Anonymous ID: d66b10 March 3, 2024, 4:48 a.m. No.20510709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All Pb



Not odd at all. In fact, wise. Facing a reality. Parody is not anxious, because Parody seems to understand the reality. We really can't do worse than blow the dust off each other's souls. Life will go on elsewhere. But this kind of crown is worth more than life made of dust.


We hate to be reminded, but, all anons are terminal. Appears to this anon that Parody has reconciled with a truth. Another truth is that the greatest gift a man can give is to lay down his life for a friend.


We do anon. We do. At least here, we do.

Anonymous ID: d66b10 March 3, 2024, 7:40 a.m. No.20511123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1126 >>1130 >>1134 >>1136

>>20509943 PB

Last Bread

Interesting. For this anon, Notable even.




Anon here, studying gut microflora. (been making frozen yogurt to heal myself and so far, 2 infants with "not yogurt" according to the FDA)

On this paper posted by OP where clay is used to remove heavy metals from the body, the research is snapping together with my gut flora research, it seems.


Just wondering if they have done any studies on safely removing other heavy metals from animals, like mercury, aluminum, barium?

Is there an affinity table that will tell us which of these molecular clays would take on which heavy metal by preference?

Would be good to pull the aluminum adjuvants from the vaccines out of the kids.

Would be good to help detox soil from the aluminum and barium being sprayed down upon us (geoengineering?).

The following should be most interesting for the parents of 1/36 children with autism:


Lots of adult vaccines still use mercury as adjuvant, last I read, which is loading those who vaccinate with mercury. Aluminum is still used in the child vaxes last I looked.


Back in 1917-2001, anon watched over 30 MD's work together on line, to cure their kids of autism over a few years by 1) healing their leaky guts then 2) Removing the mercury from their children's bodies using lead based paint poisoning protocol. Anon is currently working on gut flora review to see what gut flora will remove heavy metals. Here anon covers the dots connected, autism, leaky gut, inflammation, and healing these things as anon is doing with research. A list of Sauces to share with others included.


Here is what I learned from reading the MD parents of autistic children; 2001 paper, as I watched them heal their kids back from autism diagnosis, to diagnosis of normal.

Title Autism: a novel form of mercury Poisoning can be found here:


Let me give you a summary of the paper off top of my head from years ago. 2 things still stand out:


1/ 3

Anonymous ID: d66b10 March 3, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.20511126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1132



I watched these doctors heal their own children such that they were no longer autistic, back then.

Here is what these 30 Md's who were parents of autistic children learned and wrote in the paper:

Autism: a novel form of mercury



Back then, Mercury was in the childhood vaccines.

Mercury will cause leaky gut after it binds the enzyme needed to digest casein (milk protein) and gluten (wheat bread etc proteins).

Heard of gluten intolerance? How about intolerance to so called lactose? Lets move on, connect dots.


The missing enzyme makes both of these large molecules (gluten, casein) useless to normal healthy gut flora. Our gut microbes need these large molecules broken down to make use of them in the digestive system.

Good gut microbes will begin to starve off and die.


However, these large molecules ARE useful food to bad bacteria that CAN digest them, which invitets some baddies to live in the gut.

Bad acid producing bacteria tears at the gut, giving autistic kids and MANY others "leaky gut".


When feces and other nasties from the gut get into the bloodstream through the leaks, you get inflammation for sure. This is known.

It's probably experienced as gluten intolerance, maybe even lactose (milk) intolerance. This may even be a major cause of inflammation, which is behind a lot of chronic illness, as we have all been reading.

BTW! a big side note


Anons, parents of autistic children would be wise to see table II in that report above.

In Table II, note that Mercury poisoning symptoms running down the left column, and Autism symptoms run down the right, are identical, all the way down the columns. QUESTION THEN:

What doctor can diagnose Autism without ruling out mercury or other heavy metal poisoning? I have to ask)


Back to OP paper on lead removal using clay. More interdasting and related stuff that connects dots.

Anonymous ID: d66b10 March 3, 2024, 7:43 a.m. No.20511134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1140



Interesting that the paper says

" According to EMFEMA (2005), zeolites also allow better performance of intestinal microflora".


Anon is doing research surveys on microflorae at the moment, and was looking up to see if any of the Lactobacillus microbes could help remove heavy metals. This research started when anon stopped infant grand daughters bloody stools in the diaper, using L. Reuteri and B. infantis. Both of these will heal the guts of infants, stop diarrhea, save infant lives. For adults, L. Reuteri is a God send if made in therapeutic amounts using yogurt. It restores testosterone levels in men, thickens skin by 14%, thickens hair, restores sleep, builds muscle, causes weight loss etc etc. 97% of Americans are missing L.Reuteri due to antibiotic use now. Anon wants to know what can be done to give this foundational gut flora back to the populations that need it. Anyway.


