Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 5:57 a.m. No.20451167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1540 >>1605 >>1675

21 Feb, 2024 12:53


Lavrov comments on Russian favorite in race for White House


Neither contender is willing to course-correct bilateral relations, the top diplomat said


Russia is interested in policies, not personalities, and has no expectation that the US intends to change its antagonistic stance, regardless of who wins the November presidential election, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Brazilian media on Tuesday.


The top diplomat was asked whether Moscow preferred a return of Donald Trump to the White House next year over President Joe Biden staying in office. The interviewer from the Globo media group cited opinions that a new Trump presidency would make it easier to wrap up the Ukraine conflict.


“The ruling elites in the US consider Russia an enemy and a threat regardless of their political affiliation,” Lavrov said.


While Biden “did nothing” in four years to improve relations with Russia, “we do not delude ourselves into expecting the anti-Russian course of the US to change anytime soon,” the minister added.


Claims and counterclaims over which presidential candidate is a “favorite” of Moscow have been an element of US electoral cycles for decades. The ongoing race, in which Biden and Trump are presumed to be nominated by their respective parties, is no different.


While Russian officials traditionally say they will work with whoever American voters choose, Putin somewhat deviated from this position in an interview last week. He said Biden is his preferred candidate, because he is old-school, experienced and predictable.


Allegations that President Trump was backed by Russia and beholden to it, which stemmed from the Democratic Party’s explanation of why Hillary Clinton lost to him in 2016, undermined his administration. Contrary to what his critics claimed, some of the Republican’s actions at the helm were escalatory, such as his decision in 2017 to supply weapons to Ukraine.


Last week, journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag published the first part of their investigation into the ‘Russiagate’ saga. They claim that US intelligence services engaged foreign partners to spy on the Trump campaign and manipulated evidence to create an impression that it had “colluded” with Moscow.


(Interesting pic RT pic, Bidan is tiny compared to Trump and is looking at his watchIs that when they released covid?)

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 6:02 a.m. No.20451186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1195 >>1220 >>1229 >>1235 >>1540 >>1605 >>1675

New York Mayor Warns Migrants If They Keep Attacking NYPD Officers, They'll Be Downgraded To 4-Star Hotels

Babylon Bee


Article Image

NEW YORK, NY — During a recent press conference, Mayor Eric Adams announced that he will no longer tolerate migrant attacks against NYPD officers, warning that further incidents would result in a downgrade in migrant living accommodations from luxurious 5-star hotels to humble 4-star establishments.


"We're sending a strong, clear message that we mean business," said Mayor Eric Adams sternly. "If you mess with New York's finest, you're going to have to have a slightly less luxurious stay."


"You can kiss those swan-shaped folded bath towels and mints on your pillow goodbye! That's how seriously we take protecting our boys in blue," added Mayor Adams. "No more Mr. Nice-Mayor! Gone are the days of hospitalizing local law enforcement by day and sleeping on 10,000 thread count Egyptian sheets by night!"


According to sources, many New Yorkers have heavily criticized the mayor's new proposal, calling it "a full-blown humanitarian crisis" and a "racist affront to migrant dignity".


"What's next? Taking away their brand new iPhones just because they torched a couple of cop cars?" said one disgruntled citizen. "These migrants just want to feed their families and assault cops without repercussion! What has happened to this once great city?"


At publishing time, Mayor Eric Adams was left with no choice but to threaten to take away the PS5s from any migrant who assaulted a cop.

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 6:06 a.m. No.20451204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1218 >>1219 >>1222 >>1223 >>1540 >>1605 >>1675


Google’s Gemini AI Blasted For Eliminating White People From Image Searches


Paul Joseph Watson

21st February 2024

One comment

Vikings were black, apparently.

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 6:14 a.m. No.20451230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1242 >>1261

ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Full Broadcast - Feb. 20, 2024


Boeing Wing damaged, people had to notify the pilots. Does anyone inspect these planes before take off?

