Anonymous ID: c81dc5 March 8, 2024, 5:02 a.m. No.20535799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5807


<>There isn't enough room in the entire thread to post all your copy pasta roll call fed shill spam. Kek. The only dig you've ever shared on the board is me exposing you. Talk about irony.

Go Make Yourself useful shill


Gamergate 2.0

>>20530172 Gamergate 2.0 Heats up as Media Circles the Wagons. QRD

>>20530182 looks like sweet baby inc's logo is a pedo symbol

>>20530207, >>20530228, >>20530269 If you can sit throught it. Very cringe. Sweet Baby Inc Origin Story in their own words.

>>20530268 Are they scrubbing their website? Appears to be down

>>20530303 all of the baby references are creepy. weird. this doesn't look like spiderman 2

>>20530327 So apparently one of the funding companies behind Sweet Baby Inc was founded by Eileen Holowka

>>20530437 Canadian Government involvement?

>>20530503 Ontario Creates is an agency of the provincial government whose mandate is to be a catalyst for economic development, investment and collaboration in Ontario’s creative industries including the music, book, magazine, film, television and interactive digital media sectors, both domestically and internationally.

>>20530524 Hi! I am: Jennie (Robinson) Faber

>>20530701 With mentorship through the Government of Canada’s Investment Readiness Program

>>20530720 Our network of dreamers, witches and technologists see caring technology.

>>20530785 Perverts confrimmed


Ukrainian Ballerina Spy Ksenia Karelina dig

all pb

>>20446029, >>20446047 "Los Angeles Woman" aka Ukrainian Ballerina Spy Ksenia Karelina

>>20446038 possible roomate is Ukrainian Composer Anna Leonova

>>20446045 There's an Anna Leonova on the Bolshoi Theater website

>>20446042 3 Questions with Anna Leonova,

>>20446271 13 things about: Married name Khavana? In 2021, she received U.S. citizenship after marrying an American man.

>>20446284 identified her as Ksenia (Karelina) Khavana, with Karelina likely being her maiden name.

>>20446302 Anchor Husband? github for Evgeny Khavana, Baltimore, MD

>>20446187 She was arrested on the same day that Putin sat down for his widely panned interview with Tucker Carlson.

>>20451559 Anchor Husband - Evgeny Khavana

>>20451648 Correction on Marriage. Apparently married in 2013. Still an anchor husband. "Citizenship in 2021" "divorced a few years ago" so around 2021

>>20451565 Bun

>>20451589 Eleonora Srebroski Medium Page. No writing but 1 follow

>>20451594 The 1 follow. Vandring Igelkott who also has a few followers who only follow Vandring. weird

>>20451610, >>20451686 Family dig. Evgeny's mother and step father?? Donald Srebroski and sister in law Eleonora Srebroski


>>20452352 Linkedin for a Evgeny Khavana

>>20452362 Pavion based in Chantilly VA. Tech/security company

>>20452406 theres Also an Evgeny Khavana at MidPoint Technology Group



all pb

Alexei Navalny - Follow the Wives - Yulia Navalnaya dig


>>20436241, >>20436246 Racist or revolutionary: The complex legacy of Alexei Navalny

>>20436279 Speech by Alexei Navalny at Russian march 2011, together with Russian neo-Nazi leaders

>>20436293 Alexei Navalny denies Holocaust

>>20436444 Russia Finds a War Critic Guilty of ‘Spreading False Information’ Ilya Yashin

>>20436597, >>20436597 From: Nuland, Victoria J To: H Subject: Protest in Moscow, Russia Update

>>20436643 At the same time they were planning the coup in Ukraine, they were trying to color rev Russia.

>>20436672 So when you copy pasta the PDF, the H is hidden. Note below it's To: [blank]

>>20436672 H doesn't show in a text search. So I would guess wouldn't hit in a foia records search. anti FOIA shenanigans?


>>20475257 Something significant happened with the bots and shills last night. This bread.

>>20473032 Navalny’s widow accuses Putin of ‘satanism’ and breaking ‘both human and God’s’ law

>>20472952, >>20472989 Why would Pelosi kiss Navalny’s widow’s hand? The ring is kissed and the torch is passed.

>>20473809, >>20473873 "Follow the wives, dig"

>>20474709 Zahar Navalny, Daria Navalnaya, Yulia Navalnaya, Alec Baldwin

>>20474718 not just a opposition leader. clown asset with hollyweird connections. points to C.I.A elites asset ops..

>>20474725 95th Annual Academy Awards - Show. Best Documentary Feature award for "Navalny"

>>20474796 and muh academy went full White Helmets on the "documentary"

>>20474943, >>20474948 Novichok, Navalny, Nordstream, Nonsense

>>20475500 The Magic of Novichok


>>20483949 Navalny's lawyer arrested in Moscow