You must be new to planet earth - your naivety is showing.
I'm going to gently deconstruct your arguments, as I tend to be a bit ruthless for people's tastes, but make no mistake, I don't state things I can't defend.
>God is not a Dick.
The problem with your premise is it has several positions where that assumption is refuted.
Firstly, you argue everyone is some fragment of God on a lower frequency. These people are dicks, therefore, god, by association, is a dick.
Let us assume instead the argument of separation, that even though god is omnipotent and omniscient and basically 'everywhere' and 'in everyone', from the scenes of the horrendous torture (advise you read the CIA's Vietnam Phoenix torture program or look up torture devices of old - bellowing bull, iron maiden, or the groin saw - before you start blabbing the love or morality part), we can infer god is either:
A) Powerless (and therefore, not a god - and by claiming to be a god, is a liar, and therefore a dick), or
B) Is okay with evil acts happening and turning a blind eye to it (meaning god is definitely a dick)
>God is Absolute Love, Absolute Unity, Absolute Power and Absolute Truth.
Except when, given the circumstances of your surroundings of which evidence of sadistic cruelty is endlessly evident, god is clearly not (or powerless).
>The only thing that God does is Good. It never performs evil. It IMAGINES evil, because it must consider all things to know what is Good and what is evil, but what it actually creates is Good.
See above, which clearly contradicts the 'creates is Good'. Child rapists are good. Also, you used the 'imagined' argument - which I pre-emptively refuted because even fictional things have an adverse impact.
>So, why do shitty things happen? Because of Free Will.
The free will argument falls flat when it encounters pre-determination, of which is mandatory when dealing with an all powerful god. Otherwise, you're saying I exert so much power I can tell god to go fuck himself to infinity and there will be nothing the powerless 'god' can do about it.
>When we decide to act against God's Will, our mind and body operate in a dimension only known as hell where God is LITERALLY waiting with proverbial open arms for the illusion to be discarded for what it is and the Holiness of God's judgement to be accepted once more.
Except god violated sovereign will when he sent people out in the first place - even if opposed. So this is fundamentally a lie. People were aware 'I knew you before you were born'. Apparently, all 100% of applicants accept birth. Which is clearly false (also I didn't accept it, so I'm stating for a fact that is false).
It's easy to yell GOD IS LOVE IN ALL CAPITALS when you haven't even visited the ghetto. Maybe one should wonder why I keep a collection of weapon designs so advanced for safekeeping in my mind? Is it possibly because evil isn't defeated with nice pleasant hugs or loves and kisses? Or is it because evil needs a constant reminder there's a bigger fish with a bigger, far more dangerous gun out there?
The only reason you're not being raped or abused is because of grey hats like law enforcement who kick the shit out of criminals and toss them into jails (apparently god hasn't got anything like a jail), and even then sometimes law enforcement themselves are black hats, but hey, what do I know?