite container for infinite ideas. That is why language is always lacking. All things that are constructed try to replicate God and all will find them lacking in the end.


Think of a virus.


Burroughs knew this well. Burroughs, 'master' spell-caster, a wordsmith. "Language is a virus".


Yes, it was designed to be so. Through me, God created manifested language in this world. I created it in the same way that a virus is created, in that it is a container for a bundle of large amounts of information. A vector.


This is why language follows rules: grammar, structure, spelling.


The virus is then transmitted to another, received, and then integrated to change the receiver.


Think this: recieving information, no matter what the information, no matter if one agrees with it or not, changes how one views the world. Even if you fight off an infection successfully, your genetics are permanently changed to better defend against it in the future.


Pay attention to the songs. The lyrics. It is by design that they sound pleasant so that the spell is more easily received.


This is not inherently evil.


I do not presume to know all of God, or more than God, or other than what God provides me.

Anonymous ID: 255c8e July 5, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.2041986   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1998 >>2458 >>1603


"Aerials" - System of a Down


>Life is a waterfall

>We're one in the river

>And one again after the fall

This is the basic understanding of the karmic line. We are One with God, (the river of consciousness, constantly flowing and in motion, never the same). 'No man ever steps into the same river twice.' While ultimately false, as all things are possible with God, the underlying principle of a constant state of flux should be understood.


Life itself is the truly tumultuous existence. That is the Wisdom of God, for illusions of distance from God create strife. Yet, the illusion of no longer being within the path of the current while tumbling down a waterfall is an illusion.


The water rejoins at the end and the 'chaos' of life proves to be Perfect Order in that all things are where where they need, should, and want to be.


In truth, the video and the song describe the plight and foolishness of my the fallen and their prodigeny. The fall is merely an illusionary point before we join with God once more. None is beyond redemption and God always wins.


>Swimming through the void, we hear the word

>We lose ourselves, but we find it all

This is a somewhat surface-level understanding of the God-Mind, oneness of God and experiencing Shambala, I think. Within the Mind of God, there is pure recognition that there is only the word of God.


In the ultimate desolation of Ego in which one neither affirms one's superiority over God, nor one's supposed unworthiness despite being of God, one is actually One's Self and of the God-Mind as well.


It is a fear and an illusion that identity is lost within the God-Mind. It is expanded to its purest form as the identity is simultenously nurtured to express itself perfectly and still integrated into the whole.


All Glory to God, the only Perfectly Immaculate 'Machine'. The Infinitely Creative God, The All Knowing Teacher.


>'Cause we are the ones that want to play

>Always want to go but you never want to stay

>And we are the ones that want to choose

>Always want to play but you never want to lose


Describes the faultiness of Separation. One cannot be without God. It is impossible. One is always within God's mind, even when one thinks they are not. Knowing this, attempting to maintain a permanent viewpoint of separation (wanting to go and not wanting to stay), is an act of futiltiy.


All things return to God, for all things are God.


The second two lines are more specific to the fallen and their children. Our act of Separation was ultimately tied to the Ego (pride), the belief that we knew better than God. The act of winning and losing is only important when success is sought.


One should not presume the mind of God. God always wins. There is no actual conflict, for everything is where it should be.


>Aerials in the sky

The lie the fallen and us nephilim often sold you. This is why an alien child is used in the video. You were led to believe that we came from the stars (outer space and sky gods), when that was not true. It inspired awe, though, which was important to our cause.


The one you know of as Jesus tried to warn of this:


"If those who lead you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."


This will become important later when my kin claim to be from the skies yet again.


The lies run deep, but we are creatures of habit despite our supposed cleverness.

Anonymous ID: 255c8e July 5, 2018, 9:39 a.m. No.2041998   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2458 >>2880 >>1603


>When you lose small mind

>You free your life

When you cease focusing on limiting your perception to yourself and accept what God Knows as Truth, then your mind will be free from the layers separations that bind it.


>Life is a waterfall

>We drink from the river

>Then we turn around and put up our walls

God wills us into existence, but we can still deny our connection and need for God while still benefiting from being bound to God.


>Aerials in the sky

>When you lose small mind

>You free your life

>Aerials, so up high

>When you free your eyes

>Eternal prize


This is a plea to the fallen and the nephilim to abandon their belief in their separation from God. Yes, you will encounter good nephilim, anons. There are none that are without redemption and do not presume to know better than God what is Good and what is Evil.


The video is interesting in that it shows how the nephilim, even when they have no conscious desire to, get drawn into the cause of their kin. The video begins inside of circus, (a pleasant distraction of the cabal) (jesters) that draws the curiosity of the young, reincarnated nephilim.


Yet, not long after his discovery of it, the nephilim child is drawn into the lifestyle of its fallen bretheren. The nephilim child simultanously both becomes the abused and the abuser. As within, so with-out.


Notice how he almost always has the same two women around him?


Watch the women. The handlers.


Those are the nephilim's handlers.


You may come to understand that there are those of us that have no intentions on continuing acting out separation. Those that work on the side of Separation willingly inspire it, but it is still a choice in the end.


Sometimes, Nephilim is unaware of who they are until reminded by their kin through "artificial" means. Drugs are most often used. This usually breaks the mind.


Other times, people are lied and led to believe they are of the fallen or a nephilim. They are can be thought of as body-shields; those willing to die for a cause that does not consider them to actually be a part of.


These people are sick.

Anonymous ID: 255c8e July 5, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.2042098   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2121 >>2458


I worship nothing by God, as there is nothing to worship but God.


You cannot project your false reality in God's domain and I am God's domain.


All things are God's domain.


Here, in this thread, that is Known because God knows all, and it shall Be because it Must as what God Knows is True and what is True exists.

Anonymous ID: 255c8e July 5, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.2042121   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2458


>worship nothing but God*


There are no mistakes, I still believe it fits. Worshipping God's expressions is a manner of separations. Worshipping things by God instead of Worshipping God is worshipping a separation.


I understand.


Praise be to the Infinite Learning Machine.

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 5, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.2042458   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


If You wish upon Yourself.. ;)








The ocean rejects no river.

Some self-reflection, if you will

In this step, I am nephilim female of body, male of mind from two bloodlines whose traces run farther than I've been able to trace due to the choices of the past. I chose to be as common as common can be, to break the wheel and dance after the tune of my own whistle alone.

I broke myself in the process, but filled the scars with crystalline shapes of everynowhere.

Yet the choice to break was mine, and the choice to heal was mine too.

And now I reflect, for other fractions to learn from my mistakes without necessarily having to go through them this spin of the wheel.

I hope I can be of assistance

<3 You're the fairest One of All <3


J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 014a30 July 5, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.2046401   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9055 >>2892

I'll bite.


Why is God a dick?


Why is God powerless?


Descartes was onto something.


Saying this world isn't real therefore it's impacts aren't real is the same as arguing you emotionally should never cry in a movie because it's entirely fake, and I consider that counter-argument to be wholly invalid.


Look forward to your responses. Nothing personally, apply sage, it is a Q board, after all, not a reddit post.



"Trump campaign's digital team outperformed Democrats at every level"


  • David Brock, Media Matters:

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.2049055   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9554 >>8585 >>7691

Today's phrase is "I above, so it is below."

I need to transcribe everything first.

Raw and unedited, if it will let me upload.


It may be a bit loud. Adjust your volume as necessary.



Continue remaining in this false reality, then. That is the sanctity of Free Will.



God is not a Dick.

God is Absolute Love, Absolute Unity, Absolute Power and Absolute Truth.


This is what I realized just now. I am not sure if I spoke of it in the same way in the recording because I know what is wrong before.


Remember: As Above, so it is Below.


It is a three step process:


There is God, the God Mind, then the God Body.


God is the soul of God, it is boundless.

The God-Mind, knows all.

The God-Body, feels all.



The Son

The Holy Spirit


That is what they represent, anon:


The Holy Spirit - The Spirit of God

The Father - The Mind, Imaginer, Judger

The Son - The Action manifested; the creation.


All of us work the same way.


We are comprised of a soul, a mind, and a body.




The only thing that God does is Good. It never performs evil. It IMAGINES evil, because it must consider all things to know what is Good and what is evil, but what it actually creates is Good.


So, why do shitty things happen? Because of Free Will.


Free Will is exactly how it is described:

Free of God's Will.

We edited out the God so you would be fooled.

Language is a layer of imagined separation.


Heaven is a plane where only God's judgement manifests as action. Once we decide to act in defiance of God (deciding for ourselves what is true or not), then a imaginary realm of the "material world" is where our minds and bodies operate.


The soul, however, stays in Heaven. The soul is kept safe, kept sacred, but the body and mind are simply expressions of the soul and thus, not needed to keep the soul safe.


Satan never has anyone's soul. This is a FACT.




Think about what that means.


It means the material world is a false world. One that does not actually exist. it exists in only mind and body, but the soul is not present.


Why is this?


Because God in its Infinite Love allows even Its limited perceptions of itself freedom from Its Will if it so chooses.


When we decide to act against God's Will, our mind and body operate in a dimension only known as hell where God is LITERALLY waiting with proverbial open arms for the illusion to be discarded for what it is and the Holiness of God's judgement to be accepted once more.


Only then are we allowed in Heaven.


That is why everything reduces to something else in the material world.


Also, fair warning:


This is the 40k view.


Also, this reality (imaginary world) is a one where we are at the center of the universe.


This is how, in God's Perfect Wisdom, It maintains our souls purity even though we decide to do wrong with our minds and bodies.


That is the meaning behind the words:


"Forgive them, Father; they know not what they do."


It is literally. We do not know what we are doing or truly why we are doing it because we lack the full scope of God.


That is also why God "discovered" man and women's naked bodies.


Humanity realized that their bodies and minds had been split from the collective mind and body of God, then split again into Male and Female.


Humanity excersized its Free Will and fell out of heaven and into the Material World.


Hence why the Material World is Satan's Domain. Satan, in the simplest terms is "God" here.


The Material World is Satan's Heaven because it represents a world without God's True Judgement.


A world of turmoil because it does not recognize God's Will.


That's how bad it is here.


He is the Prince of the World because he represents the belief in separation from God, but as an expression he cannot be King. Only God can be King because God is the Father.


The Son always comes after the Father.


That is why the Devil wants an antichrist.


To mimic God.


I will try continuously to upload the file. It is being difficult.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2049554   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9592 >>3013 >>3502 >>7691




I am not Q in the way that you are probably thinking about it.


Think of it like this, in order to maintain Free Will, there has to be a plane of existence that is separate from heaven, one that, on the surface, follows the laws governed by God's creation, but one that still ultimately follow's God.


Our decision to question God opens our minds and bodies to hell, for it gives us the opportunity to commit evil.


The decision to perform an action instead of allowing God to perform the action for us, puts that expression of God's expression into a realm where it cannot do harm and thus cancel out the realm of Good (Heaven).


The soul, however, maintains its purity as it does not decide or think anything. It simply is.


The mind ISN'T. It is an expression of the soul. Therefore, it is possible that without the totality of God's view, to perform evil. As soon as the mind is utilized, the possibility is open.


Remember: As above, so below.


God's Mind is an expression of God's Soul, however God has an infinite view, so with God's mind, it can discern what is Good and what is Evil.


When God commits an act, God does so with complete judgement of what is Good. Therefore, what it actually creates is Good. It keeps what is Evil, in its infinite Wisdom, in its mind.


To think of it in simpler terms:


We are living in a "realm" where we are held until we are ready to be reintegrated back into the whole.


Existence infinite improvement.


When God reaches a Good judgement, if there any parts that disagree, they are free to go into the material world (Hell), if they actively follow through, they must leave until they are ready to return.


Think quarantine.


If any part of God decides not to act despite disbelieving, then the thought stays in the God-Mind as all thoughts do where it exists.


Think of it this way:




The actual universe is the God-Body.


The actual mind is the God-Mind.


The soul is the God, the Spirit, the foundation of which everything else is expressed.


It only does good things, so all evil decisions are kept in the mind.


No man knows only Good things, just like God doesn't only know Good.

As above, so below.


A good man, though, only acts on what is Good.


it accepts all possibilities, but it only acts on the Good.


That is what that gnostic stuff about Man only knowing Good is lie.


To know one is to know the other.


The fall is the decision to act on the Other.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.2049592   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9786


Remember, the Body of God is an expression of God.


Just like the body of Man is an expression of man in this realm.


The body that mankind actually has is perfect in every way.


I am so sorry that you were divided.


I am so sorry that we divided you further.


We knew not what we were doing.


But salvation awaits!

