Anonymous ID: 419993 March 12, 2024, 3:56 p.m. No.20558869   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Netanyahu at AIPAC:


Someone needs to ask him questions regarding this >>20558750 instead of gathering Shekels. Detain him right now and question him in court of Law. This man and his henchmen are responsible for many deaths from 911, financial scams against our sovereignty, genocide by bio-weapons and toxic vaccines, ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people not to mention the 74k US service members who lost their lives in a foreign land fighting the wrong enemy.


Why is everyone so scared? Rothschild was right, it doesn't matter what type of government or Military a country has, it matters who controls their pocketbook.


The level of greed, laziness, and lack of fortitude in the face of all these deaths and atrocities is beyond Biblical.


Seize him now that the world might know peace.