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.20451429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1435 >>1456 >>1605 >>1675

(Hilarious but true I’m told…Kek)

A Tribute to Saint Alexei, Patron Saint of Liberal Democracy

I didn't even know he was sick.1/3=



FEB 20, 2024



Most of you haven’t heard the news yet, but Russia’s most popular political figure, Alexei Navalny, was murdered this past weekend by the brutal dictator temporarily residing in the Kremlin. Well-placed sources say that this hit was ordered by the weak (and little) man known as “Vladimir Putin” because Navalny’s crack team of anti-corruption activists had found child porn on his laptop, and were about to publish this bombshell in media across the globe.


My better placed sources inform me that Putler had given the order to kill him in a fit of rage when he learned from Tucker Carlson that Navalny was a “superfan” of the animated TV series “Rick and Morty”. The show’s subversive and highly intelligent humour (most of you are too dumb to get it) is viewed by Putler as a personal affront because of thesecretly encoded anti-regime messages strategically planted throughout each episode. Russia’s state security service (FSB) tried to decipher them, but their analysts are simply too dumb to be able to do so (remember: the show is for the highly intelligent, which means that most of you can’t get it….so stop pretending that you do).


During the interview prep session, Tucker Carlson shared this now famous photo of Alexei Navalny and his wife Lyudmila watching Rick and Morty on their flight back to Russia from Germany, shortly after Alexei’s recovery from Putlerian poisoning:


The fact that Putler personally went to the Siberian gulag where Alexei was being held prisoner in order to kill him in person speaks volumes about how weak, pathetic, and cowardly the Russian dictator really is. He knew that in any andopen free election Russia (monitored by the OSCE, UN, the CIA, and other trusted international bodies)he would get trounced by Russia’s most popular politician in history. Research shows that in a head-to-head election for the Russian Presidency in a free and fair vote, Navalny would get between 85-91% of the overall popular vote. To put it simply, he had to go.


My very well-placed sources in Russiatell me that there is now a fight over custody of Navalny’s beautiful, swimmer-like corpse. Most assume that this is because Putler fears that an autopsy will reveal how he wasbludgeoned to death with vodka bottles. There is no doubt that this IS the case, but there is also another reason: Putler wants to ensure that no one gets access to Alexei’s perfect remains because it is rumoured that it has already performed three miracles, thus making Russia’s most popular person in history a candidate for sainthood in the Catholic Church.


Some are already calling him “The Messiah of the Russian future”:


I believe this. I also believe thatevery Russian townin 50 years from now will have itsown Navalny Square. Russian writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya agrees with me.


Mikhail Shishkin is fighting for democracy in Russia on the frontline in Switzerland, and I agree with his assessment here: Russian exiles in Switzerland have a great historical track record of returning home and making their country a liberal democratic paradise, so Shishkin is one to watch.


Carole Codswallop also paid tribute to the greatest Russian of all-time:


If you don’t know who Carole is, she is the UK’s leading crusader against misinformation AND disinformation. She is leading two battles simultaneously, and has done incredible work uncoveringhow Putler financed and organized #Brexit. The brutal murder of Alexei makes her work all the more important.


St. Alexei, Patron Saint of Russia and Liberal Democracy


St. Alexei was not always a good person i.e. liberal democrat. In fact, his earlier life resembled that of St. Augustine of Hippo, one of Christianity’s titans. In his youth, Augustine turned away from God to pursue a life of hedonism, eventually realizing that a life without God was not a worthy life at all.


St. Alexei also rejected liberal democracy in his youth, as we can see from this 2007 entry in his LiveJournal:


Much like the typical non-liberal democrat Slav, our St.Alexei was crude, mean, vicious, savage, and sadistic…..just like his murderer, Putler.

It was around this time that God/Liberal Democracy intervened from up on high, andgranted him a scholarship to Yale University via the Yale World Fellows Program. God/Liberal Democracy picked him out of a crowd to set him on the right path, the path of godly liberal democracy. At Yale, St. Alexei attended weekly seminars based around the concept of the “Good Society”:..