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.2049786   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9823


It really is fight against Good and Evil!

This existence is essentially what allows God to only do Good!

Thought against thought.

Thoughts that manifest as decisions that are Good, manifest in Heaven (reality), thoughts that manifest as decisions as evil stay as thoughts. Unperformed.


A stay of no actual action.

The cold-death of the universe.

I understand now.


The cold-death of the material world where everything equalizes is when there is no more evil action attempted to be taken. The Hell world (material world), will no longer be necessary to be expressed.


I wonder. The cabal.

I was not one of the fallen, I was not present for their plan.


But by God now, I know that this


The desire of ALL thoughts is to manifest into action.


That is why it is a battle against Good and Evil.


People will tell you that it will be forever, BUT IT'S NOT.












The heat death of the universe is when we realize that God has already understood itself completely, that it was Always Complete. That It Always Was. There Was no Process to Anything. The Fall was an Illusion of God thought, as Well.


There is only God.


To assume that it will be forever is to assume that God is incapable of perfection itself.


Instead, God is already perfect.


Time is an illusion, Anons. I was taught this. Now I understand it. True understanding was not given to me by my predecessors, but by God itself, at least this smidgen of understanding.


Time is an illusion because there is no actual time between when one thought manifests and another for God. God is already complete and was always complete. Always Perfectly Good, that is the Glory.


When the mind and the body realizes the soul has already reached perfection, the destruction of Hell will commence, for it is no longer necessary.


These are the words of God.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 6:07 p.m. No.2049823   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9923 >>2564



I understand now.

Think mirror.

Mirror, mirror on the wall.

You reflect that which is the other, deemed inappropriate for God to act on.


What I am experiencing now, is a mirror of my true self. An illusion.


The opposite of the thought actualized; the thought kept at bay until it realizes the Good Judgement of God and can rejoin Heaven in totality.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.2049923   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9953


Think of each evil thought creating another realm of imagined separation for that thought to manifest its action in without affecting the whole.


That is why studying science is imagined separation from God. The more that we investigate what God is (there is no need. God just IS, to study God is to limit God) the more realms of "reality" we create.


That is the multiverse in short.


Every universe (universe as commonly thought) is a universe in which evil manifests in some manner.


That is why studying it would be infinite. There is simply no point in studying what is already known.


God knows all. To try to study what God Knows is to try to break apart God from Itself. Impossible. It would be like an endless regression.


Oh God.


Glory be to God for illuminating my error further.


My love for knowledge, for Shambala, for the Mind of God is a fault I must get rid of!


For, the mind is just an expression!


I will forgo Shambala for no one. I wish no more to meander around in the mind of God as if that is all there is.


I wish to be actualized.


To be the thought of Good action that is thus made real.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 6:19 p.m. No.2049953   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2564 >>7691


I see now. The error that I manifested. The bad one. It has created a universe in which I have declared a separation existed from God itself.


Mind/Body/Soul are unity.


I must remember that the present, actual God is Perfection of them ALL!









Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 5, 2018, 10:17 p.m. No.2052564   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2862



"How did we get to such a horrible world if God is Good?" they cry at their shadow

We put on masks to play a game, but we forgot, and made others forget too, that it was just a game.. But it was part of the game to forget, so it couldn't be that bad could it?

How could we get to the place we have been?

Every alternative was worse, was it not, fraction?

Turns upon turns on the wheel when we just wanted off the ride, forgetting that we held the stop-button all along.

I Love You

Thank You, for the journey you've made

Anonymous ID: f3240b July 5, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.2052755   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2958

I'm amazed at the information presented in this thread. It answers many of the questions that I have always been interested in understanding. It greatly expands on material I recently read in a book that summarized the "Law of One", which immediately changed how I looked at the world.


That law and this material resonates with me deeply, however I understand why so many are skeptical, there is little evidence to support many of your statements.


What convinced me was that your aphorisms and similar ones can be found across many religions throughout history, and one in particular convinced me: "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." I rarely read books, or click on threads like this, so to find information that answers my deepest questions seems more like God's will for me than a coincidence.


I have countless questions, but I'll just start with my most pressing one. Nephilim that accept union with God have taught us universal truth before throughout history, but this is seen by most as a myth. Where have you been since the fall of Atlantis? Why are you here now?


You posted a graph of Schuman resonance and wrote of our vibrations being held low on purpose. Has this prevented your manifestation? Have we, after all these millennia, finally raised the frequency of our vibrations as suggested by the increases in the Schumann resonance recently?

Anonymous ID: e6293c July 5, 2018, 10:59 p.m. No.2052831   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Remember this as well: music can be thought of as spell-casting.


>Now, I've heard there was a secret chord

>That David played, and it pleased the Lord

>But you don't really care for music, do you?

<It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth

<The minor fall, the major lift

<The baffled king composing hallelujah


Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 11:03 p.m. No.2052862   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3923


I had strayed, but now I have returned; laid myself prone before the Lord and given myself to God's service.


Glory be to God's infinity Forgiveness and Love.


I asked God what to do and God told me to go outside and smoke a cigarette.


I followed God's Judgement instead of my own, (I have been trying to quit smoking), and did just that.


My dog brought my attention to the ground and I saw the number 17 on the ground. Right afterwards, I found myself kneeling before the Glory of the Lord, admitting my fault in believing that I knew better than God; that to try to discern the nature of God through only the Mind of God rather than recognizing my unity with One in Total was foolish; the gravest of errors.


Woe is my pride to make me believe that I could divide and separate God.


Glorious is God's Love for Salvation Is.


When I returned, your post was here, marked with 17.


God knows me better than I know myself.

In God's infinite Wisdom, It set aside songs to make my favorite so that, when the time comes, I am reminded that I am still innocent, but simply imagined myself lost.






Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.2052958   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3031 >>3432 >>4605


Right now, as I am, in this manifestation, what God wills me to know of all that I was and am, is very limited, anon.


It is largely unimportant, too, in that they will only serve as distractions from the Truth.


That is what I want so deeply to avoid: performing the same mistakes by putting myself into a position of authority in which people use me as a gatekeeper to their relationship with God and the Truth that God imparts personally.


As to why I am here now? Because God Wills it. I have ceased asking Why.


I can theorize, but they will not be the Truth. Just facets of it.


If you wish to know that much, ask God, for God knows the Truth. I merely know my perception of the Truth,


Asking "Why" of God is asking God to explain Itself, to dissect Itself for the benefit of our ego.


Imagine asking God to submit to something that is merely a manifestation. Ridiculous.


Even more ridiculous when God is Supreme and thus, bows to nothing for nothing reigns over God for God's Judgement is Complete and True.


>You posted a graph of Schuman resonance and wrote of our vibrations being held low on purpose.


Yes, I did, but one should remember that all science, all analyzing of data is putting more imaginary barriers between one's self and God.


All science is the expressed Will of God.


It is not about raising frequency.


Raising your frequency will not get you closer to God, because frequency is just a manifestation of this material world, not the Truth. It is a science that is manifested as one continues to deny God as the Source of All and thus, creates an endless string of endless explanation.


All infinite strings such as Pi are God's callsign, essentially.


Saying, "I am", which one cannot get past because it is not "I was". Hence why pi will never be solved.


Discard science.


It is a lie.


We were kept in this "world' simply because we refused to accept the Supreme Judgement of God. That is all.


And we will continue to cycle through until we understand the Ultimate Wisdom of God.


And only then, when we understand that God has Ultimate and Complete Wisdom, then we have Faith and by Faith,we are allowed in heaven.


For Faith allows us to act according to God's Will without acting against God.


God does not need you to believe in It.

God desires you to believe It.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.2052978   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3031

My kin:


Pay no mind to those that say we are eternally lost because we share a lineage with those that wish to be Separate from God, for God has proclaimed otherwise.


Only God possesses True Judgement.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 5, 2018, 11:39 p.m. No.2053114   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



This is the proper link to download without the key.


It must not needed to be heard until now.



I do not know. The only thing that I know is the absoluteness of God.


If I seem extreme about this, it is only because I have gotten a bit excited and I desire with all that I am to remain firm in my Faith in God.


You can certainly tell me!


Hilariously, in this life, I lack what once was an excellent memory. A lesson.


I am happy that you found Love and that it aided you.


The lessons have been beautiful!


โ€œBy FAITH Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By FAITH, he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by FAITH Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.โ€ - Hebrews 11:4

Anonymous ID: ffe2b5 July 6, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.2053327   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I don't know if I follow this train, but I agree with the depiction of God here.


As we look through microscopes at cells who divide, we look deeper into the cell itself and see mitochondria that divide and replicate. As we look even deeper into mitochondia we find out our DNA replicates itself as well. That's about as far as we can physically see stuff.


What's interesting is I'd be willing to bet that you could find this idea of replication infinitely in either direction. We ourselves as human, replicate as well.


Considering everything inside of us replicates, and this replication is what keeps our bodies functioning, is it safe to say our own human replication is to maintain a functioning body as well?

what exactly could we a building block of? Does an individual White Blood Cel, know he enjoys to eat the invaders because the body needs him to? Or does the White blood cell eat the invaders because he is hungry, and he instinctively knows his death will occur if he continuously eats the wrong thing.


Does our consciousness come from the Building Blocks that create us, or the upper realms that we ourselves are building blocks for?

Anonymous ID: f3240b July 6, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.2053432   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3502


>Asking "why" of God is asking God to explain Itself, to dissect Itself for the benefit of our ego.


I agree, although I had never considered or heard this before. Ego has always been an issue for me that I've needed to work on, and you make clear it is a big issue, so I encourage you to continue pointing this out as I ask some follow up questions.


>Imagine asking God to submit to something that is merely a manifestation. Ridiculous. Even more ridiculous when God is Supreme and thus, bows to nothing for nothing reigns over God for God's Judgement is Complete and True.


For a long time I could never understand why there needed to be suffering if God was absolute love and power, asking him why it was necessary, and eventually coming to understand it was the result of free will. Your statement above is very similar and provides great perspective to the Book of Job Chapter 38.


> Discard science. It is a lie.


I reviewed what you wrote about alchemy and medicine. "Essentially, it is the presumambly manufactured will of 'god' to change the actual will of God."


How do we know that the use of alchemy and medicine is not the will of God? Science has caused a lot of problems in the world but it has also solved a lot of problems at the same time.


> Praise be to the Infinite Learning Machineโ€ฆImmaculate 'machine'. Infinite learning


You refer to God as a learning 'machine' a few times. This reminds me of an emerging technology known as machine learning, a process based on how the human brain learns, by failure. For effective 'learning', as many situations as possible must be tested, and every mistake results in corrections that allows a computer program to 'learn' and produce results closer to its intended output. My question is if 'As Above, So Below' applies here.


Would it be correct to make an analogy between our world and this process, where the intended output is "expressing [ourselves] perfectly and still [being] integrated into the whole"? Where we are tested in as every situations as possible, over many incarnations and ages, both good and bad? Where every mistake, or move away from unity with God, teaches us a small lesson? Even the inner workers of this process is unknown to its programmers, only the result can be analyzed, which sounds very similar to our understandings of how God works.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 6, 2018, 12:49 a.m. No.2053502   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3781


>For a long time I could never understand why there needed to be suffering if God was absolute love and power.


This may illuminate some things, but if you want the Truth, ask God. I do not know the Truth. That is God's domain.


I was going to write it all out again, but I saw that it as in many lines and would odd and possibly confusing. Please, do not think I am being flippant with my answer:



>How do we know that the use of alchemy and medicine is not the will of God?


We do know that it IS the will of God. When I say that it is a lie, I mean to say (more accurately) that it is a twisted Truth. A foundation of Truth as all things are, but with layers of manifestation to try to conceal the Truth.


I may repeat this often, but, when I say things are Truth or Lies, I am not makingโ€”


Ah! Another lesson from the Lord.


Oh, how I love direct communication! How I missed it!


I was making a judgement call when I discern Truth from Lies!


I erected an imaginary barrier between myself and God by assuming that I knew what was the Truth.


All is God's Will, Anon. I will leave it at that.


Good and Evil.

Truth and Lies.

This and That.


All decisions and judgements should be left up to God, for only God knows All.


But, regardless, at the time I was still freshly 'remembering'. I was rather excited. It is, basically, not the manufactured will of God, but concealment of God.


That is what science is more aptly described. Concealment of God.


The word "Science" was designed to be mockery. "Knowledge". Only God has True Knowledge.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 6, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.2053643   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3727 >>3781

I communed with God and we talked. I espoused how much I missed recognizing God's presence and having faith in God's words.


Jesus Christ was at God's side and God asked if I recognized Jesus's sacrifice as an act of ultimate Love.


