Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 5:04 a.m. No.20510733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0734 >>0757 >>0782 >>1210

>>20507993 Arizona residents drive entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors out of meeting after serving them for TREASON (PN)



The C Report



Found it. It happened after the meeting was ended.


Embedded video

8:42 PM · Feb 28, 2024





video attached


Link to group broken or taken down

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 5:06 a.m. No.20510734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0735 >>0782 >>1210



Arizona residents drive entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors out of meeting after serving them for TREASON


The entire Maricopa County, Ariz., Board of Supervisors was driven out of a recent meeting by a cohort of We the People who served them for treason.

Michelle "Miki" Klann, who spoke directly to the board, reported that every last scoundrel on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors fled the room and "vacated their post" after citizens stormed the room and informed them about their personal liability in the 2020 election heist they oversaw.


(Fact check: A forensic audit found thatArizona's 2020 election results are based on systemic fraud, meaning Biden did not win in that state.)


"My name is Michelle Klann, and I'm here today to put you on public notice and to inform you that you are not our elected officials," Klann said to the board.


"None of you have ever signed an oath to the Republic of Arizona. Instead, you have signed an oath of office to a foreign corporation which means this is an act of insurrection."


Klann would continue byinforming the board members that they do not have a proper bond carrying surety for their actionswith regard to We the People.


"Due to all the voter fraud, you have never been formally voted in," Klann proclaimed. "Acting as if you have any authority over the people is a direct act of treason."


Maricopa County board members carry $21 million personal liability EACH


Representing the "body sovereign," Klann explained to each board member before they all fled the roomthat they are personally liable for $21 million each, and now have the opportunity to cure that liability.


"The fine is $1.75 million per claim and there are 12 signatures which means you are each personally liable for $21 million," Klann explained about the liability breakdown based on each board member's 12 signatures certifying the last election.


"If you do not resign in three days, you will be presented with a writ quo warrento, and a waiver of tort. If you do not rebut these truths and you remain in office,we will be notifying the military, and your act of treason will be grounds for an immediate military tribunal. I do not need to tell you the penalties for treason."


Each board member was also handed a jump drive containing a 5,000-page document notifying all board members about the dangers of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines==," poison in the water, and other matters of importance to Arizona citizens.….

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 5:08 a.m. No.20510735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0782 >>0791 >>1210



Each board member was also handed a jump drive containing a 5,000-page document notifying all board members about the dangers of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines==," poison in the water, and other matters of importance to Arizona citizens.


"These are high crimes and acts against humanity," Klann said. "If you cover up high crimes, you will be held guilty for committing acts against humanity."


"Therefore, I hereby command you to send a public broadcast to every resident in Maricopa County notifying them of these dangers within the next three days or you will be in direct violation and derelict of your supposed duty, making you even more accountable for your actions. Notice to agent is notice to principal. You have been formally served on record."


The language thatKlann used throughout her speech is based on common law, which you can learn more about at


The goal with this move is to inspire Americans everywhere – in every town, city and community across the nation – to put their treasonous government officials on notice that they must either do the right thing immediately or suffer the consequences.


"Now this needs to be served on every politician in Washington," wrote someone on X about the matter, encouraging others to be like Klann and get the job done.


Link to article

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 5:40 a.m. No.20510796   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 Mar, 2024 11:04

Destroyed Ukrainian Abrams tank labeled ‘empty tin can’ (VIDEO)

All modern technologies were stripped to prevent Kiev from learning US secrets, an adviser to the head of Russia’s DPR claims


An M1 Abrams heavy tank which was supplied to Ukraine by the US and recently destroyed by the Russian militaryproved to be ineffective because it had been stripped of all sensitive technologies, Yan Gagin, an adviser to the head of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), has said.


Last week, shortly after the first Abrams was sighted on the battlefield in Donbass near the city of Avdeevka, which was recently liberated by Russian troops, videos of the tank in flames near the front line began to circulate on social media.


