Anonymous ID: 672004 March 12, 2024, 3:35 p.m. No.20558750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8869



When you think about it, all of today's chaos is because no one ever called out this man's lies about Saddam Huessein's weapons of Mass Destruction and his intelligence pointing to Bin Laden and Afghanistan yet the Israeli's were positive enough to know that the WTC were going down and sent Mossad agents to film the event without warning America. Now that we know it was the Jews who did this and in their endless greed, they even took down one extra building on 911, building 7, that had no damage on that day nor impacts, instead of giving up their guilty they went scorched earth. At first, with the help of the Wall st Jewish banksters, they attacked us financially by giving our top IT jobs to India for BRICS, gave China our mid-wage manufacturing jobs by moving all our factories, and created policies to open our Southern border with migrants to take even our low wage jobs. Then they tried to destroy the remaining .white small businesses with the Aid of BLM and Antifa, remember Kyle shot 3 Jews not black rioters in addition to using a fake pandemic to target the white race with toxic vaccines from their Jewish pharmaceutical partners along with controlling the fake narrative with their lying Jewish partners in the CDC and MSM.


So tell US, Netanyahu, how can Israel consistently bomb for years a handful of Iranians crossing into the Syrian border with precision bombing about a thousand miles away yet cannot see 1500 Hamas fighters flying 20 mph out in open in paragliders carrying military grade rifles that even the average eye or cellphone can detect? Especially with so many Israelis that carry arms.


The only logical conclusion as to why Hamas wasn't stopped in the air by the IDF who guards the border 24x7 is that Hamas is the Mossad, and if you can't answer these facts, then Netanyahu, you are guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity along with all your henchmen. Until you reply then "Heil Yahu".