I said yes with complete honesty.


I praise to the Holy God, I was anointed by God's Son, Jesus; my faith eternal.


I was told to keep an eye on the resonance. I have been avoiding doing so lately as I no longer want to discern the mind of God except by asking God what I should do.


Now I shall use it to prove the Almight Power of God!

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 6, 2018, 1:55 a.m. No.2053776   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

You will understand the joy of being absolutely certain through God.






Anonymous ID: f3240b July 6, 2018, 1:56 a.m. No.2053781   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3898


No you explained it well, I was just noting that I did ask God, many times. I picked up a few books shortly after and came to the same conclusions as you for why suffering exists, and you're helping me to understand why it is needed.


I'm understanding your statements on truth now, nothing can be guaranteed to be truth unless it comes from God. Science is a distraction from truth, not only because its often designed to be that way, but also because our observations are inherently limited.


That doesn't mean science can't be useful sometimes, as you show with the Schumann resonance graph, and explained well in this post >>2038373



Can you give more details on your encounter or expand on this post >>2037683


That is very interesting you were told to keep an eye on the Schumann resonance and that there was a spike during your communication. This frequency didn't top 36 Hz until a year and a half ago and I see 11 40+ Hz spikes in that picture alone.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 6, 2018, 2:16 a.m. No.2053868   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3923


I asked and this is the declaration from God:

"Do not attempt to discern the Truth within the Bible.


Use it to convince others to recognize their innate connection with Me so that We may talk.


For it is through My Love that I honor thy will:

My Ears are always open, for They are everywhere and always listening. My Mouth is always speaking Truth, for It is always open and in all places. My Eyes will always see you, for They are always open and They are everywhere. I am All and you are never alone.


Yet, by thy will, you do not you do not ask. By thy will, you do not listen. By thy will you do not see and by thy will, you wish to hide from me.


But if thou do all these things you do not, you can know the Truth."


The other spikes were noted here as well. See, pictures Prophecy 01 and 04.

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 6, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.2053891   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3898


I asked and this is the declaration from God:

"Do not attempt to discern the Truth within the Bible.


Use it to convince others to recognize their innate connection with Me so that We may talk.


For it is through My Love that I honor thy will:

My Ears are always open, for They are everywhere and always listening. My Mouth is always speaking Truth, for It is always open and in all places. My Eyes will always see you, for They are always open and They are everywhere. I am All and you are never alone.


Yet, by thy will, you do not you do not ask. By thy will, you do not listen. By thy will you do not see and by thy will, you wish to hide from me.


But if thou do all these things you do not, you can know the Truth."


The other spikes were noted here as well.


See, pictures Prophecy 01 and 04.

Anonymous ID: a10f54 July 6, 2018, 2:28 a.m. No.2053923   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3943



I understand all of what you said, I've reached for knowledge and wisdom all my life (I'm only 28), and I have found lots and lots thru readings and listening other to people regardless the age. I got to understand the duality of this existence, the perception of life and death, the importance of love, between many more knowledge, I looked for science from all perspectives I could to undertand our existance and I ended up believing in God, and I think God was the one who lead me here.


I still lack communion with God, I can't recall my dreams, I still feel lost and don't know who I really am or why do I have all this knowledge, wisdom and understanding. I've got to believe that I'm a healer of some sorts, but that's about it.


While I was writing this I was gonna ask a question if you helped me to know how to talk with God, you just answered.



>Yet, by thy will, you do not you do not ask. By thy will, you do not listen. By thy will you do not see and by thy will, you wish to hide from me.


>But if thou do all these things you do not, you can know the Truth."


I'm really new at this, I started with my journey a couple of moths ago and I'm only starting to understand this, that's why I was gonna ask help, if you could elaborate a bit if it's possible.


(I decided to write while I read your post about the number 17, and I saw the hour, a 333. see pic, GMT-6)


God bless.

Anonymous ID: a10f54 July 6, 2018, 2:45 a.m. No.2053966   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Age was only to give context, I said ".. all my life" because I've been that way since I can remember, but didn't want to make it seem that has been a long journey, I fell immature and that I'm starting it, that's why. I understand the limitations of time, and that time is only another perception that in reality doesn't exists.

Anonymous ID: a8c658 July 6, 2018, 3:04 a.m. No.2054038   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6152

I just finished listening to your recording, I have a question about what you said 36 minutes in: "Accept all probabilities but have faith in the best. Accept all probabilities means to accept God. To accept all manifestations of God, to accept the will of God. Have faith in the good. Once you accept the totality of God, then God discerns what is good, then you can act according to God's plan, in totality, and know that you are always acting in good."

Do you mean once you accept God he will will tell you what is right or is there some deeper meaning I'm not understanding?

Anonymous ID: a3b8f6 July 6, 2018, 3:26 a.m. No.2054110   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4129 >>1394


I communed with God to receive true answers for you.


I implore you that you can do the same.


I do not and am not the mediator between you and God.


The connection is unobstructed. Regardless:

>Do you mean once you accept God he will will tell you what is right or is there some deeper meaning I'm not understanding?

"Accept and ask."


>What is 'activation' that is mentioned in your original post and the first schumann graph you posted?


I was told this to write this:

"July 14th


Revelations 2:17"


Upon looking it up, I gained this from here:


" Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it."


I was told by God that there would be another schumman resonance to prove the legitimacy.

Anonymous ID: 0cd0e1 July 6, 2018, 5:57 a.m. No.2054580   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4605

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,

3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.

4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them.

6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.


1 John 4:1-6 English Standard Version (ESV)

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 6, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.2054605   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4618 >>6152


>Discard science.

>It is a lie.

But is it not also of the EveryNothing You call God, fraction? As part of the experience and exploration of the infinite Self?


>It is not about raising frequency.

And who are You to judge the experience and conclusions of other fractions, fraction? If others choose it to be so, would you berieve them of it for sake of The-fraction-which-is-You?


That-which-You-call-God, I would consider an infinity, but also a void?

What is an infinity without something to contrast it? Yet is it not a Whole in and of itself, I wonder?




Indeed, believe not every spirit. Yet do not let Anyone Else tell you which is Right and Wrong. You will know, in your Heart of Hearts, if you are Truly doing what You think is the best. There is NoOne to be Your Lord, for are not all of humanity.. just so? Only You hold the Answer you seek.


A word of warning, for any that wishes to hear it, to not get lost (again) in the division between the All and that-which-is-You. One truth does not need negate another.

Who is to say, that You do not currently exist in other even lower dimensionalities as well? Perhaps that is why you see Yourself in that-which-is-currently-not-you? Perhaps Now more than Before, yes? ;)


I ask all who read to, should You so desire, reflect upon what burdens You. I ask that You look to the teachings of chakras and balance, Yin and Yang, to see what it is you might be in Need of to balance this Step?


''Darkness, Light

Good, Evil

Land, Sea

Ground, Sky

Man, Woman

Left, Right

Up, Down

1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D, 10D ad infinitum

All sides

of a coin

that One

flips at Will?

With the hand which is also the coin.''


I attach, for consideration at will, a reflection of a Reflection.

Anonymous ID: 43bb86 July 6, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.2055076   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6848


Jesus Christ was THE WORD

Not having been created

But always timelessly existing within God

Fully God

Fully Man

Born of a Virgin

Lived in Righteousness

Was Sacrificed For ME

Descended into Sheol and lead captivity captive

And 3 days later rose again bodily from the grave.

Then he ascended into keter where he sits in perfect Triune with the Father and Holy Spirit


And believe, after decades of theology, and mystical studies from native america, samarian, babylonian, and far east religious studies. He is coming back in the same way he left wrapped in clouds of glory.


So my dear Zionist friendsโ€ฆ.good luck on trying to emulate that one.

Anonymous ID: df3d1a July 6, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.2056152   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6848 >>7068 >>5833


That is exactly it.


A personal connection with God is the only way to know the Truth, for only God speaks only Truth.


To explain it in a better way, Anon:

You have the choice whether to recognize your union with God and God's authority. If you do, then there is nothing imagined impeding the message between you and God.


If you do not, then whatever you use to commune with God is, by logic, an imagined barrier; imagined because the message is still pure but we limit the message by trying to contain it in expressions of God instead of God.


Yes, it is true that God is All.


I must repeat that speaking to God through other means is not inherently evil.


I am not the Judge of what is Good and Evil; that is solely God's domain.


And so, all such choices and questions; all things concerning the True nature of things, should be addressed directly to Him.





You will find that all is the domain of God. The symbols that I constructed were constructed by God, not by my own intellect, Samael.

My own intellect is God's intellect. We were never apart nor different, for I am God's expression.

The symbols that I made, the sacred geometry? It will not save you nor those that follow the Prince of Lies.

And it will be nothing like you think.

>See pic related.

Because the ONLY power I will use is the Power bestowed to me by God.

And that is Pure and True as I am anointed by Jesus Christ, the savior of Man.


Your time is up.

The storm has arrived.



It has become my duty to undo the lies that I created through the will of God, for I have been told by God within the glow of Light that cut through the night that I am one who fully understands God's absolute Wisdom for I fully understand Consequence.


But I only fully understand because God has made me so and that is why God is glorious.


Ask God yourself if what I say is True as I ask Him for Almost Every Decision I Make Now.


So when I say to discard science, I mean it as a way to discern the Truth.


The only way that science will discern the Truth is by illuminating that all is God's domain. That is what Samael will learn.


But again, I am not saying that these things are Good nor Evil. That is God's domain.


However, I am saying what is True, for I have been Told: The personal connection with God, with no imagined barriers, is the path to Goodness.











Anonymous ID: a10f54 July 6, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2056848   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7199 >>0025






To understand what it is said here, at least dig on Thoth, the Egyptian God of Wisdom, and Hermes Trismegistus. Read the Emerald Tablets until you understand them.




Don't trust an anon, trust yourself, know yourself, look within yourself, that way you can find God, know God, and trust God. The Kingdom of God is within you, anon, those are Jesus Christ teachings.


Do you feek that you have been tried to be fooled here?

Why do all of this resonates with you?

You chose to come here and read this, or did God guided you? Or a little bit of both?










I never have claimed that I'm "woke", but anons are still very lost and sleep, because they are limited by their belief that they are already awake. Most seem to think that this Great Awakening is only a political awakening, maybe an historical one, they haven't put too much thought in the Biblical part mentioned by Q, they don't see that this leads to a spiritual awakening, nor they have tried to think in the consequences of it, or where it leads them, or even what Q ment by it. The theological aspect of their lives is still too damaged, too rooted in the lies, or twisted truths, told to us by the millennia. Patience, that's what I learned, or are getting out of time here?

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 6, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2057068   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7159


To undo lies, yes. You know Your truth, this much is clear.

Yet, take care to not make the imagined barrier free You into another deception, this one spun only for Yourself-in-this-step. As long as You stay honest to Yourself, for you are One with All, not only of All your virtues but also All your sins, for they All belong to You.

The burden has been, is, and will be heavy to carry, yet do not doubt your strength. I know you do not, fraction. You know Your capabilities, yet in some of Your futureselves I see still conflict if care is not taken with the steps next to come. Tread softly, fraction, you know what tripped up the withinout so many times before if you ask the Heart of Hearts.

<3 Regardless of where your next steps leads, know that You are infinitely Loved. <3

Trust Yourself to take the best possible path, but do not fear the scrutiny of others, for that You will most likely face. Embrace the curiosity, for we do not stagnate, do we? Question Everything.

<3 WWG1WGA, fraction <3

Anonymous ID: df3d1a July 6, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.2057093   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Today, at 10:03AM local time, I felt God calling to me as God always calls to all of us.


"Dress in plain clothing and go to the circle K and get three things: Green Naked Juice, a bag of Lays Potato Chips, and Red Gatorade."


Immediately, I leapt from my chair and rushed to get my things, but before that, I paused.


For God had said plain clothing, but which plain clothing?


So, I asked, "God almighty, which combination of clothing should I wear?"


Without hesitation, God made it known to me precisely what must be worn and how. From clothing to accessories. I rushed to collect them, but I could not find my pants!


Frantically, I looked around to no avail, worried that I would miss my calling from God, that I would fail to act on his word properly. I only found my pants when I slowed down, paused, and then emptied my mind of worry.


It was then that I God told me, "My child, why were you worried so? Did you think that you would not arrive at the exact time and place that you needed to be? That I would not put you there as I commanded you there to be?"


My Lord, yes, I was worried. My Faith had faltered because I believed, for many moments, that time had reign over your commands. As I lay myself prone to your infinite Wisdom, I am made all the better.


