Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:31 a.m. No.20450934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0938 >>1155 >>1540 >>1605 >>1675


Chief Nerd


🚨 Dr. Phil Shares an Explosive Interview w/ Border Patrol Showing American Taxpayers Are Funding the Trafficking of Migrant Children Into S** Slavery


"This is the head guy on the border and I asked him,…'You just said we're spending tax dollars to sell children into s** slavery.' And he said, 'Yeah.'…That's how out of control we are down there."





0:09 / 3:00

5:03 PM · Feb 20, 2024

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:38 a.m. No.20450955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Retraction Watch


Paper by


and others claiming ‘extensive’ harms of COVID-19 vaccines to be retracted

Paper claiming ‘extensive’ harms of COVID-19 vaccines to be retracted

A journal is retracting a paper on the purported harms of vaccines against COVID-19 written in part by authors who have had similar work retracted before. The article, “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Less…

12:16 PM · Feb 19, 2024!/


COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign

M. Nathaniel Mead • Stephanie Seneff • Russ Wolfinger • Jessica Rose • Kris Denhaerynck • Steve Kirsch • Peter A. McCullough



Our understanding of COVID-19 vaccinations and their impact on health and mortality has evolved substantially since the first vaccine rollouts. Published reports from the original randomized phase 3 trials concluded that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could greatly reduce COVID-19 symptoms. In the interim, problems with the methods, execution, and reporting of these pivotal trials have emerged. Re-analysis of the Pfizer trial data identified statistically significant increases in serious adverse events (SAEs) in the vaccine group. Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, hematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders. Furthermore, these products never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing in accordance with previously established scientific standards. Among the other major topics addressed in this narrative review are the published analyses of serious harms to humans, quality control issues and process-related impurities, mechanisms underlying adverse events (AEs), the immunologic basis for vaccine inefficacy, and concerning mortality trends based on the registrational trial data. The risk-benefit imbalance substantiated by the evidence to date contraindicates further booster injections and suggests that, at a minimum, the mRNA injections should be removed from the childhood immunization program until proper safety and toxicological studies are conducted. Federal agency approval of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on a blanket-coverage population-wide basis had no support from an honest assessment of all relevant registrational data and commensurate consideration of risks versus benefits. Given the extensive, well-documented SAEs and unacceptably high harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse a global moratorium on the modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:40 a.m. No.20450959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0961 >>0975 >>0991 >>0998 >>1000 >>1155 >>1540 >>1605 >>1675


Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: Democrats in Illinois (


) introduced HB 4876. The bill would classify parents as child abusers if they don’t get their kids “gender affirming care” aka puberty blockers and s*x change surgery.


They will use this to take kids away from their parents to transition them.


She can be reached here:

Last edited

10:50 PM · Feb 20, 2024

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:51 a.m. No.20450976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1497

"WARNING - Ohio town tells citizens STAY HOME, STOCK UP - Eclipse April 8, 2024"


On August 21st, 2017 the first Great American Eclipse made headlines all over the nation.


It was also known as “the Seven Salem Eclipse” because the path of that eclipse crossed over seven U.S. locations named “Salem”…

-Salem, Oregon

-Salem, Idaho

-Salem, Wyoming

-Salem, Nebraska

-Salem, Missouri

-Salem, Kentucky

-Salem, South Carolina


Salem is short for “Jerusalem”, and that is why so many early Americans chose that name for their communities.


Now the second Great American Eclipse is almost here, and the path of that eclipse will cross over seven U.S. locations named “Ninevah”…

-Nineveh, Texas

-Nineveh, Missouri

-Nineveh, Indiana

-Nineveh, Ohio

-Nineveh, Pennsylvania

-Nineveh, Virginia

-Nineveh, New York


The eclipse will also cross over a location named “Ninevah” in the province of Nova Scotia in Canada.


"Genesis chapter 10 tells us that Ninevah was built by Nimrod, and I think that is very noteworthy.


In addition, Wikipedia tells us that the path of the Bur-Sagale eclipse crossed over Ninevah on June 15th, 763 BC…


The Assyrian eclipse, also known as the Bur-Sagale eclipse, is a solar eclipse recorded in Assyrian eponym lists that most likely dates to the tenth year of the reign of king Ashur-dan III. The eclipse is identified with the one that occurred on 15 June 763 BC in the proleptic Julian calendar.