It all makes sense.

These special zeolites, [clay] if they remove the heavy metals that are binding those enzymes that break down gluten (bread proteins) and casein (milk proteins), would allow the normal gut microflora to have their food supply back in terms of enzyme digested milk and bread proteins. (according to the "Autism: A Novel form of Mercury Poisoning review above.


And everyone knows by now, you need those healthy microflora to kill off any bad nasty microbes that do not belong in the gut, but sometimes arrive there.

Perhaps we use the clay to help get the microflora back, and repair the guts of people who have had their intestines utterly destroyed. Especially if the guts were originally destroyed due to heavy metal toxic food, environment, etc.

This is some of the most fun research, by the way. Anon is now making FROYO ice cream out of Lactobacillus reuteri, B. Infantis, and others.

Anon's pants are falling off again, after losing 2 sizes. Guess the weight loss thing is true, but, anon also does intermittent fasting in the morning.


Anon is wanting to encourage young anons to start making "healing ice cream FROYO shops".

Why should your generation suffer the lack of knowledge that my generation suffered. (am ancient anon)

Here is the part of my research that has to do with removal of lead, heavy metals by gut microflora.


Potential probiotic strains with heavy metals and mycotoxins bioremoval capacity for application in foodstuffs


Therapeutic Effect of Intestinal Autochthonous Lactobacillus reuteri P16 Against Waterborne Lead Toxicity in Cyprinus carpio


Disruption of urogenital biofilms by lactobacilli


Probiotics: a Promising Generation of Heavy Metal Detoxification


Bioremediation and Tolerance of Humans to Heavy Metals through Microbial Processes: a Potential Role for Probiotics?


The Complex Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Food Detoxification


Benefits of fermented synbiotic soymilk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, and inulin towards lead toxicity alleviation

Anonymous ID: d66b10 March 3, 2024, 7:48 a.m. No.20511145   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Was talking to the doc last night. You know what else might help if used with clay, or even alone? Coconut oil.

Doc (also a pharmacist) says that tetracycline that kills acne works by changing the skin oils which then kill off the bacteria causing acne?

Coconut oil is known to be deadly to a lot of microbes. If you take a tablespoon a day, it starts to come out of the skin pores in the form of triglycerides, and will be broken down into MCT's which are deadly to bad bacteria.

Anonymous ID: d66b10 March 3, 2024, 7:52 a.m. No.20511159   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I bet. I am betting that the sheep, like a ton of other animals, still have L. Reuteri in their raw milk. Human mothers should have it too, in breast milk, which is raw milk. But 97% of American mothers are missing both L. Reuteri and B. Infantis for the infants.

Anonymous ID: d66b10 March 3, 2024, 8:04 a.m. No.20511209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Change DNA

They are trying hard, with the mRNA foreign protein crap. But I think it was a huge mistake. The general public is not a scientists, but not stupid. Everyone pretty much understands the body will attack a foreign protein, even a well intended kidney transplant. Immune supressors required right? What's the leap to understanding the body will attack any cell creating the spike foreign protein? These guys are sick and stupid.

>Tell huddled masses fungal infection is

>Cancer …you gonna .die …let me microwave you first

I would not be surprised to find the body walling off fungus, or even parasites, to protect itself. At this point I would not be surprised to find them calling these walled off things "tumors". Another theory is that the parasites, fungus, are CAUSING the cell changes that are cancer. We have to look at everything right now with open mind. Could be one or all.


>Diabetes caused by lager number of parasites in person …then get insulin…which feeds and strengthens the parasites shell


Possibly, in some cases. In others we know viral attack will do.


>Was calling these lying fucks

Yeah, it can make you so angry. But old anon has learned the anger just saps your mind energy. Fight it. Focus. We have killers on the loose in the medical field, and good docs need our help to defeat them.


>Assassins in white jackets

Yeah. Some are. Objective is to locate them, try them, send them to God for judgement, and protect the honorable medical fighters among them. Good scientists, doctors need the right to speak truth to all of us about what they are learning.

>But looking more like Anti Christ ….defiling the temple …the body…

I would agree with Q.

There are more good than bad, but, the good doctors were too busy to pay attention, relying too much on the so called experts to do their homework for them. The good guys in medicine got flanked, and censored, thrown out of the institutions they once trusted.

Doctors worth their salt no longer trust their own institutions, nor should they.

It was a surprise, and a huge mistake on the part of the evil ones.