Anonymous ID: ebf9d8 Feb. 20, 2024, 4:45 p.m. No.20448864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8875


>Similar to microplastics, smart dust


Looks like I was right about this dust being nano particulates of plastics and nylons but there is more to it than this. There are nano particles of soft metals, bio-agents like larva, nematoads, and germ warfare admixtures depending on the illness and disease that the DS is looking to cause; think of each of these as dials. Trump later called this dust "China dust" at a rally after I asked the Q team to come take samples from in front of my house as saboteurs were spraying liquids that dry into this dust. This is why I always said, Covid is/was local from chemical knitters. I asserted that this is the number one cause of illnesses, disease, and deaths worldwide; and one day I will be proven 100% correct on this. This didn't start with Covid, but as far back as specialized children hospitals and their specialized drives to raise funds for them by the rat pack.


Logical Thinking…