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 7:26 a.m. No.20451435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1441 >>1605 >>1675



Good Society. World Fellows present to each other their vision for making the world a better place, what they do professionally, and how they contribute to building the ‘good society.’..


He also attended salons:

Salon. World Fellows host distinguished guestsfor discussions on key topics, expanding their knowledge and challenging their views….


St. Alexei also experienced his own personal development:

World Fellows receive individual and group coaching and skills development training. World Fellows can audit many of the 2,000+ courses offered at Yale, work on individual or collaborative projects, and conduct independent research.…


And most important of all, he was brought into a circle of good, liberal democratic people, all of whom know that thepurpose of life is to spread liberal democracy around the globe no matter how many millions of people need to be killedin the process of saving the world from non-liberal democrats:


Fellows expand their global network by connecting with World Fellowsin their cohort and with other Fellows spread throughout the world. Yale’s campus also provides countless opportunities to connect with faculty and students over shared professional and academic interests.


Navalny left the Yale World Fellows Program a new man. No longer would he ally himself with Russian Neo-Nazis. No longer would he spew hate against Jews, “faggots”, and “black-asses” (the evil Russian term for those from Russia’s southern periphery). He would now spew hate only against non-liberal democrat Russians, just like God demands of us all. Alexei was finally saved.


St. Alexei’s mission was now a simple one:deliver to Russia the liberal democracy that its people want and crave, but that Putler and his henchmen refuse to allow. With the financial support of liberal democratic Russian business oligarchs of the 1990s, St. Alexei began to uncover the worst cases of corruption in Russian history. Russia had never seen such massive and brazen corruption before. In fact, it was the central purpose of Putler’s Russia.St. Alexei urged Russia to return to the economic paradise of the 1990s,where market reforms worked to improve the lives of all Russians, hand-in-hand with efforts to institute liberal democrat rule. Like the vast majority of Russia’s citizens, St. Alexei wanted to turn the clock back to the incredibly successful and utopian Yeltsin Era.


St. Alexei’s efforts to bring liberal democracy to Russia were so close to succeeding that Putler had him poisoned with Novichok in 2020. Our saint had to flee to Germany to get proper treatment to save his life so that he could continue his crusade on behalf of the Russian people and western financial and state security interests.Displaying his bravery and his total lack of fear, he hilariously returned to Russia in early 2021, defying little-man Putler, daring the dictator to toss him in jail.


Putler accepted the challenge and threw him into prison…..and then had him killed three years later.


St. Alexei, Patron Saint of Russia and Liberal Democracy, Pray For Us


A hero, a saint, and also an oracle. St. Alexei urged Russia not to support evil Syrian dictator Bashar Assad in his brutal,genocidal war against the liberal democrats of al-Nusra and ISIS: Liberal democracy won in Syria, just like our saint had predicted.


Our saint also called out the brutal, genocidal Russian invasion of Ukraine as well. My humble request is thatMoscow be renamed ‘Navalnygrad’ (or Navalnyyhrad in Ukrainian spelling)once the Ukrainian Army liberates it from Moskal rule and a liberal democratic government isinstalled in power by the CIA and MI6. This would be the most fitting tribute to St. Alexei, Patron Saint of Russia and Liberal Democracy…

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 7:27 a.m. No.20451441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1605 >>1675




St. Alexei joins a long list of liberal democrats who have been murdered by Putler. Some of the better known victims include:

Ibn al-Khattab (1963-2002)


al-Khattab was a Saudi liberal democrat who went to Chechnya to lead the Arab Mujahideen there, in its quest to end Russian rule not just in that province, but in the whole of the Caucaus region. His objective was to set up the Islamic Liberal Democratic Emirate of the North Caucasus. In 2002,Putler donned a goat costume, and then sexually lured al-Khattab into a wooded area near the Georgian border. Once he had him alone, Putler stabbed al-Khattab 50,000 times, most likely leading to the liberal democrat’s death.