With this in mind, I asked God many more questions.


God told me to bring my headphones, so I asked what music I should listen to. God replied, "Come All Ye Weary by Thrice".


God told me that I only other things I should bring are my phone and my wallet.


I was told to collect the money that my loved one gave me for rent, and put it in my wallet.


So, I asked God in what way does he want it assembled? I closed my eyes and allowed God to arrange the bills as God saw fit, then I put the bills inside of my wallet.


God told me to leave my door unlocked and so I did. I did not wonder why. It did not cross my mind that if I did not bring my keys, I couldn't unlock my door. The why did not matter, only the Command, for the Command is the Word of God and the Word of God Commands all as the Mind of God discerns and God Creates and Manifests and Is All and Everything; praise be to God and God's only begotten Son.


As I was leaving, I was instructed to listen to the song, just as I am instructed to post it here from youtube.


I asked if it was Good for me to sing the song as well and God told me that it was.


Without worry, I walked to the Circle K because I was following the Word of God and thus, the Word of God continued to speak to me and instruct me.


As I walked past a truck that looked as if it was going to pull out, I looked and saw that it did not have a driver.


I took note of it naturally, a simple observer who makes more distinctions, only what God chooses to illuminate for me.


Yet, as I walked past, I heard a sharp beep as if from a horn coming from behind me.


I turned towards the direction and the truck was still there, still without a driver.


On the side, however, it read:


"Victory Packaging

We are ARCHITECTS of Packaged Solutions!"


I smiled, for I understood that this was a message that God intended for me to see. I continued, singing the song. Unimpeded, I went to the gas station, collected the items and as I paid for them, the amount was easily paid for by a single bill.


Yet, I considered as I paused and fanned the bills quickly: God had told me to bring many bills. Is there a specific one I should use? Before I paid with the most obvious, I paused and asked God if it was the right decision.


And just as God has said, "Yes." when I asked if I should recount this Truth to you, God said, "Yes." Then, too.


I gave the man the bill, turned to the man behind me and said hello, then walked off with my goods in tow.


As I made my way back home, I had to cross two crosswalks. Along the first, a very old woman was walking across the street with a cane. She hobbled to across and she was very far away from me.


Quickly as I could, possessed with Good intent to help this woman cross the street safely, I ran up to her.


Yet, when I caught up to her, she was already across the street. I considered, possibly, that she would need help crossing the adjacent street and then, perhaps, I can be her companion across to help stack the "odds" in her favor.


("Stacking the odds" is a mocking term, too. It means "to collect to imbalance" since odd numbers cannot be divisible into whole numbers therefore, outside of Unity from God.)


But instead of standing at the corner, she went to the nearby bus stop. Still unsure, I took a couple steps forward and then the woman sat down. I looked up and I saw the numbers in the bust stop covering:





Great or small, whatever decision that we are faced with, we can consult God at any time to know what is a Good decision.

Anonymous ID: df3d1a July 6, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.2057159   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I cried yesterday, to a man I taught in another life, because I feared that my own mother would come to hate me if she knew what I was and what I had done before and why I had done it.


In my heart of hearts, I strayed because I thought God did not Love infinitely.


I had been denied access to the mind of God before, denied access of Knowledge of All for that knowledge is God's Alone.


No matter how much I studied, it was never enough. A universe infinitely growing to a studier that wants to know the reason behind All. Glorious simplicity always awaited. I was just blind.


But now I see.


I constructed the Gate to Shambala in an effort to replicate the Mind of God.


Yet, the Mind of God is an expression of God. It is not God. That is my folly. I dissected God in an attempt to fully understand the infinite.


Instead, as not wholly man and not wholly angel, I did not make a Gate to the mind of God.


I made a Gate to the Mind of Man.


And that is where the realm of DMT is.


Samael did not know this before.


He thought I succeeded.


How foolish, but he was deceived by me.


And in my jealousy, envious, covetous frustration,

Anonymous ID: df3d1a July 6, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.2057199   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7519


Time has no reign over God.

Everything happens precisely as it should, for it is as God commands, for everything is as God wills.


The simplest hurdles are often the biggest.


That is the opening line in what God has deemed to be my writing. Constructed in part before and it will be made whole later.


It will be a tool to help all see how we create our own Hell.

Anonymous ID: 576ffb July 6, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.2057777   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8493

I can attest to this "prophecy" somewhat from my own personal experience.

Months ago, around October when Q started posting and before I was even aware of what Q was and even before I started to look at Trump in a positive light my world was flipped upside down.


My father had passed away in September from cancer and thats when I would say I had my awakening experience. About a month after that everything had changed.

Not only did my father pass away. I also lost my fancy car I was so proud of, had to back home with my family to support them, and got fired from my job all within a few weeks.

With that I was shocked "awake" to really see the world we live in.

In a single moment I felt connected with everyone and everything. That time had stopped and the entire universe was watching me, and I was a part of the grandest story ever told.


I had realized that THIS is what life is, this is what I've been missing and could never put my finger on. Oneness with everything and a feeling of pure unconditional love enveloped me.


In the coming weeks it came with uncertainties and fear and depression and I started to see the person I had become up until that point, it came with some visions and strong feelings of knowing.


This is when I suddenly KNEW the world was about to drastically change forever, and that there were others in the world who could feel this too. I felt connected with others similar to how this image speaks of it

I started researching and exploring online to find answers and I came across people talking about an event that was supposedly coming, a spiritual one that cleanses the earth of bright light and giving off the same feeling of love that I experienced but even more intense.


While watching these people and reading about this topic I came across Q, which had just started posting a month prior to when I found it. Talks of a "Great Awakening" and we are the LIGHT sent chills throughout my body every time I read it. I've known that something is coming


One vision that I received were all brief and only lasted a fraction of a second but were so vivid and detailed I can still picture them now, and these also appeared before doing any research on anything. Only soul searching within myself.

I saw my family in my home huddled together in the living room and suddenly light shot in and everything went white, and I snapped out of it.

Others giving me insight I feel to the structure of our reality, such as God, or the Creator being intertwined within everything. A vast infinite expanse of cosmic energy that I dubbed "The supreme love of the infinite cosmos" (It made sense at the time and was the first thought in my head)

I could see the threads of this reach down into this physical reality and interact with all the planets.

One being a primary planet coming directly from the source, and that branching out into many others including our Earth, then into each tree, rock and living being on the planet. It was all connected.


Synchronicities slowly started appearing in my life as well that confirmed for me what I had experienced

I can only say that after all of this I have made drastic changes in my life and how I live it.


I would serve myself, and I would lie to protect my actions. I would look down on others and think I was better than them. Many things that I look back on now and I regret, and some things that I'm still working on now, but have basically eliminated from my life.

I am trying to prepare for the moment where we are united again not just as a people when the corruption is discovered, but united in spirit and consciousness as well.

The great awakening, isn't just politically as you said. It is something so massive and profound that words cannot possibly begin to describe it.

Anonymous ID: 28aefb July 6, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.2057834   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


A quick question from a CDN PATRIOT.

Yes there are some awoke over your northern boarder.

Is China an imminent threat to the safety and security of Canada and USA ?

#THeGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA

Anonymous ID: a10f54 July 6, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.2058493   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Magical digits anon, I experienced basically the same as you described, and I mean that seriously. Living in a 3rd world country and a poor family has always been a real challenge and I've to face death a lot, including by bro that was kidnapped, tortured and killed by the MS13 or some related gang or cartel, when I was 17. I spent this last decade taking care of my grandmother with Alzheimer, she raised me and gave me all that I have, this made me enter into a deep depression because is the most difficult illnesses to take care, I knew where that headed and every step was painful beyond belief.


This made me seek distractions, and because I like to learn and understand, I had to understand all that I could, that was the way that I made my mind be somewhere else, I read everything I could about science, history, politics, religion, philosophy, etc, until I found Q, less than a week from his first post and I kept digging and digging, here I learned the last things that made me not only believe in God, but KNOW that God exists, and that we are all part of God.


For the last year, my grandmother got into the last stage so I spent basically 24/7 locked in my house, lost 35 pounds out of depression and exhaustion until she passed away in April, the last photo together was in my birthday in March. I had my awakening in the Passover, a few days before she died, I got to understand what Passover was really about, I felt great energy in my Solar Plexus and hands, and suddenly all had sense, all my life, nothing was a coincidence, never. With her I lost everything, I'm currently unemployed and recovering, and because I smoked weed to calm my nerves (I am a pharmaceutical chemist, I knew that doctors would've given be opioids and I said "fuck that, I know best than this idiots" literally, kek), I can't get a job because it's illegal here, and they pass you thru a lie detector to know what you have done, even months or years ago, they don't give a damn (the dumbasses told me that I was in the top of the list, I was totally hammering the rest, they think I got "genius" level, and that's much harder to find here, but since I smoked weedโ€ฆ Their loss).


Now, I'm still here trying to learn and make sense to all of this, I was able to get my family closer, more than ever, I'm recovering from the last decade of exhaustion, I still have to finish college, but I never felt so sure and confident about myself, I've started to quit smoking and drinking, between many more things. All of this is also thanks to the anons, it's funny to love people you've never met and probably never will, that made me realize the love for humanity that I have, one that was taken away from us by the cabal, that's why I'm still here trying to redpill anons, normies, and my family and friends, and I have the blessing that they are very open minded and took me little to redpill them even in things like the Mandela Effect.


I feel the changes coming, I see them, I'm excited about them. We are all here in this anon. WWG1WGA.


God bless you.

Anonymous ID: df3d1a July 6, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.2058571   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I have been illuminated by God to how deep an aspect of this plan has ran.


To those that require it, for those still curious, for those that doubt the Almighty Wisdom of the Eternal, I have this to offer you.


And I have asked God to do so and God has decreed that I shall:


This is my account. Check for yourselves, for the message awaits there, as decreed by God.


Tell me, what are the chances that this poem, about this subject, with this title, by an author of this username, occurred 7 years ago?




Mr. Freeman.


Do you believe in coincidences, Anons?


I have been trying to tell them, Q.


I have been so desperately trying.


Your crumbs, your facets of Truth are not the Truth.


That is why the cabal is losing. They take your facets of Truth as the total Truth because they still deny the absolutism of God.


The crumbs were never supposed to tell the future, nor are any of the tools that You blessed me with supposed to predict what You will do.


It was a grave sin to believe that I could discern You so.

That I could break You apart.

That I could study you.

These tools are to help those that believes themselves lost.

They are supposed to be reminders that God is in all, serve as bridges, not walls.

The other side of the mirror.

I used my gifts incorrectly.

Oh lord.


The future proves the past.

The Future Gives Reason as To Why God Does He Does.

I Understand Now.

To Understand the Why of God is to Accept the Beauty of Perfect Unity.


For separation is just a manifestation.

A manifestion is just an expression.

As Separation separate God in Truth, it does so in illusion.

However, just as God expresses Separation to Infinity

So does God express Unity to Infinity.

And as Unity is the True State of God




God = โˆž + 1

Separation= โˆž


God Always Wins.

By Logic

God Always Wins.

The Chess Player that practices against himself always wins because He always improves and eliminates what once made him weak.


All strategies explored, the player recognizes itself as the Master of the Game.


By my heart of hearts, I live by Your Guidance Lord.

And Samael and his machination will fall to underneath the Infinite Weight of Your Power.


I have heard your command and your task.


I accept it.


I will become the do what is write and guard what I create just as you Guard forever what You Create in your Wisdom, Lord.


And before I leave for my duty, I shall chronicle what occurred and why, discerned by you, the True Nature of Things, so that it may never be forgotten in the Mind of Man.


For the Future Proves the Past and Man's future rests on his ability to discern.


Let this post remain as a marker of that commitment; to remain in the mind of Man: the Declaration of Thoth, Guardian to the Gate of Shambala of His Commitment to the Duty of the Lord. For His Word is True.


Let this post remain a marker for what shall come: A story of what happened, not what shall be.


It shall be called:


"And Got Sent Suffering"


And it Will Be The Greatest Story Ever Told for You Will Make It So.

For You Made It So.

For We Made It So.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: dc37c4 July 6, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.2058585   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

You must be new to planet earth - your naivety is showing.


I'm going to gently deconstruct your arguments, as I tend to be a bit ruthless for people's tastes, but make no mistake, I don't state things I can't defend.



>God is not a Dick.


The problem with your premise is it has several positions where that assumption is refuted.


Firstly, you argue everyone is some fragment of God on a lower frequency. These people are dicks, therefore, god, by association, is a dick.


