See, I get
Sentient energy creates the all out of itself
Sentient energy is doing a ‘V-ger’ quest to find out if ‘that’s all there is’
Sentient energy creates dimensions to work this out
Some beings created are acted upon to become bad for sentient Energy’s journey. These are shifted to a neutral holding dimension to be cleaned up before rerouting back.
Inter dimensional beings of negative frequency arrive in our neutral holding testing dimension
This upsets the clean up process.
Inter dimensional beings of positive frequency arrive to counter the effects of the negative frequency beings
Created beings in our neutral holding/ reeducation dimension are marvelously fucked with by the negative frequency dimension and the scale is soon so weighted that the beings being proofed can no longer get out of the holding dimension on their own.
Sentient energy sends a fail safe being with info on how to come back together. Which is the end point as the sentient energy created all from itself, it will coalesce again into one again, but without the corrupted parts of itself.