Some believe that the Bur-Sagale eclipse happened at the same time that Jonah was in Ninevah warning the population that the city would be destroyed…


The Bur-Sagale eclipse occurred over the Assyrian capital city of Nineveh in the middle of the reign of Jeroboam II, who ruled Israel from 786 to 746 B.C. According to 2 Kings 14:25, the prophet Jonah lived and prophesied in Jeroboam’s reign. The biblical scholar Donald Wiseman has speculated that the eclipse took place around when Jonah arrived in Nineveh and urged the people to repent, otherwise the city would be destroyed. This would explain the dramatic repentance of the people of Nineveh as described in the Book of Jonah. Ancient cultures, including Assyria, viewed eclipses as omens of imminent destruction, and the empire was in chaos at this time, struggling with revolts, famines and two separate outbreaks of plague.


I can understand how the appearance of such an eclipse could have been seen as strong confirmation of Jonah’s message to the people of Ninevah."


"the very first community in the U.S. that the path of the eclipse will touch will be Eagle Pass, Texas."

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:53 a.m. No.20450977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1142 >>1373 >>1383 >>1417 >>1458 >>1568 >>1572


NEW - British nuclear submarine missile launch fails as Trident misfires and "plops" into the sea just yards away — The Sun

4:37 PM · Feb 20, 2024


MORE - UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps was on board HMS Vanguard to witness "the test."

4:41 PM · Feb 20, 2024


Jerome Starkey


🚨 SUN SCOOP - A Trident missile misfired & crashed into the ocean yards from the British nuclear submarine that launched it.


Defence Secretary Grant Shapps & First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Ben Key were both on board HMS Vanguard at the time


4:17 PM · Feb 20, 2024

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:55 a.m. No.20450982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0987

University Hospital: Trans-Women's Breast 'Milk' Just As Good As Biological Women's


A UK university hospital system has claimed that milk produced by trans-women “is as good for babies” as biological women’s breast milk.



The Telegraph reports a University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust’s (USHT) “letter to campaigners” noted that “after a combination of drugs,” trans-women’s milk is “comparable to that produced following the birth of a baby.”


Trans-women - biological men - must take the hormone progestin in order to develop milk-producing glands. Drugs such as domperidone (which can be prescribed for biological women who have difficulty breastfeeding) are then needed for lactation.


But even domperidone’s manufacturer warns the drug “was not intended for this” as it can cause heart issues in newborns. The drug’s patient leaflet warns domperidone “should be used during breastfeeding only if your physician considers this clearly necessary.”


Nevertheless, the USHT believes domperidone is safe for trans-women, but does note hospital staff should advise those using it on the possible implications.


Oddly, the USHT’s guidance for the drug no longer exists on its own website; in its place is a link to “La Leche League” which claims it “supports everyone who wants to breastfeed or chestfeed in reaching their goals.”


From the story:


The hospital trust, which runs Royal Sussex County Hospital, Worthing Hospital and Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital among others, was also the first in Britain to use the term “chestfeeding” in place of breastfeeding because it is considered by some to be more inclusive. …


Lottie Moore, of the Policy Exchange, which uncovered the letter, said the trust “is unbalanced and naïve in its assertion that the secretions produced by a male on hormones can nourish an infant in the way a mother’s breast milk can”.


Maya Forstater, the director of campaign group Sex Matters, said: “For a chief executive and medical director of an NHS trust to prioritise trans identities over what is best for mothers and their babies is deeply disturbing.”


The USHT said it “stand[s] by the facts of the letter” and its supporting evidence.

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 4:57 a.m. No.20450985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.K. announces they are CHANGING the way excess deaths are calculated


‘Release date:

20 February 2024


  1. Main changes


Trends in population size, ageing and mortality rates are accounted for by the new method for estimating the expected number of deaths used in the calculation of excess mortality (the difference between the actual and expected number of deaths); this is not the case for the current method, which uses a simple five-year average to estimate the number of expected deaths.


Individual weeks and months that were substantially affected by the immediate mortality impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are removed from the data when estimating expected deaths in subsequent periods, whereas the current approach involves removing data for the whole of 2020.


Use of a statistical model means that multiple demographic, trend, seasonal and calendar effects can be included simultaneously in the estimation of expected deaths, and confidence intervals can readily be obtained.