Yevgeny Prigozhin (1961-2023)


Prigozhin was a liberal democrat who headed the Wagner liberal democratic paramilitary force, composed of 80,000 Russian liberal democratic political prisoners, all imprisoned by Vladimir Putler. Wagner was to be the nucleus of the Free Russian Liberal Democratic Army that would march on Moscow/Future Navalnyyhrad, but his heroic effort to free Russia unfortunately failed. Putler murdered him in 2023 using a remote control device to bomb the plane he was aboard on at the time.


Boris Berezovsky (1946-2013)


The most powerful liberal democratic businessman of Russia’s Golden Liberal Democratic Age of the 1990s, he failed to detect just how malicious, evil, and especially, cunning, Putler actually was.After all, it was Boris who raised him up through the various verticals of power, convincing the Great Boris Yeltsin that Vladimir should be his successor, the one to finalize Russia’s transition to free-market liberal democracy. Upon gaining power, Putler turned the tables on liberal democrat and free market reformer Berezovsky,forcing him into exile in the UK. Boris would spend the next decade working as an NGO activiston behalf of liberal democracy and human rights in Russia. In 2013, Putler infiltrated his mansion in the Kentish countryside, andhanged him in his bathtub. It was ridiculously ruled a ‘suicide’.


Shamil Basayev (1965-2006)


The most powerful military leader of the Chechen resistance to Putler’s anti-liberal and anti-democratic rule, liberal democratic freedom fighterBasayev masterminded not only the Moscow Theater Hostage Liberation in 2002, but also the very successful liberal democratic attack on the elementary school in Beslan in 2004which resulted in the deaths of 300+ children,all of whom were future Putler loyalists. Basayev was an incredibly effective guerrilla leader, and a man whose dedication to liberal democracy, human rights, andfreedom won him admiration across the globe, including from liberal-democratic NGO al-Qaida. In 2006, Basayev fell victim to the same ploy that had ensnared and killed al-Khattab. Putin could not believe that he fell for it after knowing what had happened to his liberal-democratic colleague and fellow freedom fighter from Saudia Arabia.

St. Alexei Had a Dream


Imagine a Russia that would no longer be ruled by Putler and his clique. Imagine a Russia that would return to the halcyon days of the Yeltsin Era.Imagine a Russia, both free and democratic, one in which all of its natural resources could be stripped by foreign financial interestswho have only the best interests of Russia and Russian at heart. Imagine a Russia shrunk down to the size of Muscovy, with a free Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, etc. removed from its rule, allowed to pursue its own liberal democratic path.

This is the vision of St. Alexei, Patron Saint of Russia and Liberal Democracy. See you next year in Navalnyyhrad.

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 7:58 a.m. No.20451542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561 >>1605 >>1675

21 Feb, 2024 15:27

Russia tears up Soviet-era fishing agreement with UK

The 1956 treaty had allowed British ships to fish in the Barents Sea


British fishermen will be banned from operating in the Barents Sea, one of the world’s largest fisheries for cod and haddock, under new legislation passed by the lower house of Russia’s parliament, the State Duma, on Wednesday.


The bill, which rescinds an agreement signed between the governments of the USSR, the UK, and Northern Ireland in 1956, was passed in its third reading.


The so-called Fisheries Agreement had allowed British ships to fish in the Barents Sea off the north coast of the Kola Peninsula. It was initially signed for a period of five years and automatically renewed every five years since neither party ever withdrew from the agreement.


“The agreement was unfortunately one-sided giving the authority and right to fish only to our partners at the time,” Deputy Agriculture Minister Maksim Uvaidov said, clarifying the details of the treaty.He added that the agreement didn’t provide Soviet fishermen with similar rights.


Taking into account the UK’s decision to strip Russia of ‘most favored nation’ status in 2022,which led to a 35% tariff hike on Russian goods, Moscow says that ending the Soviet-era agreement “will not cause serious foreign policy or economic consequences” for the country.


