Anonymous ID: 979f58 March 23, 2024, 7:46 a.m. No.20613081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3101


Oh, you want to make themBIG MADcall it muh "Lolocaust" (tm). That joke of a lie is the biggest spell they've cast in the millennia they've attempted to enslave us. If they lose that lie, they lose all the others.


The Lolocaust is the crack. When that lie collapses, their entire house of cards does.


They lose their absolute fucking minds if you mock their "Shoah" (tm). The brianwashing of Jews by their Rabbinical cult is astonishing.

Anonymous ID: 979f58 March 23, 2024, 7:59 a.m. No.20613150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3167


>it is religion that is the problem that faces humanity

There's nothing at all wrong with having spirituality. It's the Abrahamic Triumvirate which is the problem. Almost all atrocities we've witnessed the past 2000 years or so is due to those 3 branches.

Anonymous ID: 979f58 March 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m. No.20613181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the nerve of these fucking people

Why? We're "beneath" them. We're "animals in human form meant to serve." They've made it quite clear what they think of us. The United States served it's purpose for them. The only thing left they need from us is to launch every nuke we have at Russia, so they get their "3 World Wars" and then what's left of humanity will "beg" the Jews to rule us as overlords bringing "peace" with their "New World Order."


Klobuchar is a coward. She'll end her own life, before she swings from a rope. Screenshot this for prosperity.

Anonymous ID: 979f58 March 23, 2024, 8:22 a.m. No.20613268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This is just, not right. Is this the new war?

Nope. This was the plan all along. Daisy cutters will be coming soon for shock and awe.

>Attacking innocent people?

Modus Operandi, my friend. Some of us have been trying to tell everyone for years who is really pulling the strings. Mossad did 9-11. They planned it. They used their assets in our Government to assist in the attack and they had boots on the ground to film the attack.


But no one had any knowledge of the event.


Look at how Israeli Officials talk about Palestinians. Calling for their genocide. Now apply that rhetoric to Americans, Russians, Europeans, even the Chinese. All of this is Israel.


“If you keep running from the school yard bully, he keeps on chasing you but the moment you turn around and stop you punch him really hard in a sensitive spot. He'll think twice about coming back.”


Jews in general, especially Israel itself, needs a comeuppance.