A "bottom-up" approach to aggregation means that estimates of excess deaths are additive across age groups, sexes, and high-level geographies, and between months and years.


Having a common methodology for all four UK countries means that estimates of excess deaths are consistent and comparable across all parts of the UK, and the new methodology is largely coherent (though not identical) to that used by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities to estimate excess deaths in English local authorities.‘

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:23 a.m. No.20451056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1066

Angela Chao's first husband was also a billionaire. He died in 2009, just months after they wed…


Chao had previously been married to billionaire banker Bruce Wasserstein.


He died in 2009, just months after they wed, following a stint in the hospital for an irregular heartbeat.


"Mr. Wasserstein is survived by his wife, Angela Chao, an executive at her family’s shipping company and the sister of Elaine Chao, the former labor secretary, and seven children. He adopted the daughter of his sister, the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Wendy Wasserstein, who died in 2006. He was divorced three times."


Most recent husband:

Jim Breyer

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:27 a.m. No.20451074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1076

Canadian law could soon see Christians jailed for quoting the Bible


Bill C-367 Threatens Christian Speech

Should Christians be arrested for quoting portions of the Bible in public? Should pastors be charged with a “hate crime” when they preach against certain sins? Should churches be closed if the government does not approve of their beliefs?


You might think these are ridiculous questions. After all, this is Canada – the “true north strong and free”! Our national motto is “a mari usque ad mare”, quoted from Psalm 72:8, which says that Christ shall have dominion “from sea to sea”. This is not communist China!


However, with the introduction of Bill C-367, all these questions are on the table. I call this bill the “Closet the Christians Bill”, because that is exactly what it intends to do – put Christians in the closet. Under threat of jail-time, it will silence believers who oppose the woke ideology that is overrunning our country.


This repressive, christophobic proposal from Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet is currently before Parliament and may be voted on shortly. If the Trudeau Liberals support this bill, it will most certainly pass, striking a fatal blow against freedom of religion and freedom of expression in this Dominion.


Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet 


We need to speak up while we still can and call on our Members of Parliament to reject Bill C-367. You can do that right now via our Action Alert Email page.


Christians know the Bible is a powerful book. As someone once said, “When you open your Bible, God opens His mouth.” It is a book full of hope, wisdom, peace, and God’s message of salvation. However, the Bible is also a book of warning and correction for those who wander astray. It’s a book that tells us: “Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways!’” (Ezekiel 33:11).


For some people in Canada, the Bible’s message is an affront to their lifestyle and pride. They don’t want to hear it, their consciences can’t tolerate it, and they will try to silence those who proclaim it.


For example, LGBT activists have gone after one courageous Christian named Bill Whatcott for many years, whom they accuse of “hate crimes” against homosexuals. When he handed out leaflets that warned about the medical and spiritual dangers of LGBT practices at the Toronto “pride parade” in 2016, those LGBT activists were furious. They clamoured for his arrest in 2018 under the government of Kathleen Wynne, who was then-premier of Ontario and an open lesbian.



Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:28 a.m. No.20451076   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mr. Whatcott went to trial two years later and was finally found not guilty in December of 2021. However, the government of Doug Ford has appealed his acquittal and is continuing to prosecute Mr. Whatcott for sharing what the Bible says about sexual sin.


A number of Canadian pastors have also faced “hate crime” charges for their public witness against sexual immorality and child sexualization. Pastor Derek Reimer and Pastor David Lynn are just two examples, both of whom were vindicated from the accusation of “hate”.


So far, “hate crime” charges against Christians have been very difficult to prove because of an important protection in our Canadian Criminal Code. There is a “religious exemption” in Section 319 that states: “No person shall be convicted of a [hate crime] offence… if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text.”


In other words, if you are saying what the Bible says about sexuality, gender, marriage, family, or anything – no matter how unpopular, offensive, or “hateful” it might sound to someone else, you have the freedom to express yourself under Canadian law. Christians have the right to quote the Bible in Canada.


The Holy Bible 


But if Bill C-367 passes, that protection will be removed from the Criminal Code. We will then expect to see a flurry of charges against pastors, churches, Christian organizations, and ordinary believers who dare to speak the truth in love in the public square. This will, in turn, create a chilling effect that will diminish everyone’s freedom of speech.