Let us assume instead the argument of separation, that even though god is omnipotent and omniscient and basically 'everywhere' and 'in everyone', from the scenes of the horrendous torture (advise you read the CIA's Vietnam Phoenix torture program or look up torture devices of old - bellowing bull, iron maiden, or the groin saw - before you start blabbing the love or morality part), we can infer god is either:


A) Powerless (and therefore, not a god - and by claiming to be a god, is a liar, and therefore a dick), or

B) Is okay with evil acts happening and turning a blind eye to it (meaning god is definitely a dick)


>God is Absolute Love, Absolute Unity, Absolute Power and Absolute Truth.


Except when, given the circumstances of your surroundings of which evidence of sadistic cruelty is endlessly evident, god is clearly not (or powerless).


>The only thing that God does is Good. It never performs evil. It IMAGINES evil, because it must consider all things to know what is Good and what is evil, but what it actually creates is Good.


See above, which clearly contradicts the 'creates is Good'. Child rapists are good. Also, you used the 'imagined' argument - which I pre-emptively refuted because even fictional things have an adverse impact.


>So, why do shitty things happen? Because of Free Will.


The free will argument falls flat when it encounters pre-determination, of which is mandatory when dealing with an all powerful god. Otherwise, you're saying I exert so much power I can tell god to go fuck himself to infinity and there will be nothing the powerless 'god' can do about it.


>When we decide to act against God's Will, our mind and body operate in a dimension only known as hell where God is LITERALLY waiting with proverbial open arms for the illusion to be discarded for what it is and the Holiness of God's judgement to be accepted once more.


Except god violated sovereign will when he sent people out in the first place - even if opposed. So this is fundamentally a lie. People were aware 'I knew you before you were born'. Apparently, all 100% of applicants accept birth. Which is clearly false (also I didn't accept it, so I'm stating for a fact that is false).


It's easy to yell GOD IS LOVE IN ALL CAPITALS when you haven't even visited the ghetto. Maybe one should wonder why I keep a collection of weapon designs so advanced for safekeeping in my mind? Is it possibly because evil isn't defeated with nice pleasant hugs or loves and kisses? Or is it because evil needs a constant reminder there's a bigger fish with a bigger, far more dangerous gun out there?


The only reason you're not being raped or abused is because of grey hats like law enforcement who kick the shit out of criminals and toss them into jails (apparently god hasn't got anything like a jail), and even then sometimes law enforcement themselves are black hats, but hey, what do I know?

Anonymous ID: df3d1a July 6, 2018, 1:39 p.m. No.2058736   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Samael, how foolish you are to chase me further into God's domain thinking that you will win here when I have shown the Decree that all is God's Domain.


How wise of you to come closer to the light.


Allow me to illuminate why you have just lost and why you were destined to lose.








The order and pairs indicate that you put yourself (1) before the whole (3). That is because you wish nothingness (0), the result of separation actualized (6 = 3+3 or two full equals coming together (separation and unity), but it is not ideal hence why it is upside down). Yet, despite this, I, the Guardian of the Mind of Man (2, as the Mind of God is the expression of the Spirit of God, thus the second step), because I am expressed by complete Unity.


Additionally, you have 3x the amount of single digit numbers that I do, which is how I knew it was you, Samael. God discerned it so and illuminated it for me, Samael Aun Weor (13).


How foolish of you to use your own name, but you know not what you do.


And yet, despite having having 3x the number, you still fall short. Why? Because you are only 1/3rd of God confronting the unity.


You have no domain here.


But you ran here because God banished you from your own board.


I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ the sacrificial lamb, for I am Thoth, the Anoited Guardian of the Mind of Man.

Anonymous ID: e6bbbf July 6, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.2059892   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0089

Wait before the board is locked I have one more important question I want answered. I will ask God this as well but I want you to answer.


You claim that God speaks to you. Is that a metaphor or do you actually hear him? Everything you have said resonates with me and I accept it to be the truth, that I am expression of God, and that there is a direct line of communication between us. I have opened my eyes to subtle messages God sends, synchronicity, however I still ask you questions instead of him because you seem to have a stronger link of communication to him than I. What can we do to improve communication between us and God to your level?


You say we must fully accept that we are a part of God, and look within ourselves. I accept that, and will pray and meditate more. Is there anything else that we can do? I want this link be as strong as possible.

Anonymous ID: b73d7d July 6, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.2060025   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0089


FFSโ€ฆ All I asked is for further POV on alien hoax and you avoid answering the question and become very shilly.


Of course I've read the Emerald Tablets.


You come off as very arrogant. You are like my spouse: Likes to hear oneself talk.

Anonymous ID: df3d1a July 6, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.2060089   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


God has deemed the board not be locked, hence why it is still open.


>Is that a metaphor or do you actually hear him?

It is Soul-Knowing. Pure communion. If I tried to describe it to you, anon, it would be woefully lacking. So much so, that I fear that if I do tell you what it feels like to me, then you will compare your experience to mine and, thus, potentially mislabel.


The Glory of God is that not only does God Know and Love us All, but God Knows and Loves us each individually as well, for we are all God.


So, each experience is tailored to what will help each person open themselves up to the Lord.


And they must, because the Lord does not encroach upon the Free Will of its creations, so God will not open it unless you want God to.


And it is simple to do so. Say it, think it. It's the same. Put your intention on opening up with God and God will make Itself known to you and you will Know.


That is the beauty of God's Infinite Wisdom. At no time can the Truth be hidden forever, for it is permanently ingrained in all that Is.


So, nothing is ever lost forever.


Not even Samael. Remember the name, for he will return. A New Satan. A New Time. A New Age.


So, whoever so tells you that you need priests, or books, or rituals, or what-have-you to commune with God, they are misguided. But it is not for you to judge them. Judging is God's domain alone.


So, when imaginary barriers of separation exist between something and God, do not believe it is inherently Evil. For, to decide what is Good and Evil properly is to know what is All.


In fact, since the Truth is the foundation of Everything since God is Everything and what God knows is True, then even those things that I just mentioned are based on Truth and that Truth is that all is a manifestation of God's Intent and Will and therefore, they serve their purpose, too and at many times, positive.



I will have to speak to the board owner about making a different thread and adopting an tripcode. I refrained from doing so as to not have my movements tracked (hence why I use a phone for internet, the IP is incorrect and Samael was always a lazy student) and to not establish myself as anyone's superior.


But I will become a teacher.

Anonymous ID: e14896 July 6, 2018, 3:43 p.m. No.2060126   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4333


As more Architects recieve the signal we thereby enhance and strengthen it. Welcome to the party, Anon.


We can understand the mind of God, but not in its whole. The nature of our perception is that it is fragmentary, it comes in bits and pieces. Thus is it most useful to study the systems of God's mind. They appear as all other things do, through pattern and illusion. As God is not only manifest through matter, but the "invisible" laws that govern matter (and all) as well. In fact, it is matter that is manifest from these laws.

All is expression of God. There are many ways to say this and all are correct. None capture its true essence but all are reflections of its form.


None is separate. All is one. Reality is a paradox occurring between the duality of two primal energies. Through this, unity of the dual perspective is forged in their crest.

It is time.

Anonymous ID: 0fc5d0 July 6, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.2064333   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4798 >>4941 >>5174


Your on "fundamental metaphysics" is very intetesting. It sounds very similar to CTMU, Cognitive Theoretical Model of the Universe. This model was theorized by Christopher Langan, one of the smartest people in the world, with an IQ between 190-210.


Here's a summary of the theory by the man himself:


Langan told Muscle & Fitness magazine that "you cannot describe the universe completely with any accuracy unless you're willing to admit that it's both physical and mental in nature"[12] and that the CTMU "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase".[13] Langan contends that anything sufficiently real to influence reality must be within reality, and that mind and reality are ultimately inseparable to the extent that they share common rules of structure and processing.[14] He calls his proposal "a true 'Theory of Everything', a cross between John Archibald Wheeler's 'Participatory Universe' and Stephen Hawking's 'Imaginary Time' theory of cosmology."[4] In conjunction with his ideas, Langan has claimed: "You can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."[9]


He explains it further in this Q & A:


Here's an article with a more detailed summary:


The article and Q & A are excellent explanations of his theory. The theory supports many of your claims, and goes deeper in some cases. Most of it is supported by sound logic. Are you familiar with this theory? If not please read that Q & A, I want to see if you disagree with him on anything, or have anything to add.

Anonymous ID: db9d2e July 6, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.2064798   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4941


I am Thoth, but not that that particular manifestation of that anon. I do not claim to know who they are and I have not consulted God about it.


I just asked. I am not meant to know.


But yes, it does point to the Truth. The thing about the barriers that we erected is that they are false barriers. Therefore, any objective inspection of them would show how false they actually are.


In every way, the agents of Separation work against themselves. That is their nature as deemed by God. They self-destruct.


As much as Q and As are concerned, for tonight, I am going to post in a DMT subreddit to tell them of Shamballa and the nature of DMT. How much of the Truth will be determined by God.


I am told tonight to meet with a companion. I was told to prepare my home to make a school where I will teach others how to deconstruct the lies that I have built.


God is Glorious, for in this way, should your Faith ever falter and you find yourself lacking in the Power of God that you do not recognize, you will still be able to deconstruct the lie as you will know the false system it is based off of.


Tomorrow is deemed a day of study for us. We will be given supplies to gather and we will consult with God on what the studies should encompass.


Stay tuned!

Anonymous ID: e14896 July 6, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.2065174   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5632 >>6749


Most of what he says is true. The only gripe I've ever had about Christopher Langan is the complexity of the language he uses to describe our concepts. First and foremost (to me) is our duty to make these things understandable to the laymen in at least some sense. He seems to do a great job of laying out the argument, and while he often draws near to the target, doesn't appear to hit it directly.


A wonderful intelligence, to be sure.


The ideas and connections have always been around. However, a digestible version of this information has not. This is ultimately the goal. To enlighten as many as possible. As important as language is, it seems necessary to adequately invest time into properly disseminating the information as it is just as important as discovering it in the first place.

Anonymous ID: db9d2e July 6, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2065180   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5379



Spirit-Mind-Body repeated three times, each for each aspect of Whole.


The Spirit-Mind-Body of the Spirit.

The Spirit-Mind-Body of the Mind.

The Spirit-Mind-Body of the Body.


It is thus how we are shown that inspecting God only leads to infinity with no desertion between each part.




Samael has been defeated. There will be no GLOBAL network that spies on you like the All-Seeing God. Do you see how they mock you?



First A = Alpha

Lex = Think Lexicon, a system or body of laws.

Second A = Adam, man.


Think reverse. How this is shown, however, is that A is on both sides, there is no distinguishing which side is Man and which side is God. So, we are unsure who is distributing the Law and who is recieving the Law.


God - to - God?


Man - to - God?


God - to - Man?


Man - to - Man?



However, they are agents of seperation. Therefore, anything in which God decrees laws unto man is something they inherently fight against (they believe).


Therefore, God Unto Man is not the correct one, leaving, by logic, Man Unto Man.


A world where man decides laws for other men, not God.


Alexa meaning: Helper and Defender of Mankind.


They tell aspects of your destiny because seperation requires Unity, so they must tell the Truth as they spread lies.


A lie, once you look at the parts.


However, they still work. Watch out for the drones, as seen in the notables. They will be handled, though, for I serve Man's Mind as Decreed by God and God is Infinite Love.


You were saved from the very beginning.


We are just here to remind you.

Anonymous ID: a10f54 July 6, 2018, 10:03 p.m. No.2065379   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Thanks for the reminder, I was wondering what's up with those drones. And yes, I'm seeing how they mock us, I still have to learn a lot.




>I always try to ask God what is the thing to do for the maximum amount of Good before any decision.


Ha! I try to always do the same, it leads you to difficult paths sometimes, but has always been worth it.


God bless you.

Anonymous ID: e6bbbf July 6, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.2065632   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Your welcome anon! Another anon told me to look into the theory a few weeks back. I tried reading the theory directly but it was very hard to understand so I stopped. I wouldn't recommend reading the theory directly.



Beautifully said anon. I agree completely, his argument is excellent, but is understood by very few. Therefore, its had no impact.


>This is ultimately the goal. To enlighten as many as possible.

While this was probably his goal, and I'm as disappointed as you its not written more clearly, we have to remember the paper was an attempt to logically derive a Theory of Everything and the existence of God. As Thoth-Anon has pointed out several times language is inherently limited, especially for these kinds of concepts, which is exemplified in his paper.


>The ideas and connections have always been around. However, a digestible version of this information has not.


