Anonymous ID: 348de6 Feb. 29, 2024, 2:01 a.m. No.20493875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3876

Hey BO don't restore tripcodes yet, not to say you were going to, but I'm currently working on something interesting, at least to me and I hope to you & anons too. I am a newfag but have seen enough to know there is an operation being run to get you to re-stablish trips to allow for a fake Q wannabe [bracketfaggot] and "God answers prayers." duh retard who tap into many sorts of psycological manipulations and have been seemingly at least to this anon, trying to overthrow this humble /qresearch/ notable factory, for what reason only God can know, to "make a Q post" lmaooooooooooooo


Needless to say, the attacks on you, Jim, BV's and bakers have all been from this group or botnet or person with 8 iPads, again only God knows. Anons can decide what they think, those who have been here. I've been off work for some time now and have been able to dedicate a chunk of time per day to archive this shit, LIKE THE "ANON" said he wanted us anons to do in comment >>20451595 I am still putting it all together.


is there a good way for me to upload a shit ton of screen caps in a particular order with their filenames visibleor should I just do the usual collage of screencaps and type my notes/opines next to each cap? I have opines on every one because every one crossed my mind whilst digesting the daily breads and trying to gather content. If this actor / group is NOT WORKING DIRECTLY WITH Q TEAM I HAVE NO REGRETS. I did what was needed and this shit has probably been seeded on qr for multiple years now, is my bet, I just haven't been back in time in the weeds enough yet to know for sure. But:


On or around 2/20/24 the "op" went live to discourage and despair those who run this board and to convince newfags or those without sufficient time to pay that THEY WERE WORKING WITH Q TEAM, idc what disclaimer posts were made "I am not Q" blah blah bitch, you acted like it and attempt to steer anons into what exactly?? Answer me , and yes you know who you are, ship in the clouds faggot. I bet you don't reply ever. So I have archived your shit as you said in #25088 "Banging Into Wednesday Edition" post number >>20451595 , and will release when presentable as I can get it to be. I have some irl shit to deal with so don't get your panties in a wad just yet. You have time to recalibrate and all of that!


And you are lucky I'm unable to run scripts to collect your shit or whatever you glowing faggots do to run your ops.



Sorry if you are with Q team and I called you a faggot, I repent if that is the case and will not release anything or make another sound about this. Just tell Trump to validate one of your "God answers prayers. BO is compromised." posts. It must be exact. Not 4 days late like your watch post, MIL post 02/17/24



>>20451452 post 02/21/24


How is a post that anon made 4 days after a MIL tweet a delta? Because there exists the code to 'time a reply' on 8kun, or any chan, especially with the slower rate of replies compared to when Q is posting. I've even caught you fishing for timestamps on and failing 2/3 times by a second or 3. That bread is in the queue.


Or hell you can use Dan Scavino, he's a trip. Get it???



Whoever posted this badge I do not know or endorse you but I thank you. I couldn't have found a better image to attach to this bullshit. I should be focused on habbenings and dig meme pray but my spirit is compelled to find the snake that let themself in, unless Q team is psy-opping the bananas out of tiny anon such as myself. I just come here for notables and spread it like I thought I should but ever since the solar flares it has been a task and a half. Solar flare makes non-Christ-based pseudos go woo-who-voo-doo


QTHESTORMM times a lot of things onto solar flares, I wonder if they post on here. Kek, they sell t-shirts n shit