Commenting on the legislation, Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said that by tearing up the agreement Russia was returning to its own possession the fish that the UK had been consuming for decades.


“He [President Vladimir Putin] returned our fish to us, because the English, shameless, had been eating it for 68 years.They have imposed sanctions on us, while they themselves make up 40% of their diet, their fish menu, from our cod. Let them now lose some weight,” Volodin said.


A Sky News report from last year claimed that up to 40% of the cod and haddock consumed in the UK comes from Russia.


(This is gonna piss off the elitists in London that Russia will no longer take unjust punishment. The English people will revolt. Kek)

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 8:05 a.m. No.20451563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Feb, 2024 14:57

EU state’s leader sees older Russian speakers as potential threat

Some people who arrived in the Soviet era miss the feeling of being in charge of Estonia, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (color revolution implant) claims


Younger Russian speakers in Estonia consider themselves Estonian, but their older counterparts who arrived during the Soviet era pose more of a problem, the prime minister of the EU and NATO nation has said.


In an interview with German broadcaster ARD on Tuesday, Kaja Kallas was asked whether she was concerned that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin might use the large proportion of ethnic Russians in Estonia as a pretext for an invasion.


The prime minister responded the share of native Russian speakers in Estonia has declined from 30% to 20% since the collapse of the USSR in 1991.


According to the latest government figures, Estonia’s population stands at just under 1.4 million, meaning there are around 280,000 native Russian speakers in the Baltic nation.


”The Russians in Estonia, of course, are not a homogeneous group. There’s a big difference between old and young people,” Kallas argued.


Younger Russian speakers “see that Russia is invading Ukraine, and that this is wrong, and that we have to fight against it”, and understand that if Russia arrives to “liberate” them or ethnic Russians living in other countries, then “they will lose their homes and their comfort zone,” the prime minister said.


However, Kallas claimed that older Russian speakers, who came to Estonia during the Soviet period, have a different attitude as “they ruled over our country and they want that feeling back.”


The danger that Putin might pose to Estonia and the whole of NATO “depends on the outcome of the war in Ukraine,” she stressed. “If we don’t do enough to stop him there, it’ll continue. With each further step, he’ll become even more emboldened.” (They don’t want their color revolution leaders to be deposed. No one there likes her, they stole the election to get her in.)


“No one is safe if we don't stop the aggressor”because events in one part of Europe spread “very quickly” to other parts of the continent, Kallas warned.


Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected Western claims that Moscow is planning to attack NATO, describing them as “just threat mongering.”


In his interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, Putin said Moscow would send its forces into Poland, for example, “only in one case: if Poland attacks Russia. Why? Because we have no interest in Poland, Latvia [one of the three Baltic States together with Lithuania and Estonia] or anywhere else. Why would we do that? We simply don't have any interest,”the Russian leader stressed.

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 8:20 a.m. No.20451600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1601 >>1667 >>1675

21 Feb, 2024 15:00

British nuclear submarine test fails

An unarmed Trident missile splashed down into the Atlantic Ocean moments after being fired from a sub


The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said an “anomaly” occurred during the test-firing of a Trident missile from aBritish nuclear submarine off the coast of the US state of Florida last month, raising concerns about the effectiveness of London’s nuclear deterrent.


The UK government confirmed on Wednesday that the drill – which reports say was observed by Defence Secretary Grant Shapps – had failed but insisted that the error was “event specific,” suggesting it would have been successful had it been carrying an actual nuclear warhead. (WTF?) The statement said no further details would be provided for reasons of national security.


UK tabloid The Sun, which first reported the story, said on Tuesday that the missile, which was fitted with fake warheads, splashed back into the ocean after its launch from HMS Vanguard. Thestate-of-the-art nuclear submarinewas not damaged when the58-ton missilere-entered the Atlantic Ocean.


According to the report, the “anomaly”occurred when the missile’sfirst-stage boosters failedto ignite after launch. “It left the submarine but it just went plop, right next to them,” the outlet quoted an anonymous source as saying.