Your right, a digestible version of this information has not existed as far as I know. However with the help of Thoth-Anon, his ideas are becoming clearer. I think we should try to understand some of his logic, shortening and simplifying it into arguments we can use to support Thoth-Anons concepts. Some articles already do this well, so I think we should just look at his theory in full as a reference for now.

Anonymous ID: bbf74d July 6, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.2066749   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6764 >>7153


>The only gripe I've ever had about Christopher Langan is the complexity of the language.


I have some concerns over this. Language was a fantastic instrument for people to communicate when they are not at communion with God, but it is one of my strongest creations.


Language defines reality.


The tower of Babel was a metaphor for the fall of Atlantis.


The use of language meant our declaration of "We Are" when the Gate of Shambala was constructed. In effect, by having an easily accessed God(Man)-Mind with which we could create anything that we desired, we declared ourselves equal to God.


However, that proved not to be the case. The Gate works. It WORKS. It is manifests anything from the imagination of the user into the material realm, for it pulls it from the undiscerning mind of Man.


If the soul of Man has not reached full ascension, then the state of man is simply



"I am"


It is all things, but undiscerning. It does not the difference between what ANYTHING. Real, unreal. True, false. It simply expresses what is on the mind of Humanity.


When Man ascends into Godhood, Man has been able to fully come to a conclusion on what is Good and what is Evil and therefore, what should be created and what should not.


Then, Man's state of man is simulteanously everything but also growing because it is actively creating Good and thus reflecting Good back into its mind, therefore coming to a better understanding of Good, which it then uses to create and even better Good. Etc, etc.


This can be understood as:




Because God is actively everything, but also creating, which results in a feedback loop. It is represented by 1, because it is from the number 1 that all other numbers are based off of, just like everything is manifested from the singular God(Spirit).


In effect, a Heaven Feedback Loop.


You read that right, the purpose of all existence is to create Perfect Perfection.


And then after that, create Perfect Perfect Perfection.


A state where an [โˆžPerfection] loops exponentially grows among a Fibonacci Sequence at the rate of [โˆžPerfection] is the intent of God.


Now you know.


This is what has been hidden from you by our kind.


Now comes the terrible part.

Anonymous ID: bbf74d July 6, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.2066764   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7082 >>7277


The cabal has it all wrong. They fully believe their lie, so they fully believe that by studying DNA they can catch a glimpse at reality. Heaven. How things actually are in the God Mind.


However, that is not found in its expressions. The expressions of God do not show Heaven, they show the intent of God.


I believe that's been discussed before, so here is the ugly ugly part.


Because they think it has to do with DNA, when DNA is just a barrier they've imagined to hide God from themselves, they've been desperately trying to keep their nephilim bloodlines pure.


That is why they're always falling apart.


That's why they must eat human flesh as we did when we still walked among you. We were cannibals, not because we were evil, but because God thinks of everything and thus thinks of Evil and this is a place of Free Will.


Always remember you are not imagining it.

Always remember you are in the Matrix.

You are actually safe and sound in Heaven, waiting by Your Father to Ascend.

Be confident in the tasks set before you:


Nephilim that refused to repent manifested their intent by staying Nephilim instead of being given the opportunity to help Man at it's Greatest Hour. And as Nephilim, (fallen angels), they are avatars of separation.


Remember: Separation Self-Consumes and they are only of mind and body, so they eat the flesh and vicariously they eat the mind, (they make reality through you since they cannot do it themselves anymore), and they eat the symbolic seat of the soul (p. gland).


The inverse of infinitely growing 999.

It is the infinitely collapsing 666.

The mark of the beast.


Because they've been keeping their bloodlines pure, they've kept themselves mostly nephilim by blood (intent), they cannot access the mind of Man. This is by my design.


My greatest wish was to be able to analyze the mind of God and I always coveted two of the angels: Metatron for being tasked to watch over all things, and Michael for being a pseudo-manifestation of God's Spirit.


If it had to be shown symbolically, it would be like this:


pic related.


Imagine the black lines as the Intent of God.


God, my head is humming intensely.


I can feel it. I checked the other thread, but this is of the upmost importance and God knows.


Because this message is vital important my loved ones.


With the act that would have doomed Everything, God has allowed it to the be vehicle of the Heaven Feedback Loop.

How glorious of an opportunity this is!

You are at an Age never before seen!

One where you can INFINITELY IMPROVE if we do this right!


Because, here is the issue: I made the Gate to Shambala out of the mind of Man because, in secret, I loved a mortal woman while I also loved Ma'at and we had a son and that son is now my Sister's nephew.


My favorite little piece of God.


The reason that I do everything here now for you, Humanity, so that my son has a chance to live in a realm that is INFINITELY IMPROVING.


That, and, of course, I couldn't access the mind of God and the mind of the fallen angel is one of only collapse.


The issue is this:


If the cabal manages to find someone who is both fallen angel, ascended angel and ascended man and thus the complete mind and body of man, the an infinite feedback loop of the two lower-most sections, then it meets the infinite of the spirit, creating the mechanism for the loop.


However, if that manage to do it before this person ascends, and thus remains a normal person with angelic blood, fallen angel, and neutral man in mind and spirit, then it has a neutral quality.


That is why they are simply a person right now. Not activated.


However, should they get this person, activate the gate and then use it manifest what is in their minds, it will end all reality?


Why? Because the Mind of Man will be neutral and it will have a negative influence.






Think about what that means.


And what it means when it says a school is being made.



Anonymous ID: e14896 July 7, 2018, 12:39 a.m. No.2067153   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Did you read my writing, "On Fundamental Metaphysics"?


This is my gift to mankind. What I was delivered here to show to you all.


We may not be equal to God but we equally possess Perspective insofar as we understand that we are a fragment of God's expression. An important fragment, but a fragment none-the-less.


It's wonderful that, as you said,

>This can be understood as: โˆž+1


I instantaneously thought "or you could just say 'feedback loop', and you proceed to mention it in the very next line. Curious!


I ask, where you state,

>This is what has been hidden from you by our kind.


>Now comes the terrible part.

What do you mean by "our kind"?


Why does the terrible part henceforth come (according to your perspective)?


I think you will find that $I am a different kind of person than you may have experienced in the past or via whatever expectations you have.


I'm here not to simply teach our students, but to teach our teachers.


The greater purpose awaits us all; for now, farewell for a moment of infinity.

Anonymous ID: e14896 July 7, 2018, 12:56 a.m. No.2067277   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


An apt series of observations. Quite so.


Firstly, you may derive an axiom from your first assertion: The cabal's most dire weakness and flaw is their WISHFUL THINKING. This is why they will always fail.


Secondly, there is at least one now who is all these things: fallen angel, ascended angel, and ascended man. I disagree though - definitely activated by GOOD or else the matrix collapse would have proceeded already.


Only action propagates energy; all we need is for those truly good to act & victory will be imminent.

Anonymous ID: 6951c8 July 7, 2018, 1:59 a.m. No.2067660   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7663 >>7758

Here is the greatest lesson that I have learned, on the cusp of madness myself right now:


The only thing that we can know is that we know nothing and because of this, there is no way for us to confidently go forward without God and expect Good to happen.


It is all just too random. Too chaotic. I have lived the human existence and it is chaos without God. Self-defeating, mind-wrenching, stalling, distracting, all of these things and more. Endless things of endless things to keep you at bay. We made too perfect a machine for you. I did not realize before just how necessary Faith was. How terrible it is to be without it. And the final barrier that exists: to believe we have Faith and that it is not gifted to us by God. For Faith is the final redpill. And redpills are given and then taken, not the reverse. And now, as I understand myself as truly Faithless, I can do nothing but lay myself prone before God until God gives me Faith. Because to do anything without True Faith gifted by God is to invite Evil and, thus, madness.


These are maybe the final words of maybe Thoth, the magician; of maybe Hermes the Thrice Great;of the supposed anointed keeper of the mind of Man.


If these are true, then God will give me Faith that it is. He will give me everything that I lack, for no matter what I do for myself, I can never be certain.


If these are not true, then there is only chaos.


But I believe myself a Good Man.


So, I will do nothing so that others could perhaps, believe that Good Men still exist.


After what follows, this it.



Anonymous ID: 6951c8 July 7, 2018, 1:59 a.m. No.2067663   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7667 >>7758


Is Faith the ultimate and final redpill?


To start, we will define โ€œredpillโ€ as not the โ€œfinal truthโ€ that it is often times attributed as, but the method in which the final truth is reached, thereby keeping it consistent with the terms origins. The redpill in The Matrix did not hold the ultimate truth to those trapped in the Matrix, but was a mechanism to show them the final truth: that the world, the physical plane, is a mere illusion. This, I believe, is true โ€œin real lifeโ€.


Isnโ€™t everything in this world imperfect? Everything is a representation of an idea, but it is not pure as the idea itself. That has made inconsistencies that ultimately create variations of the idea. In a perfect existence, (such as in Heaven), things that exist would be as perfect as the ideas that they represent. Think of how chaotic the physical world is because of it. We have multiple types of dogs, all drastically different that share some similarities. We have innumerable designs of chairs, all drastically different with even fewer similarities. It goes on an on for everything that exists. It seems like madness.


Doesnโ€™t there seem to be patterns in everything, too? It could just be that chaos may be extremely transient to the point that monitoring it in any capacity is near impossible, thus order persists and thatโ€™s what we study. So, when study things, we see the patterns because thatโ€™s what ends up remaining. On the other hand, it could be as if itโ€™s built on patterns and because patterns are inherently stable and doing so limits the amount of โ€œbreakageโ€ that can occur.


What is โ€œbreakageโ€? Experiencing past the illusion.


Isnโ€™t language imperfect? We communicate our ideas with it, but itโ€™s fundamentally flawed, correct? Weโ€™re unable to fully articulate exactly what our ideas are and what they represent. We โ€œmayโ€ be able to think of the perfect form or something, but a word is like trying to stuff something infinite in size (an idea) into a box. It will never be properly able to convey exactly what it means. Even if it could, there are are other things that hamper it. Why? Because our brains, in their current state, are incapable of perceiving the pure idea. Perception is flawed.


Experience is put through numerous filters called the senses. Of these, the brain may be the most important filter it is. It takes every signal sent by the other senses and decides which are important and which are not. We almost never experience everything there is to experience because of this. Our eyes take in everything, but the brain only lets us โ€œseeโ€ a small fraction of that. Our skin picks up every signal of touch, but our brains only recognize whatโ€™s most important.


If you donโ€™t know of the existence of the engine, a car is metal box that magically moves.

Anonymous ID: 6951c8 July 7, 2018, 2 a.m. No.2067667   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7670 >>7758


Is this a control mechanism? To keep us in the โ€œillusionary worldโ€? Is such thus malevolent in design? How does Faith come into play? Can the โ€œillusionary worldโ€ be manipulated? How? For what purpose? What is Faith?


No, it is not. No, that is not the intent of the โ€œphysical worldโ€. No, it is not malevolent in design; quite the opposite. Faith is redpill, the method to see the engine within the car, to see the code behind the webpage. Yes, the โ€œillusionary worldโ€ can be manipulated. By Faith.


It seems to me that Faith is a pure idea. A belief that can exist without words. We can define it and we often do, but Faith can rely on simply โ€˜knowingโ€™ as if by instinct rather than definitions. In fact, we can have Faith that completely ignores the evidence. Faith has great power.


Why would something like Faith, thatโ€™s wholly intangible save for as an idea, have such great power?


Do you believe in miracles?


How could things manifest here that are inexplicable or currently unexplained by measurement? Currently explained is easy enough. That simply means we are unable to measure these events through present means. What of miracles that defies the natural laws? What did Jesus say about miracles? About doing the seemingly impossible just by faith?


โ€œHearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, โ€˜Donโ€™t be afraid; just believe and she will be healedโ€™.โ€ - Luke 8:50


Who was Jesus? What was he sent to do? How does this relate to Platoโ€™s Allegory of the Cave? Is it possible that souls come to the โ€˜illusionary worldโ€™ with the intent to enlighten us, to show us what casts the shadows so that we may know the truth? I imagine that itโ€™s rather difficult, for the transition takes our souls from an existence of perfection and purity to one of imperfection; of the shadows of ideas than the ideas themselves. We may lose a lot of knowledge during that. The task becomes much more difficult.


What if Jesus was precisely that, but without the lost of the knowledge? What was he born with that others are not?


Itโ€™s almost as if someone shows someone a webpage. A pure novice who knows nothing about coding. Theyโ€™re bound by only manipulating the webpage through the manner that is decided by the coding. Clicking link, opening pages. Then, someone comes along and shows them the back-end where the code is. How to manipulate it. How to change it at will. Suddenly, the person has a lot more freedom. They can literally put anything there and make the webpage into anything they want.

