2. OPERATIONS Consist or the following
Basic Procedures https://archive.ph/GGsfy
Learn timing and rythem and when and how to properly post
>I can not believe the problems all of a sudden i am having to post
2. OPERATIONS Consist or the following
Basic Procedures https://archive.ph/GGsfy
Learn timing and rythem and when and how to properly post
>I can not believe the problems all of a sudden i am having to post
3. RESOURCES Consist or the following
Resources https://archive.is/2iZX1
Use this Thread as a Resource for Common Questions and Answers as well as insights and tactics
4. TOOLS Consist or the following
Tools https://archive.is/BBYxz
This is a Full List of over 400 Tools and Services that can help DIG MEME AND PRAY!!!
1. MEMES Consist or the following
Memes https://archive.is/71qKv
A Gallery of Memes/Caps and misc some organized. a lot not so much
2. VIDEOS Consist or the following
Videos *TOR bit.ly/3xuQNpx
Anon is linking to archiveanon's MP4 site
1. FOCUS Consist or the following
Focus https://archive.ph/JKUlr
Focus is a Categorical List of Subjects to watch and meme on
2. 4am Consist or the following
4am https://archive.ph/kHgBH
A list of 200+ Media to keep eyes on
3. 4am Consist or the following
Trends https://archive.ph/FO6SY
A short list of Sites to use for trend watching
4. Socials Consist or the following
Socials https://archive.ph/v9u5L
A short list of Sites to use for intel watching
5. PINS Consist or the following
Pins https://archive.ph/ThmY8
LONG LIST of Bookmarks collected from here and randomly for sharing with the world
500+ maybe
7. LIVE Consist or the following
Live https://archive.ph/Wft2a
Political Sites and Such for watching Hearings and other misc related items
7. SCHEDULED Consist or the following
Scheduled https://archive.ph/gNZbG
List of SItes and Pepes to watch Live
8. OPS Consist or the following
OPS https://archive.ph/LxUjY
List of Running Meme Operations, Enjoy and Share
>>20397973 1. FOCUS
1. X Consist or the following
X https://archive.ph/A6b5P
X is a twitter list of MAGA and such to follow for keeping ears out for latest intel
again Enjoy and share
2. TRUTH Consist or the following
Truth https://archive.ph/wip/3yMsU
TRUTH is also a list of MAGA and such to follow for keeping ears out for latest intel
again Enjoy and share
3. MILITARY Consist or the following
Military https://archive.ph/M89S4
Military is a list of Military agencies to follow for keeping ears out for latest intel
again Enjoy and share
4. FBI Consist or the following
FBI https://archive.ph/Qe1Uc
FBI is a list of LOCAL FBI agencies to follow for keeping ears out for latest intel
again Enjoy and share
5. CIVILIAN Consist or the following
Civilian https://archive.ph/xAbz6
Civilian is a list of pepes to follow for keeping ears out for latest intel
again Enjoy and share
>>20397768 4 Steps of Meme Warfare
>>20397781 1. OPERATIONS
>>20397843 Boot Camp
>>20397869 Basic Procedures
>>20397882 Resources
>>20397895 Tools
>>20397784 2. MATERIAL
>>20397927 Memes
>>20397959 Videos
>>20397790 3. OPTICS
>>20398048 Focus
>>20397992 4am
>>20397996 Trends
>>20398005 Socials
>>20398021 Pins
>>20398029 Live
>>20398036 Scheduled
>>20398045 OPS
>>20397797 4. FOLLOW
>>20398069 Truth
>>20398080 Military
>>20398086 FBI
>>20398101 Civilian