It blows my mind that there are actual movements of people whose stated ambitions would literally end humanity.
These groups are able to recruit using fear and anger. You know, like the dark side of the force?
Rather than lift up the damaged, they reinforce a victim mentality, and encourage systems like capitalism and family be sabotaged, then tell a story about how everything will be so magical after said systems are abolished.
But they have no plan.
Not to save the world.
Not to save their members.
Their plan is to hurt people.
Hurt their oppressors.
But you and I oppressed no one, and these movements wish to oppress us.
Real humans are being recruited and doing recruitment for these poisonous groups. Some of them are gaining momentum.
Do not fall for this bull crap.
You are not a victim. You are a human, who perhaps has been victimized, but it does not define you.
Making the problem worse, is not how you make the problem better.
Simulation save us.