Shapps added on Wednesday that “there are no implications for the reliability of the wider Trident missile systems and stockpile,” which he said “remains the most reliable weapons system in the world.”


Thelast Trident test in 2016 also failedwhen the missile veered off course, the BBC said, adding that each weapon comes at an estimated cost of £17 million ($21.5 million).


Following reports of January’s failure, Labour’s Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey wrote on social media on Tuesday that the event was “concerning” and called on the UK military leadership to “reassure parliament that this test has no impact on the effectiveness of the UK’s deterrent options.”


In his statement on Wednesday, Shapps said “the UK’s resolve and capability to use its nuclear weapons, should we ever need to do so, remains beyond doubt.” (OMG does anyone believe that?)


HMS Vanguard is one of four UK nuclear submarines – with at least one continually at sea. The American-made Tridents can strike targets up to 4,000 miles away and can travel in excess of 13,000mph, the UK Navy said.


Each Vanguard-class submarine can hold as many as 16 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), eight Trident missiles, and up to 40 nuclear warheads.


(What is going on with UK two carrier battleships were disabled and couldn’t join NATO exercises and now their subs can’t shoot a Trident missile. UK went woke, now its going broke)

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 8:25 a.m. No.20451623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Meme picture anons)

21 Feb, 2024 13:54

Ukrainians in EU ‘aren’t coming back’ – Kiev

PM Denis Shmigal says his country has lost a third of its economy and some 3.5 million jobs since the start of the conflict with Russia


Ukraine has lost a significant portion of its territory and has suffered major economic damage during the conflict with Russia, Prime Minister Denis Shmigal said on Tuesday. He claimed that most of the people who have left the country “are not coming back.”


In an interview with Japanese news channel NHK, Shmigal stated that Ukraine has lost “30% of its economy, some 20% of its territory, and 3.5 million jobs” in the past two years. In addition, 8,400 km of roads have been damaged and 2 million households affected by the fighting, according to the prime minister.


Shmigal further estimated thatmore than 10 millionpeople have been forced to leave their homes or flee the country altogether,predicting that many are unlikely to return.


“They are not coming back to Ukraine from the European Union, from all around the world, because of security issues,” the prime minister said, reiterating Kiev’s calls for more Western munitions. (Not security issues they don’t want to be dragged to the losing war, Kiev will never win.)


“We have support from all of our partners but unfortunately, production of ammunition all around the world, including the European Union, is not so high to bring needed amounts of ammunition to Ukraine,” Shmigal stated.


The comments come after Shmigal met on Monday with his Japanese counterpart, Fumio Kishida, who pledged Tokyo’s support to help rebuild the Ukrainian economy once the conflict with Moscow ends.


Shmigal said Japan had agreed to provide Kiev with $12.1 billion in aid, but did not elaborate on when or how the funding would be provided. Tokyo, meanwhile, stated it had pledged $105 million in new aid for Ukraine to fund demining work and emergency repairs in the energy and transport sectors.


Last year, Japan agreed to export its Patriot PAC-3 anti-aircraft missiles to the US, widely interpreted as a way for Tokyo to indirectly send military aid to Kiev. Moscow condemned the move, warning it would damage bilateral relations and have negative consequences for global security.

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 8:33 a.m. No.20451655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1675

21 Feb, 2024 12:19

US parenting ‘influencer’ sentenced for child abuse

Ruby Franke was arrested last year after her malnourished and injured son asked a neighbor for food and water


AnAmerican mother of six whose parenting advice onlinedrew in more than two million subscribers on YouTube, was sentenced on Tuesday to at least four years in prison on charges of aggravated child abuse.


Franke, 42, who operated the now-deleted ‘8 Passengers’ video network online, was arrested last August in the US state of Utah whenher malnourished 12-year-old son escaped from the home of another woman– Jodi Hildebrandt, 54 – to ask a neighbor for food and water.