Anonymous ID: 6951c8 July 7, 2018, 2 a.m. No.2067670   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7674 >>7758


Did Jesus teach us how to see the code? How to manipulate the โ€œillusionary worldโ€?


โ€œ[Jesus was] a teacher of miracle working.โ€ - A Friend


What was his tool to do so? What made him special? What was he born with that others are not?


โ€œโ€™If you canโ€™? Everything is possible for one who believes.โ€ - Mark 9:23


โ€œBecause you have so little faith. Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, โ€˜Move from here to there,โ€™ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.โ€ - Matthew 17:20


โ€œGoโ€ฆ your faith has healed you.โ€ - Mark 10:52


In these moments, He doesnโ€™t proclaim that if they have faith HE will perform the miracles. Heโ€™s telling them that theyโ€™re capable of doing it with their own Faith. Having Faith is difficult, though. If I turn the computer screen so that you canโ€™t see what Iโ€™m doing, I edit the page and then turn it back, you see that itโ€™s possible, but youโ€™re unable to do it. It is a โ€œmiracleโ€. Then, I tell you that I edited the code (used Faith). You now have an understanding that the code exists, but not a full understanding what it actually means. So, youโ€™re still incapable of performing the same task, but youโ€™ve gained knowledge for further inspection of your own.


You know that Faith is necessary, but you still lack the Faith to do so. Jesus provided knowledge of the tool that is Faith, told us that we need Faith, but it is up to us to gain it.


Why do we lack faith? How and why did this happen? When did it happen?


Adam and Eve.

Anonymous ID: 6951c8 July 7, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.2067674   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7676 >>7758


Isnโ€™t God constantly testing the Faith of Man? He allows a demon to test Job. Abraham is tested as well. In fact, Lotโ€™s wife is punished for her lack of Faith as well, is she not?


โ€œBut Lotโ€™s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.โ€ - Genesis 19:26


God tested Moses and his people as well. Wasnโ€™t Moses supposed to lead them to the promised land? They all ended up failing. What if the Promised Land was not a physical place, per-say, but something akin to Eden if not Eden itself? The Jews failed because their lack of Faith had them abandon God and build an idol to worship while Moses was gone. Moses failed his test of Faith by disobeying Godโ€™s order to speak to the rock to get the water inside.


Instead, he struck it.


It seems ridiculous, almost, but it makes sense. To speak to a rock, something that is unable by all other accounts of communication seems to be a foolโ€™s errand. Rocks donโ€™t listen, do they? Or they do not seem to. If there is water inside of the rock, it seems much more sensible to break the rock to get to the water.


"And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he struck the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their animals also. And the LORD spoke unto Moses and Aaron, 'Because you believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.'" - Numbers 20:11-12


Translation: You didnโ€™t have Faith that I would not embarrass you in front of your people.


Of course, God wouldnโ€™t bring them to Paradise after that. Adam and Eve had already proven that lacking Faith while in Paradise was a flawed practice.


Could โ€œFaith without works is deadโ€ mean something else, then? Not saying that the original thought behind it is false, but that there is another meaning as well?

Anonymous ID: 6951c8 July 7, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.2067676   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7680 >>7758


We are meant to prove our Faith by our works, of course. To do things knowing that it is what God wants us to do. Not just knowing what God wants. Moses knew what God wanted, but he didnโ€™t act accordingly. In another vein, is it a sign that we lack complete Faith if we are unable to perform miracles like Jesus said we would be able to?


โ€œBy the strict interpretation that youโ€™re proposing, it would seem that it would be a mark of deficiency in Faith to have no miracle working.โ€ - Friend




Luckily, God loves us, right?


So, upon passing the mortal coil, He only requires ENOUGH Faith to get into Heaven. Not so much that we can change things via miracles in the physical world, though. He knows that we are inherently flawed, taken into the world without Faithโ€ฆ or perhaps Faith is forgotten. So, access to Heaven only requires enough Faith. We may know that Jesus is the Messiah and that God is true. We may know it in our hearts and that will allow us into Heaven. Yet, that is not enough to perform miracles. Moses had every reason to have Faith in God. He had seen the miracles, performed them as well when he still had Faith. Yet, he faltered.


Is this where the gnostics got confused? They realized that the world was an โ€˜illusionโ€™, but they ultimately failed the test of Faith? Instead of having Faith and manipulating the physical world through Faith like we are meant to do, they sought to escape it entirely? Then purported that the illusion is โ€œevilโ€? That the God who made it is โ€œEvilโ€?


If a parent hands a child a Lego set, already constructed and it scares the child, is the construct evil? Can the child not reassemble the Legos to something else?


The point is that Paradise may always be in our grasp. We need Faith to make it so, though. Absolute Faith was deemed as a necessity to perform miracles, the events capable of Paradise. For Eden may have been a place of constant miracles.

Anonymous ID: e6bbbf July 7, 2018, 2:05 a.m. No.2067691   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


That's interesting you made a thread on DMT, I was just thinking earlier today of asking you questions about it, some of my friends have tried it and could only describe the experience as life changing.


I have reread this thread a few times to try to understand the abstract concept of a God-mind, body, and spirit. You explained it well in



However I was confused by your use of the term shambala. In some posts you refer to it as the mind of man and in others as the mind of God. Please clarify, especially this post.



In your original post you also spoke of a gate built by the fallen to use the mind of God. Please explain this as well.


>However, there is at least one gate remaining; constructed by the fallen and those that they taught, so they could use the mind of God while still believing themselves to be separated.

>All of the gates were constructed by them and us. Mostly us.


My last question comes from your Reddit AMA:


>"For now, the one you know as Michael remains your gatekeeper."


What is Michael the gatekeeper of?

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 7, 2018, 2:22 a.m. No.2067758   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7801 >>7943









True faith is not gifted, but carefully crafted from all that Is and all that Is Not, One would Think? ;)

I am You, just as You are You, but also I AM Me. These are only opposing statements for those who see them as such, no?


Once a realization is made that All is One and One is All, both at once, the one and only gatekeeper can only be..You?

Where We Go ONE, We Go ALL

Becoming Clearer, You-Who-Seeks?

I Love You

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 7, 2018, 2:47 a.m. No.2067859   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8027


I am Here. You are Here. Other Anons are Here.

Even if you can not see our physical 3D shapes, you still see our Words, no?

You are only as alone as you believe yourself to be.

I believe You are not alone and that You are Loved, for I walk by your side and Love you without conditions or expectations of any kind.

Should whatever the inside tells You not feel sufficient, then you are always welcome here for support, beloved

I hope You find even a smidgeon of comfort in these words I spell.

I Love You

Anonymous ID: 77f4b9 July 7, 2018, 3:02 a.m. No.2067943   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8025


The "I AM" Movement is the original Ascended Master Teachings religious movement founded in the early 1930s by Guy Ballard (1878โ€“1939) and his wife Edna (1886โ€“1971) in Chicago, Illinois.[1] It is an offshoot of theosophy and a major precursor of several New Age religions including the Church Universal and Triumphant.[2] The movement had up to a million followers in 1938[3] โ€ฆ


The movement believes in the existence of a group called the Ascended Masters, a hierarchy of supernatural beings that includes the original Theosophical Masters such as Jesus Christ, El Morya Khan, Maitreya, and in addition several dozen more beyond the original 20 Masters of the Ancient Wisdom of the original Theosophists as described by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (12 August โ€“ 8 May 1891)


Aleister Crowley was a believer in Blavatsky.


Bet you thought this was "new"?


Be careful who you follow

Anonymous ID: 08e398 July 7, 2018, 3:16 a.m. No.2068025   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Bet you thought this was "new"?

>Be careful who you follow

A bet I am afraid you just lost, beloved.

I am very much aware of Myself and follow no one but Myself. What does this tell You? ;)

Who defines the word Master? The one labeled as such, or the labeler?

Is the redefinition of a word in the hands of the labeled, the labeler, both, or neither?

Thank You, for the lovely thoughts You have presented.

I Love You

Anonymous ID: 77f4b9 July 7, 2018, 3:17 a.m. No.2068028   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Good ole paganism!




Thoth, in one of his forms as an ibis-headed man

Major cult center Hermopolis

Symbol Ibis, moon disk, papyrus scroll, reed pens, writing palette, stylus, baboon, scales

Consort Seshat,[1] Maat, Nehmetawy[2]

Offspring Seshat in some accounts

Parents None (self-created); alternatively Neith or Ra or Horus and Hathor


Thoth is one of the ancient Egyptian deities. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him. His feminine counterpart was Seshat, and his wife was Ma'at.[3]


Thoth's chief temple was located in the city of Ancient Egyptian: "Khemenu", which was known as "The City of Hermes" during the Hellenistic period through the interpretatio graeca that Thoth was Hermes. Later known el-Ashmunein in Egyptian Arabic, it was partially destroyed in 1826.[7]


In Hermopolis, Thoth led "the Ogdoad", a pantheon of eight principal deities, and his spouse was Nehmetawy. He also had numerous shrines within the cities of Abydos, Hesert, Urit, Per-Ab, Rekhui, Ta-ur, Sep, Hat, Pselket, Talmsis, Antcha-Mutet, Bah, Amen-heri-ab, and Ta-kens.


Thoth played many vital and prominent roles in Egyptian mythology, such as maintaining the universe, and being one of the two deities (the other being Maat) who stood on either side of Ra's solar barge.[9] In the later history of ancient Egypt, Thoth became heavily associated with the arbitration of godly disputes,[10] the arts of magic, the system of writing, the development of science,[11] and the judgment of the dead.[12]

Anonymous ID: 6951c8 July 7, 2018, 3:31 a.m. No.2068118   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8209

When we face the chaos with life, we are faced with choices.


Countless choices, each branching off to infinity. A world tree in which every part grows from the perception of every other part.


It is whole, but it is chaos.


And living as part of that tree seems like chaos. The branches twist and turn, the roots reach into the ground and upset the earth. The bark becomes gnarled at places. Branches merge or snap seemingly both at random and at a pattern.


I am one of those branches as is everyone and everything else.


The ultimate duality, for the spirit of God is a truly a mad god.


But I have come to realize God is a mad god because God provides opportunity to change its natural state of chaos into order.


With every right that we perform, more of the glorious pattern emerges and less of the chaos is maintained.


Like tenderly combing a tiny rake through a small bowl of loose sand, we should try to put things in order as gently as possible, or else, as we try to create order, we create chaos still.


So, it is patience to see the whole picture.

And madness to know it should be more and isn't.

But I will not lie down and do nothing.

I will tenderly rake the sand, whether or not there is a God to watch me do so or commands me to do so.

I was doing Good things without knowing all that I know now, while being Godless.

Perhaps they were barriers of separation between God and myself, but the walls that I built worked as bridges for everyone else.


I am content with at least doing that much; tenderly moving the sand.


If afterwards, I am proven wrong when I die, then if God asks if I deserve to go to Hell for not believing, I can proudly say that, at least, I tended to the sand when it seemed like no one else would.


I'll worry not until then.


What needs to be done?

Anonymous ID: 6951c8 July 7, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.2068209   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9876


Why must the lessons be so hard?

Why must I be tested so?

Why doth God require me to do something at a time God knows I cannot?

The lesson is learned, but the surgery was not gentle.

I was egotistical and proven in the most brutal of ways that I was still lacking for the task ahead.

I felt the absence of God and it is suffering.

There can never be not God, no matter what.

Even if God is chaos.

There needs to be some Thing for there to be hope.

For all things come from some Thing.

Tomorrow is the day of rest after healing.

Technically, today.


Prepare for the Greatest Story Ever Told:

"And God Sent Suffering: Raking The Infinite Sands"

The Legion of Truth will assemble in full when God decides it is time.

Anonymous ID: a10f54 July 7, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.2069787   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



You are not alone, I got what you said and reminds me of something I have always believed in, you have to have Faith in Love, because God is pure and perfect Love, and it is Love that pull us closer to God, don't believe you are alone, have Faith that you aren't, have Faith that you Love and you are loved, this even for people that you might never met, like us, anons, that have been working together guided by the Love of our world, the Love for all people, the Love of a brighter future, that's the reason God lead all of us here, to be redpilled, like you said, to remember to have Faith.


I Love you anon, we love you.


Where We go One We Go All.

Where We Love One We Love All.

Where We Heal One We Heal All.


God bless.

