Anonymous ID: 0affe2 March 16, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.20577725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20572394 pb

The official story claims the Carcano was what was used.

Carcano is ca ca.

Couldn't make that shot.

On top of that absurdity—

( The perpetrators pile absurdity upon absurdity, and bully-bully their false POV; mind control = gaslighting, And they are trained in it)

After a certain number of impossibilities (how many 'coincidences' can you accept?)

Or better, as some researcher mocked the sheep,

The excuse is:

"These Things Happen"

(Strange things happen all the time?; Doncha know! Is that why their ops are crazy making?; because of the irrationality (you) are expected to accept?

No wonder 50+ some years later, look where we are; children cutting off their organs to achieve "sanity" to allegedly escape suicide?

Alleged shooter, Oswald, was less than a rated rifleman in Marines, when he was tested there.


There was a tree in the way.


brains were on the trunk of the limo; many many witnesses saw that;

Remember how FB1 can make their witnesses say and / or "remember" anything?

Example Flt 800 and many other instances.

Brains on back of car..

impossibility for a kill shot to the head to have been from behind, as they claim –

That's why shill now claim Jackie shot him (still wrong angle)

Or driver shot him?

('coincidentally' Zapruder was doctored so the driver disappears / is blurred)


Check picrel, Zapruder frame, where both driver, and JFK himself, have been erased.

They cut back the tree right away, (so it was said at the time).

Much as the FB1 did after the MLK killing where a hedge of bushes which showed the alleged shot to the balcony to have been impossible, was cut back immediately.

Image of original bushes showed up in their files, later.

They are always sloppy and rely upon the public lacking attention to detail.

And depend upon the public to lack a strong gut-feeling for logic and a strong reflex for their own survival?

(events arranged so there would be no trial; as with JFK, 9/11 attack, killing of MLK, doubt Sirhan either, got a trial, ever?)

They think they get-away with anything.

We're dumb sheep, remember?

This picrel image shows a view of the alleged

'sniper's nest' kill shot trajectory from the Book depositoary Bld. Dallas TX

image shown in Life magazine memorial issue. picrel

pubished a few short days after the event.

Best evidence is immediate evidence?

It was published soon after in Life magazine special edition for the murder.


In case you are wondering, "Life magazine" was "in on it" too -

Henry Luce; "Photojournalism" which if done right can be the perfect infotainment cover-up.

How many staged photos of major events, by now?

DICK STOLLYis said to have bought the Zapruder film

The perps think that's funny. (Assholes)


FB1 was "in on it" same as with MLK killing and 9/11 attack, Guns for Drugs Iran Contra, on an on.


This was appropriate for Ides of March Day; but never got posted - got called away before I could post.