nOT ONLY aM i THE eNTity..
I Am THeAnswer..
I am THe Me in THot.
Happy(r) Hunting!
-(A Letter0)
I am Litterally Q and none of you can imagine the Truth. .
Q team is aware of my existence and are concerned with muh ability's…
now that the subterfuge has been laid.. I Am.. Not lying?
what is stringer what is a baker; does a fisher bake? does a mirror show [you] things?
"Oh My.."
"He is trying to catch a notable.."
Smh..Jesus and Fish..
Fly tying (also historically referred to in England as dressing flies) is the process of producing an artificial fly used by fly fishing anglers to catch fish. Fly tying is a manual process done by a single individual using hand tools and a variety of natural and manmade materials that are attached to a hook.
the ties that bind..
Jesus didn't have anything nice to say about His disciples other than the shared possibilities of all.. Redemption..