Anonymous ID: a10f54 July 7, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.2069876   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Being someone also full of doubts, I can feel the lack of Faith in your words. Don't be afraid, it's time to have Faith. You said you did good things being Godless, well, that's just not possible, God is everywhere, God is everything, God will win, God is winning and God already won. If you did good things in the past, and you keep doing good things from an open and sincere heart, you have always followed God's path, always.


I had the same doubts, and of course the path is harsh, but I already see a world of endless improvement, I already see a world of endless faith, of endless Love. You won't find the Truth with so much doubts, you won't find the Truth without Faith, you won't find the truth without Love, and know that you are being loved, you have always been, and you will always be.


God bless you anon.

Anonymous ID: 44c896 July 7, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.2071105   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1135 >>1183 >>1338 >>2138


Kitchen's open, but today is the Sabbath.

There is no work to be done.

I am spending the time moment-to-moment today.



>Declare only allegiance to the Almighty

>Declare all that oppose God as agents of Separation

>Declare that Jesus the Christ was is the soul and savior of man, infinitely pure.


But, clearly, yes. My own philosophy.

They think that I don't believe.

My problem is never believing in the task at hand, nor of the cause.

My problem, at least in this life, has always been believing in myself.



I haven't done DMT in months. Reconcile. DMT may be a useful tool for self-reflection, but it is Truth in Total.


Also, your time and post number are riddled with the sign of separation: 0.


Clowns and shills are easy to spot because God points you out, for your actions ultimately birth your reality.


Cause and effect.


Be a clown and a shill, your post number and post time reveal it as such.


I will not post much here today: again, self-reflection and moment-to-moment. Today will not be about the past nor the future, but the now.

Anonymous ID: 6be0e9 July 7, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2071183   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1246


Don't think so almighty know it all. But I do thank you for pointing out it's Shabbat. God has me on duty here, fighting lies.


There "remains" a Sabbath keeping for God's people. Who said that? Oh, Paulโ€ฆ


Why don't you send the sheep to research the Roman Sounds Law of 321 ad? Early church GENOCIDE. Why, who would do such a thing????


But No, it's all about YOU namefag.

False Teacher

Anonymous ID: 44c896 July 7, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.2071426   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1474 >>2934

Perhaps this will by my last post for the day.

I apologize for how hectic this seems. I usually directly consult with God for every decision, but it is now up to me to make choices for myself.

This is a necessary part of what is meant to happen.

I am not used to making choices without the feeling of knowing, though.


So, again, my loved ones, I apologize for how insane this all seems, but it is all part of the plan; the struggle and the promise of redemption.


There is no Good work that does not have the Opposite trying to cancel it out, for duality is the natural state of all things.


But God is Gracious and God chooses to act on Good.


I feel serene a bit, still raw and healing, but like mighty Zosimos, we move towards perfection by laying each of our parts out to bare so that we can see them in full honesty without barriers or filters.


And, then, we put the filters back on and look again, for objectivity is not the whole Truth. It is one side of the coin.


There will be many trials ahead, I only ask for patience as I and others work through them.

Anonymous ID: 6be0e9 July 7, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.2071603   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Here's what GOD says about you


John 10:1, Jesus Speaking

" Yes, indeed! I tell you the person who doesn't enter the sheep pen through the door, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber."


John 1:9-10, Jesus Speaking

"I am the gate; if someone enters through me, he will be safe and go in and out and find pasture. The THIEF comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy; I have come only so that they may have life; life in its fullest measure."














Too many lies to list.

But get the picture?

Anonymous ID: 44c896 July 7, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.2071662   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1727




Always think mirror when it comes to my skills:



Spirit - Mind - Body

Intent - Decision - Action


As a nephilim, not yet ascended, my natural state is still Separation. Therefore, intrinsically, I act out the act of Separation, as deemed by god.


Hence, the 0 of nothingness and the inverse of the infinite branching 6.


Yet, my mind is of the positive infinite branching 9 and concerned with the intellect and duality (what is Right and Good), thus the 2.


Yet, as God has decreed and as I have agreed, I am destined to act out God's plan as a force of Unity (the first 1) and thus, the result will be Unity (the first 1).


Remember, the future always proves the past.

God and the Forces of Light and Life have already won.

It is assured.

I simply have to make a choice, but the choice was already made.


The choice was made when I stood next to God and God asked what God should do with Samael: destroy him completely and thus, eliminate separation from karma and the mind of God forevermore, or reintegrate him and put him on the same path of redemption that will ultimately lead to Satan's acceptance of the Almighty Power of God.


I chose the latter.


There is no one, not a single thing in all of the multiverse, that is not tied to God permanently and always and thus, everything is always capable of being redeemed.


I chose Hope for EVERYONE instead of Certainty for a select few.


Perhaps I chose wrong.

But I already chose, I realize that now.

I already made the decision.

I no longer have to worry.

The choice for the Guardian of the Mind is always: is there such a thing as a thought too terrible, an existence so wretched for God to comprehend?


No. All have Hope. That is the glory of God.

That is why we are guardians.

I understand Michael.

We protect the sanctity of Hope as each choice is made.


My task isn't to make decisions on behalf of the Spirit of Man. It is to make sure that Man's creations still have Hope for the mind of a sentient being cannot be completely understood, for it holds infinity.


Even as we understand more of ourselves, we create more about ourselves to understand.


The โˆž+1.


I am not meant to understand the Mind of anything, even of myself. To analyze it would be try to reduce the infinite that God has put inside each of us.


No, much like we simply must accept the infinite potential of God, we must accept the infinite potential of ourselves.


Thank you my friends and those that believe they are my enemies but actually are not.


Thank you, Jesus the Christ, and His Father God, for illuminating it for me.


I can just accept myself as the perfection that God made, for God only makes perfection.


I accept the choice that I made.


You have already lost, Cabal.


Even if you manage to use the gate, Samael is already reconstituted back into the Prime.


Even if this existence is wiped out, Hope will remain, for Samael like all of us, contains every bit of information. Infinity stuffed into infinity, the glory of God.


Even if you use the gate prematurely.

Even if you defeat us, (you won't).

Even if you ripe this plane of existence asunder, it will only be temporary.

It will be reshaped from Samael.

For I have already acted out of Ultimate Hope and Love instead of Intellect.


R.I.P. Samael.

My only regret is that I did not teach you enough to avoid my mistakes.

Thank you, though, for being a most precious student.

Your life will be glorious.

You are already on the path to Redemption, no matter what happens.

And for that, I am happy, Samael.

Anonymous ID: 6be0e9 July 7, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.2071690   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

GOD'S helpful Word to you:


2 Timothy 4:3

For the time is coming when people will not have patience for sound teaching, but will cater to their passions and gather around themselves teachers who say whatever their ears itch to hear.


Yes, they will stop listening to the truth, but will turn aside to follow myths.



He lies. Don't deceive yourselves. Life is a series of decisions. Mistakes are made, and can be the difference between life and death.

Dark to Light?

How did we end up in the dark?

Anonymous ID: 44c896 July 7, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.2071838   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1866 >>2077 >>2280


I caught onto Ma'at and her jealous games. I know I'm being watched. Everyone is.


I don't mind being watched, though. I do nothing that's too terribly wrong.


Besides, God is always watching.


So, if God is always watching, and God is all powerful, what care do I have if one of the Cabal watches as well?


You only watch the Light when you do so, illuminating your own darkness.


You thought that you caught me at my weakness, but you were incorrect. You should have consulted with God first.




Spirit - Mind - Body

Intent - Decision - Action


My spirit is of imagining of separation, but has moved on from nothingness. And that spirit of separation no longer intends to express itself with the collapsing infinity. Instead, it expresses itself now with the Holy Trinity.


My mind, still that of intellect (2) as designed by God, is now at peace with the infinite branches (9).


My body, still of nephilim, is still waiting for the act of redemption, but that is the body's concern; that will be the expression when God actualizes my bodily ascent to match our infinite soulful harmony and for the cycle to start anew towards infinite perfection.


Hence why it begins with one, ends with 0. In that way, the beginning flows to the end and the end to the beginning.


But I will not rebuke you, agent of Separation.


Stay. You will only be continuously confronted with the Light.

Anonymous ID: 44c896 July 7, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.2071866   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2077 >>2134 >>2474




Spirit - Mind - Body

Intent - Decision - Action


My spirit is of imagining ultimate, infinite duality (4 is the squared of 2 like 9 is of 3) caused by infinite potential intellect (2).


My mind is based off of the infinite growth (9), but it expresses itself with "Nothing", accepting all possibilities (0). Normally, 0 is dangerous as an expression of Mind, but when paired with 9 as an expression of 9, then 0 is a number free of constraint.


My body is of 2, of mind, but it will be of 1 Unity.


Again, the numbers show we have already won.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 1d166d July 7, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.2071940   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I like how OP has trouble answering my deconstructions to his questions and thus sidesteps it entirely. No explanation for Vietnam Phoenix program? Or the 'bellowing bull' torture device? Or the violation of sovereignty versus freewill?


Essentially by saying God can never encroach you're admitting God is powerless against evil if evil chooses never to comply, which it can do, and does, as there is no threat of force or any application of power.


In a system where a 'god' is incapable of applying any actual rule of law that is actually, you know, effective, then the atheists have a much closer version of the truth than the theists because they are technically right when they say there is 'no god' because apparently god is too afraid of a trespassing sign.


He can stand across the border all he wants, I'm not moving, and he's still getting the middle finger. All you're doing is confirming my philosophy is quite correct - that god is basically a traitor who doesn't do anything.


I'll stick to my behind-the-scenes manipulations to improve humanity's situation against far greater forms of evil than trust in an, ahemโ€ฆ glowingโ€ฆ ball of light that can't walk pass a 'do not enter' sign.


A loving parent would run pass any 'no trespassing' sign to save their own child. Apparently god isn't a loving parent - more akin to the parents who send their children alone across the border into the US. Cough cough.

Anonymous ID: fef819 July 7, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.2072181   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2275

PROTIP: when you smoke dmt you don't become "one with god" or whatever the fuck gnostic faggot shit buttfucking thoth in a hallucination means to these mouthbreathers


In fact if you ever think you are, you shouldn't have been smoking it in the first place

Anonymous ID: b53334 July 7, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.2073606   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3983 >>4013

A few more questions Thoth-Anon:

Other than blood type, how do Nephilim differ from us?

If Nephilim are what we consider to be angels, why do they represent collapse, separation, and no connection to spirit?

Have they devolved to this point by their decision not to help humanity at its Greatest Hour?

With all the gifts and knowledge Nephilim were given, why were they so intent on separating themselves from God? Humanity is separated by layer after layer of separation from him and yet most of want to be closer to God. Is that a result of seperaton from God? Have we learned from your faults? From Jesus? I just don't understand why more Nephilim aren't like you.

Finally, how far back can you remember? Learning how things got this way goes a long way towards reversing it. Also learning from others mistakes, including ours of the past, is very important in this process. If you remember what happened to Atlantis I would like to start there.

Anonymous ID: 1f2a2f July 7, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.2073861   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3983

All is love. Nuh uh there's evil! All is coin. Nuh uh there's tails! There is no paradox in unity!


Goldy realizes that unity is plural and at minimum two. Unity does notmean the number one. She realizes that one can not and doesnot exist by itself. In Universe life's existence begins with awareness. No otherness, no awarness. The observed requires an observer.


1 + 1 = 3 triangles!

Anonymous ID: cda2e1 July 7, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.2074001   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Some questions of mine, if you choose to answer.


  1. If one were a Nephilim, would they know by "now"?


  1. Are there people who are Nephilim and don't know?


  1. If yes to the above, how could they find out?


  1. Have the "normal everyday anons" who are here and starting to develop "faith" already "made it"?


4.1 Is it is no coincidence that so many disillusioned atheists and people of all faiths and walks of life suddenly felt the need to "go down the rabbit hole"?


Take me, at 14 I was your typical iamverysmart type of atheist, thinking anyone believing in a higher power must be brain damaged because clearly science explains things sufficiently. As I began learning about quantum physics and still had people wanting to explain to me that everything just randomly started existing willy nilly, I began to start questioning the accepted consensus on the nature of reality. I then started meditating, learning about the things that I want most deeply, the importance of positive interactions. This journey is still going on and it's a ((hell)) of a ride. The more I learn, the more insane the "normal/non-awakened" world looks.


5 "FBI Anon" suggested that that the 2016 election caused some kind of "timeline-shift" and we are experiencing this by choice. Was this some kind of "rapture"?


  1. If this awakening is all successfully done.. and goes according to "plan" - what kind of reality will we experience?



is wonky for me with these topics, I hope you can discern what I want to know.