Anonymous ID: 572f59 March 12, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.20558093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8098 >>8136 >>8150 >>8251 >>8329 >>8488 >>8663 >>8678 >>8731 >>8831

My Corvette go BRRRRR: Special Counsel Hur shocks America during House testimony on Biden’s classified docs interview… Mar. 12, 2024 1/2

The only reason Joe Biden isn’t facing charges over the classified documents scandal is because his memory is shot to hell. It’s amazing how a man, who we’re told is not “sharp enough” to answer for his crimes, is still considered “mentally fit” to lead the most powerful country in the world. It really makes you wonder, doesn’t it? But hey, welcome to “Clown World America,” where the circus just keeps on going.


Today, the spectacle continues as Special Counsel Robert Hur takes the stage before a House committee to discuss the Biden classified documents ordeal. As you digest this summary of the day’s events, please remember that President Trump, who was within his rights to possess the documents he had, securely locked away, faced a politically weaponized FBI raid and a sham indictment. Meanwhile, Biden, with no legal authority to hold onto those classified documents (or give them to his ghostwriter) carelessly kept in an unsecured garage beside his Corvette, walks away without a scratch. The double standards are downright stomach-turning.


And notice how NPR tries to run cover for Joe and gloss over the fact that he’s basically a dementia patient.



Special counsel Robert Hur is testifying before Congress about his investigation into President Biden’s handling of classified documents, speaking publicly for the first time about the probe that resulted in no charges but set off a political firestorm about the president’s age andmental fitness.


In a nearly 350-page report released last month, Hur said charges were not warranted against Biden for his alleged mishandling of classified materials after he left the vice presidency. But that decision was overshadowed by Hur’s description of Biden as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”


Special Counsel Robert Hur is currently facing a House committee, unraveling the details of his investigation. What he’s disclosing is shocking Americans to the core, leaving many with their jaws on the floor.For example, would you believe that Joe Biden actually made “vroom vroom” car noises and chuckled in response to questions about the classified documents? Seems like Doctor Jill might have forgotten to prep Grandpa Joe with his special “cocktail” before this particular engagement, eh?


Here’s a closeup of the image:


Once, it was whilelamenting that he could drive his vintage Chevrolet Corvette only the length of his driveway. The other time was during a lengthy exchange over the torque of electric vehicles. "By the way, you know how it works?" Biden asks Hur.


"It's really cool "


Hur remarks, "Sir, I'd love - I would love, love to hear much more about this, but I do have a few more questions to get through."


"You step your foot on the accelerator all the way down until it gets about six, seven grand," Biden continues.


"Then all the sudden it will say launch.' All you do is take your foot off the brake."


The transcript then indicates "(Makes car sound)" as well as "(Laughter)."


"It's on my bucket list,"


Hur responded, before turning to questions regarding classified documents that had been discovered at the Penn Biden Center.

Anonymous ID: 572f59 March 12, 2024, 12:40 p.m. No.20558098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8130 >>8329 >>8467 >>8488 >>8731 >>8831




The Federalist editor, Sean Davis summed it up best when he said, “Nothing to see here. Just the President of the United States, who definitely doesn’t have crippling dementia, making car sounds like a 4-year-old during an interview with a prosecutor asking him questions about classified document mishandling.”


Here’s a glimpse into the confusion and delusion engulfing Joe Biden during this interview:


“And so this is — I’m, at this stage, in 2009, am I still vice president?”


“The date is 4-20-09,” Biden says aloud. “Was I still vice president? I was, wasn’t I? Yeah.”


“Well, if it was 2013 — when did I stop being vice president?”


“I ate there all the time,” Biden said. “What’d I do there at the Four Seasons? Who’d I have lunch with?”

(He had lunch with Hunter’s Chinese execs)


Kirkbaum interjects: “Actually I’m not sure,” Kirkbaum said. “Still have to figure that out.”


“I don’t remember,” Biden concluded.


Rinse. Repeat.

The White House Counsel’s office had to remind him, nudge him and reaffirm him dozens of times throughout his testimony to Hur.


However, beyond Joe Biden having dementia and behaving like a toddler, there’s a real criminal element at play here, which starkly contrasts the phony “political” charges they’re attempting to stick on President Trump. As Hur states to the committee,Biden “willfully” held onto classified documents while he was a private citizen.


And if that wasn’t bad enough, Hur also testified thatBiden’s ghostwriter attempted to “destroy” evidence. Is that man sane enough to stand trial, or not? We’ll probably never know.


Joe Biden has classified documents strewen all over the country:


Classified documents were found…


At the Penn Biden Center? “That’s correct.”


In President Biden’s garage? “Yes.”


And in his basement den? “Yes.”


And his main floor office? “Correct.”


And his third floor den? “Correct.”


At the University of Delaware? “Correct.”


And at the Biden Institute? “Correct.”


Whoops, whenJerry Nadler posed the question to Hur about whether Joe Biden had “lied” to him, he likely wasn’t prepared for the“yes”he received.


And of course, the one thing Biden threw a fit about, claiming Special Counsel brought up his son Beau’s death, it wasn’t true. It was actually Biden who brought it up.


Yet again, this man is so far gone, and his brain is so fried, that charging him seems off the table.However, we’re expected to just sit back and accept that President Trump will face charges? Absolutely not.


Katie hit the nail on the head. Two-tier justice is not “justice” at all.


And yet, the Dems somehow contort facts and logic into a pretzel, by pinning Biden’s classified document debacle on Trump, while not missing a chance to give a shoutout to their favorite charity, Ukraine.


To wrap this clown show up, we’ll leave you with a five-minute montage that unmistakably shows Joe Biden isn’t just unfit for trial; he’s equally unfit to (pretend to) lead this country, as both the Hur testimony and Joe’s daily behavior shows.



Anonymous ID: 572f59 March 12, 2024, 1:03 p.m. No.20558176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For anon that commented on Trump’s Truth post, that he didn’t take amy classified documents with him.


Remember this: Trump declassified every document before leaving office, he had declassified docs with him. Bidan stole classified documents. That has got to be his attorneys rebuttal

Anonymous ID: 572f59 March 12, 2024, 1:52 p.m. No.20558342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8384 >>8445 >>8861

Good News Anons: i met a nice religious black church lady as a guardin my building a year or more ago. I tried at that time to mention what Trump did for blacks. She was having none of it, and she seemed to really not like him (being a Christian and all).


==So yesterday she told me (she’s 70) Blacks are no longer going to vote for democrats because all they do is lie to us= (her preacher must woke them up, illegals didn’t help)


she states this is not about “Trump” and I’m thinking yes it is.


But I let her speak,now I believe when an old black woman says blacks are not going to vote for democrats, It’s a massive wave, larger than we know.


I told her I know a lot of black men are voting for Trump, she said we all are, they have no choice. I said you should see all the videos of Trump helping the black population as president.


I asked her didn’t you know all the programs he did for blacks, she shoutedNo one told us. I said well now you know.


This is the Fucking Great Awakeningwhen you get the black population never voting for Democrats again (especially the age group over 50) this is God’s Hand that Awakened Them

Anonymous ID: 572f59 March 12, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.20558423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8440 >>8446


When old Black Christian ladies start voting for Trump, its massive. This awakening is most unexpected.


The black and Hispanic men had to see that whites and even Presidents are persecuted by “them”, its finally broken down the black and white fairytale.


God Bless you, the more we prove the enemy is not different races but those that lie and abuse them, we have a standing army of patriots