The destruction of the vehicle was later confirmed by the Defense Ministry in Moscow, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that the West had been warned that its military equipment supplied to Kiev “will burn.”


In an interview with RIA Novosti on Saturday, Gagin claimed that there is nothing impressive about the Abrams, calling it “an empty tin can with a cannon.” According to the adviser,before the tank was handed over to Ukraine, “all innovations and secret technologies were removed from it so that Kiev would not get hold of them.”


Any Western equipment that arrives in Ukraineeither lacks many features that standard models have, or is accompanied by Western specialists, Gagin continued. He claimed that this is especially true for sophisticated Western-made long-range missile systems, which he said are operated by foreign military personnel. “This guarantees that Ukraine will not steal those technologies,” he added.


While the US announced the delivery of 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine in January 2023, the shipment did not arrive until the autumn, and the vehicles were conspicuously absent from the front line until February. Some Western experts speculated that Kiev was saving them for a major offensive, or was reluctant to throw them at the strong Russian defenses in harsh weather and terrain conditions.


Washington initially planned to provide Kiev with the more modern M1 A2 version of the tank, but eventually opted to send the inferior A1s to speed up deliveries. In July, Politico described the tanks as “not new,” pointing out that theAbrams had been “stripped of their most sensitive technology, including in some cases secret depleted uranium armor.”


(Glad the military thought this through. Another reason is they don’t want Russia to get the technology. Why are we sending weapons to a corrupt country that sells them?)

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 5:52 a.m. No.20510822   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 Mar, 2024 13:07

Musk questions why NATO still exists

The Soviet-led Warsaw Pact, which was the bloc’s “nemesis,” is long gone, the billionaire has said


Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk appears to agree with American investor David Sacks, who has argued that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO lost its reason to exist, but decided to embark on an expansion spree to fill the void.


Writing on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday, Sacks said that theUS-led bloc “faced an existential crisis” in the 1990s because it no longer had rivals comparable to the Soviet Union. However, “rather than disband, it came up with a new mission: to expand,” the entrepreneur remarked.


“And in a self-referential loop, NATO expansion would create the hostility needed to justify itself,”he added.


Meanwhile, Musk appeared to agree with Sacks, writing on X: “True. I always wondered why NATO continued to exist even though its nemesis and reason to exist, The Warsaw Pact, had dissolved.”


Since the 1990s, the bloc has been joined by a number of Eastern European countries that used to be part of the Soviet-aligned Warsaw pact, as well as the Baltic states and several Balkan countries. After the start of the Ukraine conflict, Finland also became part of the alliance, with Sweden poised to follow suit. Russia has repeatedly protested against NATO expansion, seeing it as a national security threat.


Moscow has voiced particular concern about the possibility of Ukraine entering the bloc, with Russian President Vladimir Putin naming Kiev’s desire to do so as one of the key reasons of the current conflict.


Ukraine formally applied for NATO membership in the autumn of 2022 after four of its former regions overwhelmingly voted to become part of Russia. However, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said that Kiev cannot join until the current hostilities are resolved.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has also describedthe alliance as a “tool of confrontation” and deterrence aimed at Russia. While numerous Western officials have claimed that Moscow could attack NATO within a few years, President Putin has said that he has no interest whatsoever in doing so.


(NATO is a mafia organization. Shut it down. None of the countries that joined it don’t even support the US. In the Red Sea there is one French carrier and the UK frigate was just sunk. Otherwise it all US military.)

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 6:04 a.m. No.20510856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 Mar, 2024 12:51

West’s ‘political games’ stalling aid to Ukraine – Zelensky (whines and cries about not being able to launder more US money)

Officials inKiev demandassistance from other countries while Washington’s $60 billion package is stalled in Congress

(Leaders of the Cult of Death and Destruction demands more death)


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has criticized his country’s Western supporters for the delays in allocating funds to help Kiev’s war effort.