Thechild had been bound with duct tape and had visible open woundsas a result of being tied with rope, police records said. Hildebrandt, with whom Franke collaborated on a separate business venture, was handed an identical prison sentence of four terms of between one and 15 years each. Both had pleaded guilty in December to charges of second-degree aggravated child abuse.


Apologizing to her children following her sentencing, Franke said that she had “believed dark was light and right was wrong. I would do anything in the world for you. I took from you all that was soft, and safe and good.”


In her own statement, Hildebrandt said that she hoped the children could “heal physically and emotionally.”


During the trial last year, prosecutor Eric Clarke told the court that two ofFranke’s children had been forced to live in a “concentration camp-like setting” and were “regularly denied food, water, beds to sleep in,and virtually all forms of entertainment.”


Franke set up her ‘8 Passengers’ YouTube channel in 2015 and by last summer it had amassed 2.3 million subscribers – many of whom were drawn in by videos of Franke’s suburban family life.


However, some viewers became concerned in 2020 when one ofher sons said in a video that he had been sleeping on a bean bag for seven months. Other videos detailed Franke withholding food from her children and “canceling” Christmas as a punishment.


The ‘8 Passengers’ YouTube channel was deleted in 2022 – the same year that Franke separated from her husband, Kevin.


As part of a plea agreement, Hildebrandt – who collaborated withFranke in a series ‘life coaching’ videos– admitted that she was aware of the child abuse, and that she hadforced one of Franke’s children to “jump into a cactus multiple times.”


She added that Franke had told her children that they were “evil and possessed” and had to “repent.”


In a statement issued by his lawyer in advance of the trial last year, Kevin Franke called for the maximum sentence to be imposed on his former partnerover the “horrific and inhumane” abuse of his children.

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 8:42 a.m. No.20451692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1699

State Department defends Blinken memo urging staffers to avoid 'problematic' language like 'manpower'

Memo urges staffers to avoid phrases like 'brave men and women' in favor of more gender-neutral words

By Emma Colton Fox News

Published February 20, 2024


The State Department defended a memo from Secretary of State Antony Blinken this month that urged staffers to steer clear of gendered language suchas "mother" and "manpower."


"If you look at that memo, as I have done, it's a standard government practice to try to encourage people to just to be respectful of others, and use the terms with which others are comfortable, and talk to people the way that they would like to be addressed. And nothing more than that," State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said Tuesday during a press briefing.


Miller was reacting to reports of Blinken sending a memo titled "Modeling DEIA: Gender Identity Best Practices," that aimed to "increase understanding of gender identity and provide guidance on gender identity language and best practices that support an inclusive work environment."


"When speaking,avoid using phrases like ‘brave men and women on the front lines,’" Blinken's Feb. 5 cable, which was first obtained by the National Review, said. Instead, State staffers should "use more specific language such as ‘brave first responders,’ ‘brave soldiers,’ or ‘brave DS agents.’"


Miller said that though the memo had Blinken's name on it, it did not necessarily come directly from the Secretary of State.


"When it comes to these types of cables, they all come out with the Secretary's signature on it. That's the standard department practice, has been for years. It doesn't mean that it's necessarily a memo from the secretary himself," he said.


The guidance runs through a list of gendered phrases and words that should be avoided, including: "manpower," "you guys," "ladies and gentlemen," "mother/father," "son/daughter" and "husband/wife." Instead, the memo urged staff to use "labor force," "everyone," "folks," "you all," "parent," "child," "spouse" or partner,"according to the report.


Use "gender-neutral language whenever possible" to "show respect and avoid misunderstandings," the guidance continued, and encouraged employees to include their preferred pronouns in emails or during meetings.


The cable also cautioned employees against assuming someone’s gender based on how they look or their name, as that "can be problematic" and can send a "harmful, exclusionary message."


The State Department is charged with advising the president on foreign policy, as well as negotiating agreements with other nations. The memo was published as the U.S. grapples with ongoing wars raging between Ukraine and Russia, as well as the war in Israel, and just days after the U.S. launched strikes on Iranian-backed militants following the deaths of three American service members.