No longer will we be allowed to share God’s design for human sexuality and marriage in public. No longer will we be able to speak out in the name of God against drag shows for kids, child drag, or child sex change. All this could be misconstrued as “hate speech” against the LGBT community. Even our pro-life message could be spun as a “hate crime” against women.


Christians may possibly be charged for claiming that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), because it discriminates against other religions. In fact, to criticize the teachings and practices of other religions may be tantamount to a “hate crime”! Will pastors who refuse to comply be hauled off to prison from their pulpits?


The ostensible reason for Bill C-367 is the recent rise in antisemitic demonstrations in Canada. Some politicians would claim extremists are being allowed to call for the annihilation of the Jews because our Criminal Code protects religious speech, so religious speech must be silenced. But, really, this is just an excuse for an opportunistic attack on the religious freedom of Christians (and other faiths too).


But is the answer to antisemitic rhetoric in Canada the elimination of everyone’s religious freedom? Rather, if the government truly believes that someone is advocating or promoting the annihilation of Jews, should it not enforce existing laws which already make that illegal? It is already illegal to advocate genocide according to Section 318 of the Criminal Code! Clearly, this proposal is just a cynical attack on people of faith by the anti-religious Bloc Québécois leader.


In fact, if Bill C-367 were to pass, I can almost guarantee you that antisemitic demonstrations would still be permitted to continue as “political” protests, while the changes to the Criminal Code would be used to prosecute Christian pastors and laypeople for proclaiming Bible-based truths about sexual morality. In time, Jewish rabbis and Muslim imams would not be exempt, and they would also come under the hammer of the state.


No, Bill C-367 is a dangerous threat to every citizen’s freedom of expression and religion. It will only serve the nefarious agenda of pro-LGBT activists and christophobic politicians who want to impose their woke ideology on our country and silence all opposition.


Bill C-367 must be stopped, and we need your help to stop it! Take a moment to send an Action Alert Email to your Member of Parliament today and ask him or her to stand up for our right to share our Christian values and beliefs in the public square. 


If we want to keep Canada free – both for ourselves and our children – we need to speak up now.


Urge your MP to reject Bill C-367 here:


2 of 2

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:29 a.m. No.20451079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mario Nawfal





From Mark Zuckerberg's $100 million fortress in Hawaii to Peter Thiel's New Zealand hideaway, billionaires are sparing no expense on survival bunkers.


The ultra-rich are focusing on survival, pouring millions into bunkers now reportedly with fire moats, water cannons, MRI machines, and even a parking spot for a submarine.


What do they know that we don't?


Source: Vice


Mario Nawfal




Jan 20



Mark Zuckerberg reportedly tops the list with a $270-million Hawaiian bunker haven, while Rick Ross is said to rival Elon Musk with his own subterranean sanctuary.


Taylor Swift allegedly joins the fray, her…

Show more

1:53 AM · Feb 21, 2024

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:34 a.m. No.20451093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1110 >>1512

"Accidental (fake) emergency broadcast bulletin about nuclear attack on CONUS lists 8 cities that get nuked. Is one yours?"


"Apparently was broadcasted to some people in the North East part of the United States.

10 hours ago at least. Must be some really slow missiles. Traveling at the speed of a fart.

What bullshit.


But they shot down 4 of them! There goes all the water and the toilet paper again. Stand by for videos on this channel of dumb asses fighting over hot pockets and pop tarts at grocery stores."

Anonymous ID: 5fd294 Feb. 21, 2024, 5:37 a.m. No.20451103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1155 >>1540 >>1605 >>1675


Argentina's hard-Right leader sees nation in first monthly surplus for a year


The South American country's new president has introduced sweeping measures to curb government spending and inflation - but time will tell if the strategy will pay off.

Javier Milei


The Argentine government last month saw its first monthly budget surplus in over a decade following the election of a new far-right leader - but at great cost.


President Javier Milei is continuing to push for substantial spending cuts, his Economy Ministry announced, as his first full month in office ends with an improved budget but many economic issues are still unchecked. Public sector finances ended January with $589million at the official exchange rate, the government said late Friday.


This includes payment of interest on the public debt. The Economy Ministry said in a statement to the Telam news agency it is “the first (monthly) financial surplus since August 2012, and the first surplus for a January since 2011.”