A $60 billion US military aid bill, part of a broader national security package, became stalled in Congress in early February due to objections from Republicans, who demanded that assistance to Kiev be paired with reforms to US immigration policy. The package has still not been passed after lawmakers reconvened following a two-week recess earlier this week.


Kiev has been increasingly vocal in demanding assistance from its Western backers due to dire shortages in ammunition and weaponry on the front lines. In a statement on his official Telegram channel on Saturday,Zelensky claimed that Ukraine “asked for nothing more than necessary to protect lives.”(they’ve received over $200 billion from the West, they cannot win. Zelensky likes this drama because he’s the star crybaby.)


“When lives are lost, and partners are simply playing internal political games or disputes that limit our defense, it’s impossible to understand. It’s unacceptable. And it will be impossible to forget – the world will remember this,” he warned, adding that “the world has enough missile defense systems” to share, and delaying the supply of weapons and other necessities to Ukraine leads to the loss of lives. (Fuck You Zelensky! And your oligarchy)


Zelensky’s statement followed a reported drone attack in the coastal city of Odessa. Ukrainian media claimed that the drone hit a residential building, destroying 18 apartments and killing at least ten civilians. Kiev blamed the attack on Moscow. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on Sunday that drones were used to hit military targets in multiple areas.Moscow has stated that it does not target civilian infrastructure.


While the US Congress was on break, Russian forces liberated the strategically important city of Avdeevka – a former stronghold of the Ukrainian military located immediately to the north of the city of Donetsk, along with several other nearby villages – and have since continued to advance to the west.


During a surprise visit to the troops in late February, Zelensky said that Russian forces were “taking advantage” of the delays in Western aid to Ukraine, and cited severe shortages of artillery, front-line air defenses, and long-range weapons. In his latest appeal for aid during a recent meeting with US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats, Zelensky warned that Kiev will “surely lose the war” without further funding from Washington. (They lost the war last summer, they just need it for attention.)


Moscow has criticized the West for providing military aid to Kiev, warning that it will only prolong the conflict without deterring its military goals.

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 6:17 a.m. No.20510896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0916 >>1149

(This is interesting because Rich Baris said yesterday, for the first time in all polls, PDJT is getting more women votes than Joe, they are freaking out)

3 Mar, 2024 11:20

Trump ‘dangerous’ for women – Jill Biden

“We simply can’t let him win,” the current US president’s spouse has insisted


Donald Trump poses a threat for women due to his views on abortion, and should be prevented from returning to the White House, US First Lady Jill Biden has said.


Her husband, US President Joe Biden, “spent his entire career lifting up women” in stark contrast to his main rival in this year’s election, she insisted at thelaunch of her ‘Women for Biden’ campaign effort in Atlanta, Georgia on Friday.


Trump “spent a lifetime tearing us down and devaluing our existence. He mocks women’s bodies, disrespects our accomplishments, and brags about assault,” the first lady claimed.


The latter point appears to be a reference to a recording that made headlines ahead of the presidential election in 2016. It featured a private conversation in which Trump bragged about the benefits of being a “star” when it comes to relations with females. “They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ‘em by the p*ssy,” he is heard saying on the tape.


”Now, he’s bragging about killing Roe v. Wade,” Biden said. Roe v. Wade was a 1973 decision by the US Supreme Court, which generally protected the right to abortion in America. After Trump appointed three conservative justices to the court during his term, it overturned its previous ruling in 2022, and several states immediately banned the procedure.


”Just last night, he took credit again for enablingstates like Georgia to pass cruel abortion bansthat are taking away the right of women to make their own health care decisions. How far will he go? When will he stop. You know the answer. He won’t,” she stated. (Jill doing this in GA especially in ATL is directing this at black women, she is not aware that 90% of the state is Red, and even black women along with men are voting for Trump.)


”Donald Trump is dangerous to women and to our families. We simply can’t let him win,” the first lady urged the crowd.


