Anonymous ID: cbe040 March 12, 2024, 12:50 p.m. No.20558137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8188

>>20557178 lb


They show their colors

Dictatorship by the minority

Lies about "Democracy"


>>20557205 lb

Chicom knows; because they did it


tyb>>20557178 lb


They show their colors

Dictatorship by the minority

Lies about "Democracy"


>>20557205 lb

Chicom knows; because they did it

Revolution will not be televised, nor on FB , Twit or TikToc?

9/11 exposure should bring down the House.

What about FISA?

Docs Gov was ordered to turn over to the People?

What happened to them?

Congress is remiss.

>>20558023 lb

entrapping people for PR purposes

Anonymous ID: cbe040 March 12, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.20558249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8262 >>8291


New Tower after Twins were dustified,

(called One World Tower, Not "Freedom Tower" as suckers were led to believe)

Aerial Antenna exactly lines up with an important lay line from Europe

"In Plain Site" is the vid which explains.


Also MONOLITH at the site of the attack.

Overlooks the "Big Lie Hole"


True Holocaust RITUAL

architect of HILTON HOTEL there,

is on-the-record stating that he used the MONOLITH proportions as depicted in the "2001: A Space Odyssey' ( film by Stanley Kubrick) as a model for the proportions of that hotel.

Kubrick's uncle-in-law was convicted at Nuremberg trial for Propaganda.

In the movie "Rm 237" which features Synchronicity analysis of the Kubrick film "The Shining" (mentioned by an anon a few days ago?) You might glean more evidence that Stanley was a satanist and his films were rituals.

"Eyes Wide Shut" analysis is another important film of Kubrick's to look at:

"Kentroversy" did the definitive analysis soon before he died.

Was from a FreeMasonic fam.

The monolith Hilton is also framed like a Tombstone between two other Trade Complex blds.;

( you realize FreeMasons but coding into their blds. and sites?)

visible before the re-building of the World Trade complex.

(no accident it's called "World Trade")

Sheeple commonly believe the new Tower is called "Freedom Tower" but it's not.

It is called "ONE WORLD TOWER"

Can't find the image which causes the monlith Hilton to resemble a Tombstone overlooking the site at the momoment

More definitive than the side view.picrel

It was view from Hudson river, west hwy side

Anonymous ID: cbe040 March 12, 2024, 2:07 p.m. No.20558416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8427


not really.

Twins were replaced by ONE TOWER

That's the whole point.

"Some Believe in Magic," a piece of 9/11 Mega-Ritual

The Twin Towers represent the Pillars which hole up the sky.

The ritual was a SkyFall ritual, to inaugurate a New Court.

It's an old story being planned out. Karma.

McBet / MccursedName etc.

they planned

A GATE to a "new" ORDER.

No reason to build them again.

If Trump was in on it.

They wouldn't go to all this trouble; they'd just go through with it already.

Which is what they planned.

Like Hard AI supposed to be accomplished by now.


They always fail, when it comes to it; never meet their deadlines - since 2001 already

Can you tell how stupid are the players on the evil side?

including yourself?

"Cruel Bull has Short Horns"

by design.

"Some Believe in Magic"

Anonymous ID: cbe040 March 12, 2024, 2:11 p.m. No.20558427   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pillars which hold up the sky

King Solomon's portico.

duality Good and Evil, Strenght and Beauty.

the satanists desire to erase all duality.

that's why their program is called "The Blob"

There's text to back this up.

"Siva" by Wendy Doniger goes into it.

Anonymous ID: cbe040 March 12, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.20558576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8582


Started back 15 years ago.

One was sited / sighted in Oregon?

It will surface.

'mysterious' like the Georgia Guidstones.

Monolith connects with "Eyes Wide Shut" and Kubrick

2001 ; year of Twin Tower attack.

The 2001 was based upon a short story called "The Sentinel" by pedo Arthur Clarke.

Movie "Sentinel" was done by a coven. And lead female had nervous breakdown after, and never acted again.

Woman who played mother of Danny in "the Shining" also suffered a nervous breakdown after working on that movie with Kubrick, and never was the same again.

the official version is adamantly against the idea the Clarke story formed the basis for "2001 Odyssey" film …

The even buried the original story. I'm sure its out there somewhere.

Forceful denials kinda prove there was something to it?

Monolith is supposed to be a Sentinel.