The memo added that staffers should not "pressure someone to state their pronouns," as it is "a personal decision that should be respected." If a staffer uses the wrong pronoun, Blinken's memo asked that they handle the situation with "subtlety and grace," while noting identity "may be fluid, so remain attuned to and supportive of shifts in pronouns."


Other agencies under the Biden administration have rolled out guidance on inclusive and non-gendered language, including pronoun guidance for the Department of Health and Human Services that was slammed by an expert last year as violating employee rights and speculating it would lead to firings for "misgendering."


(No wonder foreign countries hate our leaders)

Anonymous ID: ac201b Feb. 21, 2024, 8:58 a.m. No.20451739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tennessee firm illegally employed minors to clean meat saws, head splitters at slaughterhouses, Labor Dept. says

Fayette Janitorial LLC employed 15 children to clean dangerous equipment at a Perdue Farms plant in Virginia and nine to clean a Seaboard Triumph Foods pork plant in Iowa.

Feb. 21, 2024, 11:29 AM

Another industrial slaughterhouse cleaner has been accused by the U.S. Labor Department of illegallyemploying children as young as 13 to clean dangerous equipment on overnight shifts, according to a temporary restraining order filed in federal court Wednesday.


The Labor Department said that Tennessee-basedFayette Janitorial LLC illegally employed 15 children to clean a Perdue Farms poultry plantin Virginia and nine to clean a Seaboard Triumph Foods pork processing plant in Iowa. They cleaned such equipment as head splitters and meat bandsaws. Fayette has 600 employees in 30 states, according to the company’s website.


Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to work in slaughterhouses because the work is considered by the federal government to be too dangerous.


Last summer, a 16-year-old migrant was killed at a Mississippi slaughterhouse when he was sucked into a machine that he was cleaning.


“Federal laws were established decades ago to prevent employers from profiting from the employment of children in dangerous jobs, yet we continue to find employers exploiting children.” said Jessica Looman, administrator of the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division. “As we’ve unfortunately seen in this case, employers’ violations of federal child labor laws have real consequences on children’s lives. Our actions to stop these violations will help ensure that more children are not hurt in the future.”


NBC News was thefirst to report that in October, FBI agents discovered dozens of children workingat a Kidron, Ohio, chicken plant called Gerber’s Poultry that had contracted with Fayette for sanitation.Most of the children are from Guatemala.


At the time, Gerber’s Poultry said in a statement, “We were surprised to learn that our Kidron, Ohio, plant is the subject of inquiry from federal law enforcement regarding the composition of our employees and some third-party contract employees. We are fully cooperating with that investigation. While we have confidence in our process to ensure we comply with all federal regulations to verify eligibility for employment, we are actively reviewing our policies to ensure compliance at every level and will continue to review our relationships with third party vendors and their policies in similar fashion.”


Fayette has also been scrutinized for serious safety violations by the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, including an incident atGerber’s Poultry in July 2022when a worker became trapped in a conveyor belt.


OSHA cited Fayette Janitorial for failing to ensure its employees followed proper procedures by making sure machines were turned off. Fayette paid a $13,052 penalty, according to the OSHA enforcement page. The agency lists the accident as an amputation incident on its website. Fayette is the second large slaughterhouse cleaner found by the Labor Department to have employed children.


In 2023, the Labor Department found the national company Packers Sanitation Services Inc. had hiredmore than 100 children in 13 locations. The company paid a $1.5 million civil penalty.


In response to the Labor Department investigation, PSSI said in a statement, “PSSI has an absolute zero-tolerance policy against employing anyone under the age of 18 and is fully committed to ensuring it is enforced at all local plants.”


Overall, the Labor Department reports a 152% increase in children illegally employed by companies since 2018 (lie started in 2021). Many of them are Central Americans who came to the U.S. as unaccompanied minors. More than300,000 children, most from Guatemala and Honduras, have entered the U.S. by themselves in the past three years, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.