During an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Trump said that he had not yet made up his mind on the number of weeks after which abortion should be banned. “More and more I’m hearing about 15 weeks, and I haven’t decided yet,” he said, adding that “we got it back to the states where it belongs. A lot of states are taking very strong stances.”


Jill Biden is slated to addressfemale voters in key swing states – Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin– as part of her ‘Women for Biden’ initiative. The Biden campaign will also be releasing ads targeting women up until the election on November 5.


Trump appears to be on course to become the Republican Party’s candidate for president after winning all five of the GOP’s primary contests to date. However, his last remaining rival, Nikki Haley, refuses to drop out of the race, despite suffering a crushing defeat in her home state of South Carolina last month.


(Joe and Jill always fill up the place with black women, very few black men.)

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 6:53 a.m. No.20510997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1001 >>1029 >>1210 >>1215

Look at the Unfavorabilty rating of Bidan, lowest unfavorable is -30% highest at -51%averaged over all polls counted -42.8%!


He could never get enough women to vote for him to make a difference. Kek

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 7:13 a.m. No.20511056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1220

Haley Whines and Cries, blames it on the Press and predicts bullshit. No one wants a women President that blames and cries constantly. Always needy for attention, she can’t get.


She always has an excuse for losing, sounds like Obama blaming everything he did to prior president Bush

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 7:53 a.m. No.20511167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American Paralysis and Decline

Victor Davis Hanson Mar 1, 2024


Read the full article.


….Yet many shrug that this new weaponization of America's legal system is the flamboyant Trump's own problem, not their own. So they ignore the third worldization of our political system, which they quietly acknowledge is otherwise leading us to a Venezuela-like mess.


The paralysis of American society extends to our foreign policy as well. We deplore the terrorism of Iran and its thuggish surrogates. But we fear more the nasty, costly business of stopping its aggression.


Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes.


Most often, they know what is destroying them. But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate.


So they implode gradually, then suddenly.

Anonymous ID: bac041 March 3, 2024, 8:27 a.m. No.20511272   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20510916. (Current Post)

(This is interesting because Rich Baris said yesterday, for the first time in all polls, PDJT is getting more women votes than Joe, they are freaking out)

3 Mar, 2024 11:20

Trump ‘dangerous’ for women – Jill Biden

“We simply can’t let him win,” the current US president’s spouse has insisted


This is Jill and Joe are freaking out!

NYT/Siena Poll: Donald Trump Opens Five-Point Lead over Joe Biden; Gains Among Women, Latinos

Wendell Husebø2 Mar 2024


Former President Donald Trump opened a five-point national lead among registered voters over President Joe Biden, a New York Times/Siena College poll found Saturday, surpassing the margin of error.


“If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were Joe Biden and Donald Trump?” the poll asked.


Trump: 48 percent support

Biden: 43 percent support

Margin of error: 3.5 perecent

The poll revealed additional positive results for Trump.


__Trump Gains with Women and Latinos___


“Trump has cut into more traditional Democratic constituencies. …Women, who strongly favored Mr. Biden four years ago, are now equally split, while men gave Mr. Trump a nine-point edge,” the Times reported. “The poll showed Mr. Trump edging out Mr. Biden among Latinos.”


Biden’s Disapproval Increases


“The share of voters who strongly disapprove of President Biden’s handling of his job has reached 47 percent, higher than in Times/Siena polls at any point in his presidency,” the Times wrote.


Working Class Voters Desert Biden


“One of the more ominous findings for Mr. Biden in the new poll is that the historical edge Democrats have held with working-class voters of color who did not attend college continues to erode,” the outlet noted. “Mr. Biden won 72 percent of those voters in 2020, according to exit polling, providing him with a nearly 50-point edge over Mr. Trump,” the Times found. “Today, the Times/Siena poll showedMr. Biden only narrowly leading among nonwhite voters who did not graduate from college: 47 percent to 41 percent.”


Voters “Enthusiastic” About Trump


Forty-eight percent of respondents said they were “enthusiastic” about Trump, while just 23 percent said the same for Biden.